A young married American couple have been working for this a small firm run by a middle-aged Korean windower. They're very grateful to him because in an economy ravaged by recession, he has kept them employed thanks to his connections with firms based in Asia. Additionally, he has also consistenty been a generous employer and even now when times are bad, still gives them bonuses. The wife especially is devoted towards their boss because despite the fact that her hubby is something of a bungling idiot, her employer has been kind enough to overlook that fact on account of his fondness for his overweight but pretty young American receptionist.
However, for some time now, the boss has been making it subtly known to the wife that he finds her attractive. She is in turn feels the same way about him but is afraid to do anything that might jepoardize either her marriage or her job. However, one day when their boss comes over to their place for a few beers, hubby gets drunk and challenges the boss to a game of poker. If the boss loses,he has to give hubby a million. But if he wins instead, hubby signs over his rights to his wife to him. Wife gets really pissed at hubby but agrees to the bet because she knows her idiot hubby will never win. Sure enough, hubby loses and terrified of losing his job after having said some pretty insulting things earlier on, begs the boss to claim his prize. Wife is stunned but at the same time, is overjoyed that she will finally get to hok up with the man she respects a lot more than her loser hubby...
However, for some time now, the boss has been making it subtly known to the wife that he finds her attractive. She is in turn feels the same way about him but is afraid to do anything that might jepoardize either her marriage or her job. However, one day when their boss comes over to their place for a few beers, hubby gets drunk and challenges the boss to a game of poker. If the boss loses,he has to give hubby a million. But if he wins instead, hubby signs over his rights to his wife to him. Wife gets really pissed at hubby but agrees to the bet because she knows her idiot hubby will never win. Sure enough, hubby loses and terrified of losing his job after having said some pretty insulting things earlier on, begs the boss to claim his prize. Wife is stunned but at the same time, is overjoyed that she will finally get to hok up with the man she respects a lot more than her loser hubby...