
He may be incompetant, yes.

His cognitive abilities may or may not be questionable, for sure.

However, has surrounded himself with competant people who have, nonetheless, done a far, far better job of running the country than the previous president, who, along with his cabinet, were both fleecing the public and actively destroying the country and it's institutions.

And it is important to remember this one fact. That is why, in spite of his questionable cognitive abilities or mental competence, he is still a far, far, better choice for president than the previous one- because he has surrounded himself with competent people who are making the best decisions for the country. As opposed to actively making things WORSE.

And most people, even ardent Biden detractors, should (and do) recognize this unfortunate fact. If either party comes up with a better candidate, most people would dump Biden in a heartbeat and support that candidate, but sadly that has not happened.
Joe Biden has always been a buffoon. Always.

A blustery loudmouth in the Senate, he never did anything noteworthy until he ran for the Presidency in the 1980s. That's when we learned he was a gaffe machine and a serial plagiarist. Today, obviously struggling with dementia, I don't think he's any less capable than he ever was. Dementia has just replaced lucid stupidity.

And yet... they also serve who only provide a bad example. His administration has something to teach us.

The lesson is that a President isn't really necessary. Biden clearly is not leading, guiding, or deciding anything... but somebody is. One would think even the most loyal and devoted partisan would be curious who it is, but most of you are content to pretend to believe he's more on the ball than what you see with your own eyes.

Anyway... the system rolls on, with or without a captain at the helm. It's enough to make one wonder how much captaining is allowed even when the captain is up to the job.
Joe Biden is doing a perfectly fine job as President. I think Hillary Clinton would have been better, but in politics you can’t always get exactly what you want. Biden is good enough. He’s got my vote in 2024!
Thinking a little more on this and realizing just how little most of you care who is actually running the country, makes me realize the transition to dictatorship will be pretty easy.

Are you hoping trump wins?

All that’s necessary is for the new regime to control the media and tell you how wonderful he is. When the honeymoon is over, they keep quiet about the bad things and Bob’s yer uncle!

trump has been lying about how wonderful he is for decades and undermining the media for years now. Fake news! Unless it’s favorable to him. Or he actually won an election.

I suspect you’ll find that it’s much nicer than you have it now.

We get that you’re four-square behind the orange fuhrer.

The only thing that could mess it up is Putin! If WW3 leaves such a mess that nobody can govern what’s left, Putin will have saved you from tyranny… and you can hate him for it.

Well, see what your side can do about preventing an Ukraine loss to avoid a Putin win. Probably don’t consult your boy trump about it, because, well, you know.
Thinking a little more on this and realizing just how little most of you care who is actually running the country, makes me realize the transition to dictatorship will be pretty easy.

All that’s necessary is for the new regime to control the media and tell you how wonderful he is. When the honeymoon is over, they keep quiet about the bad things and Bob’s yer uncle!

I suspect you’ll find that it’s much nicer than you have it now.

The only thing that could mess it up is Putin! If WW3 leaves such a mess that nobody can govern what’s left, Putin will have saved you from tyranny… and you can hate him for it.
Please tell me you're not one of those people who actually believes there is a Deep State. It seems to me it takes a lot of mental gymnastics to look at a world where Trump became president, 6 people run all of Mainstream Media, Zuckerberg and now Musk own enough of social media that the rest is kinda pointless to bother with. I mean SURE someone could come censor Lit, or I have like six forums out there (probably deleted mind you since the youngest is like 10 year old) and I'm sure some of you have them as well.

While we might become a dictatorship, only time can answer that, its not because there aren't actually two parties. It will be because we have a system that was built in a way that allows the minority to control how things go.
Joe Biden has always been a buffoon. Always.

A blustery loudmouth in the Senate, he never did anything noteworthy until he ran for the Presidency in the 1980s. That's when we learned he was a gaffe machine and a serial plagiarist. Today, obviously struggling with dementia, I don't think he's any less capable than he ever was. Dementia has just replaced lucid stupidity.

And yet... they also serve who only provide a bad example. His administration has something to teach us.

The lesson is that a President isn't really necessary. Biden clearly is not leading, guiding, or deciding anything... but somebody is. One would think even the most loyal and devoted partisan would be curious who it is, but most of you are content to pretend to believe he's more on the ball than what you see with your own eyes.

Anyway... the system rolls on, with or without a captain at the helm. It's enough to make one wonder how much captaining is allowed even when the captain is up to the job.
And still he's the better choice.
Thinking a little more on this and realizing just how little most of you care who is actually running the country, makes me realize the transition to dictatorship will be pretty easy.
Which is exactly what you seem to want, yes?

Thankfully, there are enough real Americans who recognize the threat of impending dictatorship and will not accept it sitting down, and will push back against it with every ounce of effort.

Which includes shouting down internet forum trolls such as yourself, who wish to promote it.
President Biden is a buffoon - compared to whom?

So you're saying that Stinko isn't a buffoon because he acts out on purpose and he represents your values.
Our government was designed to make change nearly impossible. This goes all the way back to the founding when about half wanted to end slavery but it took nearly a century and even then it wasn't done by the politicians, it was done via war because its so much easier that way. These days when push comes to shove we work around the edges of the rules but still.

Your conspiracy only holds to people who don't even have a cursory understanding of our history, politics and more importantly basic reasoning.

