I don't know whether he did it again, but that was a very very decent story; scifi and sex, what more do you want?
Although I'd have to take him to task about needing other power sources when he has a-g. Must be enough cosmic debris between here and there to repel him all the way.
well i think it was pretty damn good, it read well (to me anyway) was a bit different and in places a great giggle! I mean it didn't have me panting and wanting more, but it was a good read all the same!
Pretty funny stuff. I'm not sure about the first one being A_J though. Maybe.
You're not saying the second one is A_J, too, are you?
They both made me chuckle though the second one's grammatical style was a little tougher. I see too many semi-colons in a row and I get a bit distracted.