Al Gore sells Current TV to al-Qaeda TV for America


Literotica Guru
Sep 19, 2005
Al Gore sells Current TV to Al-Jazeera, nets reported $100 million.

Former Vice President Al Gore has made himself a much, much richer man by selling his little watched cable channel Current TV to the Emir of Qatar-funded Arab news channel Al-Jazeera.

Gore netted $100 million with his 20 percent stake in the network when it was sold for a reported $500 million on Wednesday.

Al-Jazeera plans to euthanize the struggling, seven-year-old Current TV and turn it into Al-Jazeera America

Al-Jazeera has been criticized for having a pro-Islamist bent, and accused of working with members of Al Qaeda.

But Gore, on his way out the door, sees a bright future for Al-Jazeera America where his Current TV failed, saying both networks were founded "to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling."

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Sure, Al Jazeera is a completely objective news source.:rolleyes:
This sale reveals more of the truth about Al Gore. Yet the true believers won't see it.

He wanted the sale to go through by Dec. 31st so he could avoid a tax increase. Now there is an inconvenient truth. No, mean you ARE paying too much in taxes? Hypocrite.
This sale reveals more of the truth about Al Gore. Yet the true believers won't see it.

He wanted the sale to go through by Dec. 31st so he could avoid a tax increase. Now there is an inconvenient truth. No, mean you ARE paying too much in taxes? Hypocrite.

Stop speaking with a cock in your mouth.

It's rude.
Al Gore sells Current TV to Al-Jazeera, nets reported $100 million.

Former Vice President Al Gore has made himself a much, much richer man by selling his little watched cable channel Current TV to the Emir of Qatar-funded Arab news channel Al-Jazeera.

Gore netted $100 million with his 20 percent stake in the network when it was sold for a reported $500 million on Wednesday.

Al-Jazeera plans to euthanize the struggling, seven-year-old Current TV and turn it into Al-Jazeera America

Al-Jazeera has been criticized for having a pro-Islamist bent, and accused of working with members of Al Qaeda.

But Gore, on his way out the door, sees a bright future for Al-Jazeera America where his Current TV failed, saying both networks were founded "to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling."

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I hope you're alive in 30-40 years when brown people take over America and islamophobia goes the way of the dinosaur.
Al Gore sells Current TV to Al-Jazeera, nets reported $100 million.

Former Vice President Al Gore has made himself a much, much richer man by selling his little watched cable channel Current TV to the Emir of Qatar-funded Arab news channel Al-Jazeera.

Gore netted $100 million with his 20 percent stake in the network when it was sold for a reported $500 million on Wednesday.

Al-Jazeera plans to euthanize the struggling, seven-year-old Current TV and turn it into Al-Jazeera America

Al-Jazeera has been criticized for having a pro-Islamist bent, and accused of working with members of Al Qaeda.

But Gore, on his way out the door, sees a bright future for Al-Jazeera America where his Current TV failed, saying both networks were founded "to give voice to those who are not typically heard; to speak truth to power; to provide independent and diverse points of view; and to tell the stories that no one else is telling."

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Why do you hate the job creators?
AL-J, English is an interesting read, most days. They have their own viewpoints, but most of the really scathing "Anti-American" articles are written by Americans, so it's not like they're Fox., with just one drum to beat.

Besides Current was boring.

RT, Russian TV, is sometimes very critical of the Washington Waltz. Makes me wonder why the Grey Lady, and the Was Post are so lapdogish?
AL-J, English is an interesting read, most days. They have their own viewpoints, but most of the really scathing "Anti-American" articles are written by Americans, so it's not like they're Fox., with just one drum to beat.

Besides Current was boring.

RT, Russian TV, is sometimes very critical of the Washington Waltz. Makes me wonder why the Grey Lady, and the Was Post are so lapdogish?

I like RT. They usually give me one really good laugh per broadcast.

Like last week when they tripped over themselves portraying Putin as a defender of children when he signed into law the ban on adoptions by U.S. citizens. One could almost see Putin's hand up the journalist's ass.
I hope you're alive in 30-40 years when brown people take over America and islamophobia goes the way of the dinosaur.

Hope you like Chinese food because they got the Brownies Beat. Plus they are harder working and a whole lot smarter!

2012 TOTAL MURDERS= 513 homicides


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The Gene Pool is getting less crowded by the minute!

Because the one thing we need more of in this country, is MORE Anti-American propaganda!:rolleyes: