Academic Publishing and the Negroid


Loves Spam
Mar 20, 2013
The lack of African American contribution to peer reviewed publishing is even more shocking than their extremely small presence within academia itself.

Across these major publishers the Negroid is represented in less than 1.5% of peer reviewed journal articles: Elsevier Science, Oxford University Press, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Cambridge University Press and IEEE.

If you limit the Negroid contribution to STM titles (Scientific, Technical and Medicine) the contribution is 0.07%!

Yeah. Their smart:rolleyes:
The lack of African American contribution to peer reviewed publishing is even more shocking than their extremely small presence within academia itself.

Across these major publishers the Negroid is represented in less than 1.5% of peer reviewed journal articles: Elsevier Science, Oxford University Press, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Cambridge University Press and IEEE.

If you limit the Negroid contribution to STM titles (Scientific, Technical and Medicine) the contribution is 0.07%!

Yeah. Their smart:rolleyes:

It's "they're".

3 words of what you wrote were yours and yet you still managed to fuck it up.

I know a few Negros on here that could assist you with your grammar should you wish to move up to grade 4 English.
The lack of African American contribution to peer reviewed publishing is even more shocking than their extremely small presence within academia itself.

Across these major publishers the Negroid is represented in less than 1.5% of peer reviewed journal articles: Elsevier Science, Oxford University Press, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Cambridge University Press and IEEE.

If you limit the Negroid contribution to STM titles (Scientific, Technical and Medicine) the contribution is 0.07%!

Yeah. Their smart:rolleyes:

Your last sentence needs some sort of end punctuation.
It's "they're".

3 words of what you wrote were yours and yet you still managed to fuck it up.

I know a few Negros on here that could assist you with your grammar should you wish to move up to grade 4 English.


It was deliberate but you're such a white imbecile that satire of negroids flies over your impaired head like fluffy clouds.

Oh, one more thing. Let me know when you find an article by a negroid in Brain Research published by Elseveir. Then again, since you are a custodian it's unlikely this serial is on the "nipples" reading list. Jack off artist;)
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It was deliberate but you're such a white imbecile that satire of negroids flies over your impaired head like fluffy clouds.

Oh, one more thing. Let me know when you find an article by a negroid in Brain Research published by Elseveir. Then again, since you are a custodian it's unlikely this serial is on the "nipples" reading list. Jack off artist;)

I know you're being a troll and I took the bait but...

Keith L. Black has published several articles in Brain Research. If you want you can check out his 79 page C.V. here.
The lack of African American contribution to peer reviewed publishing is even more shocking than their extremely small presence within academia itself.

Across these major publishers the Negroid is represented in less than 1.5% of peer reviewed journal articles: Elsevier Science, Oxford University Press, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, Cambridge University Press and IEEE.

If you limit the Negroid contribution to STM titles (Scientific, Technical and Medicine) the contribution is 0.07%!

Yeah. Their smart:rolleyes:

That's "they're smart," whiteboy.
Morons like the old tan guy post before reading the entire thread.:rolleyes:

The FACT remains that African Americans contribute less than 1% to scholarly publishing. Pathetic.

Why is that now?:D

The FACT remains that African Americans hold an extremely small number of tenure positions within academia. Pathetic

Why is that?:D

Their smart. (Satire spelling) Obviously, they're not smart. The point is no one here can reject the FACT of negroid inferiority in the classroom and the research community. Statistical FACT also will show that they do achieve in terms of membership in America's correctional system. The correlation? They're dumb.:rose:

Show one FACT that proves otherwise.
Morons like the old tan guy post before reading the entire thread.:rolleyes:

The FACT remains that African Americans contribute less than 1% to scholarly publishing. Pathetic.

Why is that now?:D

The FACT remains that African Americans hold an extremely small number of tenure positions within academia. Pathetic

Why is that?:D

Their smart. (Satire spelling) Obviously, they're not smart. The point is no one here can reject the FACT of negroid inferiority in the classroom and the research community. Statistical FACT also will show that they do achieve in terms of membership in America's correctional system. The correlation? They're dumb.:rose:

Show one FACT that proves otherwise.

You have no leg to stand on. Higher Ed is moving away from the tenure system to the adjunct system. Dan's CV on Black was a good example of blacks succeeding in higher ed and research. You're grasping at straws hecause you have no life and are terribly miserable.
Satire spelling?

What a pathetic excuse for a white person.
You have no leg to stand on. Higher Ed is moving away from the tenure system to the adjunct system. Dan's CV on Black was a good example of blacks succeeding in higher ed and research. You're grasping at straws hecause you have no life and are terribly miserable.



Read the Negroid Intelligentsia post. The Journal of Blacks In Higher Education details the VERY low percentage of African Americans in academia. Tenure was another study done by universities with academic research libraries.

Are there any Blacks succeeding? Sure. The FACT is that the percentage is extremely low versus their percentage of total population. Prove otherwise.

What do you do?:rolleyes: Point out, what for the negroid is, a few freaks succeeding in academia and scholarly publishing.

The FACT remains that the negroid isn't making a significant contribution to academia, research, science or technology. The percentages show this. Prove otherwise.

The hood is where they thrive.:rose:
Hmm. I thought it sounded more like AJ although the time frame seems more BB.

You thought?:rolleyes:

No. You don't think. You just post some assanying dribble about adjucnt faculty. This can't disguise the obvious, measured, intellectual failure of negroids in Higher Education much less peer reviewed publishing.

Stick the following up your old cunt:

0.07% of ALL peer reviewed articles published in STM journals between 2010-2012 were written by a negroid.

Someone should hava a gala for what, the 2 black intellectuals that accomplished this.
Hmm. I thought it sounded more like AJ although the time frame seems more BB.

All the statistics makes him sound like Lt. He's posting this nonsense so the white women will pay attention to him again.
All the statistics makes him sound like Lt. He's posting this nonsense so the white women will pay attention to him again.

Makes sense. I have lt on ig. I got tired of his ignorant anti-feminist rants. The new alt will soon be igged as well.
You thought?:rolleyes:

No. You don't think. You just post some assanying dribble about adjucnt faculty. This can't disguise the obvious, measured, intellectual failure of negroids in Higher Education much less peer reviewed publishing.

Stick the following up your old cunt:

0.07% of ALL peer reviewed articles published in STM journals between 2010-2012 were written by a negroid.

Someone should hava a gala for what, the 2 black intellectuals that accomplished this.

LT, crawl back into your cave. When you learn to act like a human, people might take you seriously, but I doubt it.
First things first, show me how you arrived at that percentage.

This is a study done by Project MUSE (Amerca) and the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications or INASP in Europe.

It will appear in the next issue of The International Journal of Education Research which is an Elsevier imprint.

There will be no Google link. Elsevier is the largest academic, and commercial, publisher in the world. You will have to go to a library that subscribes to this title or the Science Direct (Elsevier) database. Easy enough to do.

I know for a fact it that it will be indexed in the April update of the ERIC database because I did it:) ERIC is free.
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This is a study done by Project MUSE (Amerca) and the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications or INASP in Europe.

It will appear in the next issue of The International Journal of Education Research which is an Elsevier imprint.

There will be no Google link. Elsevier is the largest academic, and commercial, publisher in the world. You will have to go to a library that subscribes to this title or the Science Direct (Elsevier) database. Easy enough to do.

I know for a fact it that it will be indexed in the April update of the ERIC database because I did it:) ERIC is free.

Convenience aside, the purpose of the study was to?
Convenience aside, the purpose of the study was to?

Purpose and conclusion are different matters.

In my opinion INASP and Project MUSE would like to see an increase in black scholarship to help propagate their own aims; especially in Africa. Neither organization is that concerned about finance but very much so about image.

The conclusion of the study is that African Americans and European blacks contribute in a totally insignificant way to STM research. It's an appalling position vis a vis their percentage representation of the population.