Ahhh Friday....



....it doesn't get any better. What is up for you all this weekend?

well ill just answer my own question , only have one class today so after that im free to waste the night away drinking.......
Ditto ... moderate drinking tonight, kind of a warm up for tomorrow, all day 40th b-day party for a good friend.

Come to think of it, better eat some aspirin now ...
Kid free weekend. I'm thinking of kicking back and getting a good buzz. Gonna be too cold to really go out and do much otherwise.
SweetCherry said:
Kid free weekend. I'm thinking of kicking back and getting a good buzz. Gonna be too cold to really go out and do much otherwise.

hehe SC, ill kick back with you one of these days:D
*picking up phone*

Yeah, sure. I'm starting to thikn this thing is broken.


I'll have a drink for you, D. :)
I skipped my two morning classes today... I was sooo tired last night and didnt do the homework for them so I figured it would be worth it since I'd sleep through them anyways. Got another class at 430 that I have to do the homework for still, but I've got a little over 3 hours to do it and get a shower in and have clean clothes to wear no less.

as for the rest of the weekend, I'm watching pet sematary tonite and making myself spaghetti with meat sauce (been craving it for a few weeks now). Heading out to the mall tomorrow I think and doing homework sunday all day.. all in all should be fun and relaxing for me. And I've gotta get ready for my bday which is next saturday (I'll be 21 then)
I'll be in a training class all day tomorrow

First Aid and CPR - so I'll be the first aider for Lit then! hehe (It's actually for Girl Scouts - but I'll share my knowledge here if needed)

Nothing on tap for Sunday except laundry so I can get hubby packed up for his week long business trip.
My daughter is having a friend sleep over tonight, so I'll probably hang out here and maybe work on that writing assignment that's due, oh, next week. :rolleyes:

The rest of the weekend is mine. Think I'll try to find someone who's interested in having an adult sleepover Saturday night. :D
James Bond exhibit at London Science Museum, then down the road for the Wildlife Photography exhibit at the Museum of Natural History.

Just another weekend of my usual nerdy museum stuff then really. I'm a dork like that.
Being available for loved ones, putting out some fires, studying, going out for coffee, and writing on lit.... does wine come into the picture somewhere? I really hope so.
I'm not doing anything all weekend. I'm going to sit at home. Not because I want to, but because I have no other choice. It's cold, it's rainy, I can barely move my neck. This weekend is going to suck.

Anyone want to come over and watch movies with me?
StrawberryPez said:
I'm not doing anything all weekend. I'm going to sit at home. Not because I want to, but because I have no other choice. It's cold, it's rainy, I can barely move my neck. This weekend is going to suck.

Anyone want to come over and watch movies with me?

Do you mind Blade Runner?

After that, we can watch what you want...
StrawberryPez said:
Sure, I'll watch Blade Runner with you :D

I'll make the popcorn and bring the big fluffly blanket.

Honey...you are so dangerous!

no butter!