There are many black of white things in the world by the way. There are not always two sides to a story.
It is constantly amusing to see your inability to think outside the lens of R vs D.

Everything is viewed as "this" or "that." If you don't love THIS... it can only mean you love THAT. No other possibilities exist in your minds.

You already live in a fascist system where big business and government have joined forces to regulate and control you, but your "trusted sources" (which coincidentally happen to be... big business and government!) haven't told you that so it's impossible for you to see it. You are happy/outraged, filled with hatred/admiration, fearful/content... on cue. It's hilarious how fast you adopt new buzzwords and storylines when they push them out to you.

You can't see that no matter who you elect, nothing really changes. It all just keeps sliding downward. But you have been conditioned to look to the Democrat/Republican puppet show for hope, never able to see they are exactly like "professional wrestlers" putting on a show of ferocity for the audience and getting along just fine backstage.

Do they have actual animosity toward each other... like they want YOU to have for your "political opponents"? Nope. They might vie for this or that job... or prestigious title... but that's it. It's all personal desires. They care about "issues" like wrestlers care who wins their scripted, choreographed "matches."

They are all on the same side... and it ain't your side.

Yes. It's not linear, it's circular, and there isn't 3* of difference between our parites and their adherents.

Horse shit.

What a bunch of fucking lazy pseudo intellectuals.

I'm sure Kate Cox and Dr Caitlyn can think of at least one major policy difference.

A lot of this both sides wishful thinking is based in trying to make the conservatives/republicans look better.
I love this attack because it shows exactly what I’m saying!

I hate the Republicans even more than I hate the Democrats because the Republicans pretend they might give me what I want… but they never have and never will.

The Democrats have never promised me anything I want. Their lies aren’t for me. They’re for you.

But you can’t get your head around that. In your mind, “You’re not for Big D? You must be for Big R! Oh? You don’t like them either? You must be secretly for Big R, making them look good by saying they suck!”

Good grief. You people are comical, but apparently hopeless.

The Whole Fucking Thing is totally FUBAR.
The reality is that the republicans aren't conservative enough for you folks. That's where your argument falls apart. You have been so engrossed in the propaganda to hate the democrats your perception is skewed.

What is equal in the society and affects both parties the same is the reality that we work under a capitalist system. If you want to call both parties bought off, what system do you want to change out for capitalism? As that is their common bond.

The rest of this mental masturbation laid at the altar of the conservative propaganda machine.
Joe Biden has always been a buffoon. Always.

A blustery loudmouth in the Senate, he never did anything noteworthy until he ran for the Presidency in the 1980s. That's when we learned he was a gaffe machine and a serial plagiarist. Today, obviously struggling with dementia, I don't think he's any less capable than he ever was. Dementia has just replaced lucid stupidity.

And yet... they also serve who only provide a bad example. His administration has something to teach us.

The lesson is that a President isn't really necessary. Biden clearly is not leading, guiding, or deciding anything... but somebody is. One would think even the most loyal and devoted partisan would be curious who it is, but most of you are content to pretend to believe he's more on the ball than what you see with your own eyes.

Anyway... the system rolls on, with or without a captain at the helm. It's enough to make one wonder how much captaining is allowed even when the captain is up to the job.
Inserting “biden” in his current state is one of the wildest psyops of all time. That people accept such a creature in his current form is beyond disturbing. We are still Rome.
I love this attack because it shows exactly what I’m saying!

I hate the Republicans even more than I hate the Democrats because the Republicans pretend they might give me what I want… but they never have and never will.

The Democrats have never promised me anything I want.
Their lies aren’t for me. They’re for you.

But you can’t get your head around that. In your mind, “You’re not for Big D? You must be for Big R! Oh? You don’t like them either? You must be secretly for Big R, making them look good by saying they suck!”

Good grief. You people are comical, but apparently hopeless.

As for the people you named, I have no idea who they are. What I do know is that there are PLENTY of grifters making a nice living by lying to you about the puppet show, making it seem real. But you find ones whose delivery appeals to you and bam! Trusted source!

The Whole Fucking Thing is totally FUBAR.
This is the fly in the ointment, the monkey wrench in the gears. Like little spoiled children, it's the mindset that "I can't get EXACTLY what I want when I want it so let's throw a fit and burn the fucking place down!" The word and concept of compromise isn't in the lexicon of those who feel this way. MTG, Chip Roy and company are only the face of it. There are many Americans who feel this way as evidenced by the replies above.

Exactly? Everything? Hardly. If I got some genuine EFFORT, I'd be happy. Can't even get that.

It takes a while for most people to really internalize this simple formula: If all you do is choose the lesser evil, all you get is evil.
It seems you haven't the cognitive ability to understand that when you have ONLY two viable choices, the lesser evil is always better. A choice of getting bitten by a Black Widow or stung by a hornet isn't a great choice. But I have a much better chance with the hornet sting.

Of course you can always sit on the sidelines complain, do nothing and allow others to decide your fate for you.

But the choice we have is lesser evil or worse evil. A good choice won't be on the ballot. And I am for one am really sick of voting for that lesser evil, but if I'm given a choice between trump or Biden, well the lesser evil may be good enough for now. After all Biden hasn't vowed to become a dictator on day one trump has.