About that "Black New World Order"


Really Experienced
Jul 14, 2022
I read people's responses and I just wanted to say that yes, I know that the BNWO is a fiction created by porn, although I imagine there are some white married couple who act it out in private. As someone suggested, those couples probably don't last long.
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Like others have mentioned I think porn tends to exaggerate a lot of it. In the cases where yes you have a couple and both the man and the woman are looking to be with a black man I think those relationships tend to fizzle out and break apart.
Like others have mentioned I think porn tends to exaggerate a lot of it. In the cases where yes you have a couple and both the man and the woman are looking to be with a black man I think those relationships tend to fizzle out and break apart.
I always wondered about women who supposedly had an "ace of spades" tattoo on her left ankle to show she was a preferred hotwife with black men. When I see that I think, "I hope it is a temporary type of tattoo".

I got a tattoo of my e-wife's initials on my arm. It helps that they are the same as mine, but still regretful. I cannot imagine getting an "ace of spades" tattoo and advertising that to everyone... long after she is done with that aspect of her life.
LOL. SO the first good friend my wife and I had a threesome with was an African American widower. My wife and his wife had been church friends and my wife did a lot of the medical transporting for B. before she died. Widowed, her husband moved in to a house I own with a scrawny hillbilly redneck retired NASCAR mechanic. Match made in heaven. They were best friends but when they fought the neighbors would call us to intervene and you would have sworn they were both racist to the core..."language boys language" and trying to get them calmed down before cops showed up. Anyway.. our black friend, about 68 and straight out of Compton had that real ghetto suave way of complimenting my wife. Quiet, on the low down, not yelled across a bar like a dumb redneck would do. She came home a couple of times telling me about it, quietly whispering as he passed how much he loved her breasts, wanted to touch her, etc. It turned her on, and seeing as how she was in a postpartum sexual low, I really appreciated it. Anyway, one evening she has been at the rental and comes home really flustered. The white roomie was sick, so in his room, and the black guy didn't have to be on the down low.. and my wife says, "He was talking so naughty but positive about my breasts and wanting to see them, I lifted my blouse for him.. and and.. well he got more intimate.. and I sat on his lap on a kitchen chair and let him kiss and fondle them, but with my bra on." " Ok honey, so you came home really horny? Right? Is it, you need me to fuck you now horny, or is it, I need to go over, talk to him about our little experiences with extra partner sex, give him the two rules, its about your pleasure and if anyone gets uncomfortable speak up and we will deal with it, and then bring him over here and both of us fuck you?" " Yeah, that one!".

So anyway, he thought I was coming over to bust his balls and was a little shocked LOL. But oh yeah he was in.. He was actually the most respectful and understanding of what we were into of any of the 6 or 7 guys we tried with. But... here's the fun part... about an hour in and just having her thrid orgasm from his mouth and hands only, the wife suddenly gets really serious, drops her naughty girl voice, and leans up and says, " Oh my God, is it racist of me that I think this is so much hotter because you are black?" He kind of turns his head away and looks to me, so she can't see his snicker but I can, So in my best accent I add, "yous news whert Honeys? I bethchas that if a little Rawcism is why you about to fuck him, and why I likes it dat hes goin a fuck yous is he gots a big black dick, that he probably wishes all whit folks wers as rawcist as we's is!". And she called me a mother fucker and we went back to pleasing her( I was kissing her neck and breasts and whispering naughty to her while he was working magic between her legs.) It was a really excellent first time except for the fact he never did fuck her, a little bit of ED problems. In fact, my wife told me after that HIS wife had complained he could only fuck her if she sucked him for 10 or 15 minutes to get him hard. Which of course got her a shrug and a "well if you knew, why didn't you tell me then and do it?" I had even gotten him a 20mg viagra from my emergency stash. LOL. She doesn't like giving blow jobs, only does for special people, as in her husband, that's why she didn't tell me. She knew I would try to talk her into it. Anyway, we had a great time together and his ghetto stereotypical "way" was really hot, way better than white trash( I resemble that remark by the way).

Yes, the extra eroticism does have its roots in very negative racism. But for many it matured into something a bit different, the idea of sex between black and white is for many people more erotic but doesn't include the hate anymore. And kind of glad, if "everything" became accepted and normal, where would we get the extra "umph" from being bad? Me personally, I'm a little guy. But put me in a bar conflict with two exact copy big guys, one black and one white, and I won't take shit from the white guy, the black guy I am intimidated by. Racism (or is it just the NFL and NBA?), has taught me that black men are statistically physically superior in many ways, descended from men and women whose environmental challenges involved lions and tigers that are fearless killers, while big white boys just came from people who had cold winters and the occasional need to scare off a stupid bear.

Maybe the real racists will figure it out, "Gentlemen of the KKK, the executive committee has decided on a policy change, its seems that our 400 years of hate and sinful persecution of our colored brothers in Christ Jesus has led to one outcome, all of our daughters prefer fucking them and our stupid ass white sons can't find wives. We need to end this before we are extinct". Actually I think they need to be extinct. Guess I was raised wrong. My Dad was a Baptist Minister in San Fransisco, his best friend black and the same profession in Oakland, and they would trade pulpits occasionally. I liked the black church better, music was awesome enough I didn't mind the longer service. No room for racism in my family, I had to learn from the community around me. And my best friend at work and who's church I go to occasionally is Michael and Leon Spinks' cousin.

But I still caught that damn bug. Seeing a white woman with a black man annoys me and shouldn't. I tell myself its because I am afraid white will be bred out, and I like pale freckled green eyed redheads, and blue eyed blondes, and Kate Beckinsale. But truth is I picked up that fucking prejudice from the damn redneck oilfield racist small town I ended up growing up in. But if I was ever in a humiliation cuckold situation, you know an extreme one where the wife is going to make me suck her bulls cock, I'd punch a white guy in the nuts, grab, and rip them off.( Im a little guy with a large collection of colored belts, including black) A black guy? No, and not from fear alone, I kind of think it would be super extra humiliating and much hotter.
And yes, I think the porn thing, like most porn, is bullshit.