
under where

Really Experienced
Dec 6, 2002
I need your advice-
Basically a co-worker of mine has this really hot friend that comes in to shop a lot. The problem is, I never really see him, I've never spoken to him, and I lack the courage to do anything other than stare. All I know is his name, Scott, he has good taste in music, from what I can tell, and he's incredibly good looking. Anyhow, I may be young, but I feel I'm getting to that point in my life where I feel desperately alone and doomed to be that way for all enterninty. This, however, is entirely my fault seeing as how I never socialize with anyone outside my comfort zone. So- I was thinking of taking the plunge and making him a mix tape to spark interest [ and I'm going all out Amelie style, stratagems and all ]. Inside the tape case I was going to leave my number and e-mail address [ Gah- I feel like such a dork ]. I know I should go for it, because if he's not interested then that's okay. He got a free tape, I shared music [ which I love doing ], and it simply wasn't meant to be, but it's never as easy as it sounds. I'm so hard on myself and the thought of yet another rejection means I have to start at square one yet again. And everytime I have to start over it feels like I lose a bit of spark that's inside of me and suddenly I feel as if there's no one interesting left in the world. I know it's a bit dramatic, but the last thing I 'want is a reality check.' Help-
I think you're over-thinking this. I say make him the tape and see what transpires.

P.S. - I absolutely love your handle here on Lit.
I say go for making the tape as well. Leaving your phone number and name inside the cover is a nice touch to.

But let's back this up a bit. Is this guy even single?. It would suck to go through all this for nothing if you can't have him.

I know how ya feel with the "desperately alone and doomed" part. Fortunately people here on lit can perk ya up quite a bit. But if your really after this guy I'd find out if he's single.

Of course that depends on how comfortable you are on taking advice from a spurting
red_rose said:
I think you're over-thinking this. I say make him the tape and see what transpires.

P.S. - I absolutely love your handle here on Lit.
Well, I suppose I should finish what I started and get to making that tape.

P.S.- Thanks. It kind of...fell into my lap.
Go for it, baby! Good for you! Mix tapes kick ass.

He might surprise you... talking to someone new is that hardest step. The more I'm attracted to someone, sometimes the harder it is to get that nerve up, because the rejection will suck more.

Try flirting with or chatting up someone who's not so intrigueing. Who knows, it'll be good practice, less stress, and you might make a friend you never would have gotten to know otherwise.

Somebody smack me, I sound like my mother. Hell, I need to go out and do my laundry.

Later, chica!
Spider_Guy said:
I say go for making the tape as well. Leaving your phone number and name inside the cover is a nice touch to.

But let's back this up a bit. Is this guy even single?. It would suck to go through all this for nothing if you can't have him.

I know how ya feel with the "desperately alone and doomed" part. Fortunately people here on lit can perk ya up quite a bit. But if your really after this guy I'd find out if he's single.

Of course that depends on how comfortable you are on taking advice from a spurting
That's the worst part. He's a friend of a friend of a co-worker. Sooo- the only person I can ask doesn't really know him that well, but I suppose that's part of the game. I either have to take the chance, or wonder for the rest of my life- 'What if..'

The weird thing was, when I first noticed him, he was looking in my direction, but I've always been horrible at picking up on things like that. So I'm not sure if he was checking me out, in my 'cool work uniform,' or if he just happened to look that way.
watergirl said:
Go for it, baby! Good for you! Mix tapes kick ass.

He might surprise you... talking to someone new is that hardest step. The more I'm attracted to someone, sometimes the harder it is to get that nerve up, because the rejection will suck more.

Try flirting with or chatting up someone who's not so intrigueing. Who knows, it'll be good practice, less stress, and you might make a friend you never would have gotten to know otherwise.

Somebody smack me, I sound like my mother. Hell, I need to go out and do my laundry.

Later, chica!
The worst part is, the first time I saw him, I thought he was this guy I dated and I almost started crying. It feels weird being attracted to someone who looks a lot like an ex, but I like what I like.
Where have you been? I've missed you!
May I suggest just catching his eye and saying hello?
I suspect your sweetness in your posts will come out in a smile.
Make the tape, but if you make a gentle contact first, a smile can mean everything.
Save the tape and if he smiles back and says hello then give it to him
I had a stranger give me a tape he mixed for me and I felt obligated and a bit put upon.

Uniforms, even dorky ones, have their own appeal.
under where said:
That's the worst part. He's a friend of a friend of a co-worker. Sooo- the only person I can ask doesn't really know him that well, but I suppose that's part of the game. I either have to take the chance, or wonder for the rest of my life- 'What if..'

The weird thing was, when I first noticed him, he was looking in my direction, but I've always been horrible at picking up on things like that. So I'm not sure if he was checking me out, in my 'cool work uniform,' or if he just happened to look that way.

As long as your work uniform doesn't consist of a big chicken outfit. Complete with feathers and big chicken feet, I can be almost certain he was checkin you out. Hell I would be, but when my eyes are crossed nobody really knows what the hell I'm

You could just try and be bold. When you write your name and number on the case. Put the question "Are you single?". No way to mistake the question for somethin else ;)

Oh, what if you had your co-worker go up to him and strike up some simple convo. Such as "What do you think of that girl over there?"....referring to you of course. See what he says about ya, if he's interested, all that good stuff.
You've gotten some excellent advice here. I really have nothing to add except good luck and let us know how it works out. :)
"getting to that point in my life where I feel desperately alone and doomed to be that way for all enterninty"

At the ripe old age of 20?

Just go for it, but don't play the freaken age card for another decade or two.
Go for it... take a chance :) You know that failure is never quite so frightening as regret. ;) Give it a go. You might surprise yourself.

Well, the mix tape is complete. This is the finished product... -now I just have to get it to him. [ deep breaths ]

The music goes from Hardcore screaming type music [ Headaches ] to in between [ and ] to sleepy type music [ Sleepy Girls ]. The French part I snatched from Amelie: "Do you want to meet me?" No- I don't know if he can read French or if he's even seen the movie, but if he really wants to know he'll have to attempt to make contact. I suppose that would leave the ball in his court.




I'm feeling bold. Wish me luck-
My advise

From what I know about advise these seem to fit just about any situation:
  • Use plenty of lubrication.
  • Never sign anything without reading it first.
  • Hot wax is not a toy, use it wisely.
  • Just be yourself or at least a close facsimile of yourself.
  • Follow directions but don't be inflexible.
  • There are no dumb questions. (There are a lot of stupid fucking questions though.)
  • Use your legs when you lift heavy objects.
  • Chewing tobacco is generally not sexy.
I'm horrible in situations like this myself, I blush go all shy and tongue tied. So unfortunately I'm of no help.

But I do wish you the best of luck!
OOooooo! I love the tape case drawings, very cool.. Good luck!

I've been workin, and workin, Under Where.. and joined a gym. Getting up and swimming for an hour before work is good for me, but it means I go to bed a lot earlier.

Catcha later, girl!
Good luck!!! In my opinion, the sexiest woman is the one that is interested in me, so I think you have a huge leg up on the situation!