*ahem* Inventory


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Just out of sheer curiosity, and the fact that im suffering a major brain freeze at work, and am contructivley wasting my time.. I figured I would ask about "Inventories"

Me I must be the only person left on the planet who only has 1 thing in my inventory, that being my trusty swing... of course explaining to people why you have eye rings installed over your bed and in your living room.

When it comes right down to Freeky Deeky Mon Kay Endurance sex till the wee hours of the morning. the swing is the way to go.

So whats in your inventories?
bad kitty said:
OOOOh I want one of them swings!

You can get them at just about any adult toys / erotica store, mine cost about 200 dollars, but thats cause I went all out and got the one with the really durable straps. not the cheepo 80 dollar one.. which would probably be good for about 2 uses.
Aquila said:

You can get them at just about any adult toys / erotica store, mine cost about 200 dollars, but thats cause I went all out and got the one with the really durable straps. not the cheepo 80 dollar one.. which would probably be good for about 2 uses.
See that's why I don't have one yet :(
I stayed away from this thread because of "inventory". That word scares me. It reminds me of work. And work is bad.
