Adios Pete Rose

He probably saw it too bad he got caught, but then to be fair, I didn't know the man.
My condolences to his family, but he was an arrogant SOB who thought that his achievement warranted an exception to The Rule of baseball (since the Black Sox). Arrogant too in that he refused to learn from the lesson of all miscreants caught and punished: Remorse, preferably genuine, is never out of fashion.

He said he loved the game. Like an abuser loves his spouse, I guess.
I'm not sure he was a complicated man as moreso a complicating man.

Ty Cobb was an asshole, too.

Maybe that's how one hits a baseball so effectively.
Grew up going to Reds game in the mid 70's, Big Red Machine and all that greatness, Pete was Pete, Then Pete put himself before the game. He knew he was breaking a rule and what the punishment was. He was cool with that. The continued lying up until time to release a book, and profit off of this betting. If the HOF had told Pete, he could get into the HOF, just could never sell his autograph ever again, Pete would have told the HOF to fuck off. Great player, shitty human.
The shame is all on MLB, and their commissioners.

They are in bed with numerous sports betting and gambling sites around the globe these days, yet their two-faced stance on Pete Rose flies in the face of their fake morality.

And that isn't even the tip of the iceberg when you realize they took money from companies such as FTX! What hypocrisy.
I blame Kennesaw Mountain Landis.

Besides, who names their kid after the battle that the enemy blew your leg off in anyway???