adding to thread


Nov 21, 2002
Am I the only one that has been loseing work?? Three times I have added to one or another story on 'Chyoo' only to loose my work when I submitted it. I got a computor message that 'that page cannot be opened', then the work is lost. What a first class pain in the ass. HELP !!! ted
Save a copy before you submit!

Chyoo is not great about saving your work when there's any "issue" with a page submit.

It's best to make a copy before attempting to submit a new thread.

If you're in a windowing environment try copying and pasting from the Chyoo form into a text editor (or vice versa, if you compose in an editor...just watch out for "smart quotes" in MS-Word).

This will save you if

(1) Your session timed out while you were concentrating on writing a nice thread and editing it up just right and checking your spelling and... (etc.) [they could fix this by putting your thread in "escrow" temporarily while you log in again...]

(2) Chyoo has a database problem (happens now and then).

-- Z
Thanks Zingiber, I'll try the 'cut & paste", etc. I guess my p/c, expertise is really showing I know. I am surprised and a little disapointed that after two e-mails to 'chyoo', I have yet to recieve a reply. But I'll try your suggestion. Thanks again for taking the time.