Ain't Nothing Like _________.

ain't nothing like the feeling of clean sheets on freshly shaved legs.
Ain't nothing like the greeting your dogs give you when you've had a long day
Ain't Nothing Like.............someone who uses proper grammar. ;)

I'm teasing!!!!

Ain't Nothing Like.....the feel of sunshine on your body after the long dreary days of winter.

a fistful of Mother Natures best (N. Cali sensi)
a bottleful of Kentucky's best (Maker's Mark)

and being in the middle of a brother on one end
and a sister at the other...
Ain't nothing like

feeling the first stirrings of butterflies in your stomach when you first fall in love with someone

Ain't nothing like

knowing somewhere out there in this big wide world someone thinks you're really special
Ain't nothing like the warm sun beating down on your naked body ...particularly when lying next to a river.
ain't nothing like drinking a cold beer, tubing down the Comal River on a hot Texas summer day. it's almost that time.