Advice and encouragement - arranging fun for wife!

I do not support you surprising her with a call girl. Aside from the sexual health risks associated with call girls, taking something from fantasy to reality is a MASSIVE step for any couple and you need her full consent before you do it.
If that person is there to “surprise her” sexually, then you absofuckinglutely do. It’s 2023. Act like it.
100%. Unless she has explicitly stated “I want you to surprise me with someone” then you should not, ever, surprise her with someone.

Also, OP, you specifically said that she mentioned her interest in “maybe” playing with another woman about “7 or 8 years ago”. That’s an enormous amount of time for feelings to change completely. These types of things should be discussed regularly. It sounds like your sex life has declined dramatically, as you said it yourself, so maybe try to work on things between the two of you before you consider bringing someone else into the mix. Otherwise, it’s a recipe for disaster.
I hope you’ve taken the advice here and intend to talk with her before attempting something like this. To do otherwise would likely destroy your marriage.

My wife has had a rough time of things over the past few years, and our intimate life has suffered as a result. We only have sex every few months, but back when we used to fantasise together and talk about such things, maybe 7 or 8 years ago, she did divulge that she would maybe like to play with another girl in our bed.

Anyway, we have promised each other that we'll make time every month or so to have a night away together, so I was thinking that the next time we're in a hotel in a nice town, I might surprise her with a busty young blonde call girl! 😋

I guess I was just wondering if anyone had done anything similar - I think she'd love it personally, although she would probably not dare if I gave her the option beforehand. Of course, I would pay the girl anyway if she just couldn't go for it, but I strongly suspect she would.
I haven’t done anything similar but I would loveee for my boyfriend to do something like this.
Unless it is something with which she has experience that kind of surprise is not going to work. I am sure there is an exception somewhere but I would not play those odds if I were you. If you think it might be something she would like, then talk about it. Also if she would really enjoy a woman in her bed, she might well prefer someone she knows and do it privately. Perhaps tell you about it later.
My advise would be to reconnect and ground there intimate parts of your relationship. Have conversation. Get to know her “in bed” again.

Even if the rest of your marriage is solid there is a trust that is required for most of us before we can jump into the unknown.
❤️ Thank you
You’re welcome, we have discussed this topic before also and both are on board. So I’d say as long as it’s been discussed go for it! It’s just not that easy finding someone to join us or we would have already done it
That does sound like good advice... We are very close and I do tend to know how she'll react to things. When she is relaxed and having fun she is very, very open to new experiences
This sounds good but your wife may not know what she really wants. You might want to think about sharing a MILD fantasy of your first and see how she reacts. Maybe watch a movie or something (not a porn) that has something kinda dirty in it and then say you like it. See how she responds to that.
@open Mouth, Good luck to you and your wife in this matter.
I find it surprising anyway, that you, who has known your wife for 30years, had paid any attention at all to the suspicions of a few strangers here at Literotica. Better-knowers hardly ever understand the situation of strangers very well; that is my opinion anyway.