A very public reminder to everyone


May 1, 2000

I moved the entire "Watching my mom" thread today because it degenerated into two people bitching at each other, with a few others jumping in to add their commentary. So, let me remind everyone of this: I've got absolutely no problem removing threads, and no obligation to follow the group's wishes about doing it.

So, either behave like adults, or be prepared to be treated like children. I'll just haul the trash out to the bin, and leave the shriller voices of self-pity to extoll the virtues of "Truly Free Speech" without taking any responsibility for their own actions or accepting the consequences of childish egotism and meaningless bickering.

That said, I hope everyone has a good night--at least, as good as possible under the circumstances. May we all, in a global sense, learn a little respect for each other.

Be well,
Forum Moderator
I just want to say something to everyone.

I really like this forum, and I really like all of you. I don't think there's anyone here that I don't enjoy hearing from, and I enjoy almost every story idea posted. The only problem I have with this forum is just what Risia described - a lot of the time, people have started bickering in threads.

Can I suggest a couple of things?

If someone takes a jab at you, puts you down, provokes you, you know what I think you should do? Ignore it. There's nothing to be gained by fighting back. No one is going to think less of you if you don't post, only if you keep going back and forth. You hurt the people who's thread you're using, and you hurt the people who otherwise would be having a great time on the forum. Sometimes you can't stop someone from taking a swing at ya, but you can dodge it and go on your way. Ignore them. You're all stronger than that.

Very true, Chicklet, but just a quick reminder... The "main" thread in question literally was about pedophilia this time. I know my joke set someone off, and for that I am sorry. But, she took it further with blatant lies that she made up. And, ultimately, it's a good thing that the pedophile "story idea" ( :rolleyes: ) was removed.

With that said, again I apologize for my parts in this. As far as I am concerned, it is done. She is on ignore with a few other morons who's posts are not worth reading. :)
I have seen rude comments made about members on Lit in this forum, seeming to make the poster feel superior. I find the opposite is true.

Name calling and the works serve no purpose other than to insight discard. I understand the need to feel accepted, but experience is a great teacher.

Empty wagons make the most noise. I enjoy the stories, as a reader. The readers decide what is good and what is junk.

Many unedited stories get great reviews from readers, and a lot of very well structured stories domb.

There will always be critics. Ignoring them, like it was mentioned may not be such a bad idea.

I've seen critics pick fights, insult, and otherwise provoke Lit authors, and then claim superiority. Contemplating this, it may not be such a bad idea to ignore those critics.
BlackSnake said:
I have seen rude comments made about members on Lit in this forum, seeming to make the poster feel superior. I find the opposite is true.

Name calling and the works serve no purpose other than to insight discard. I understand the need to feel accepted, but experience is a great teacher.

Empty wagons make the most noise. I enjoy the stories, as a reader. The readers decide what is good and what is junk.

Many unedited stories get great reviews from readers, and a lot of very well structured stories domb.

There will always be critics. Ignoring them, like it was mentioned may not be such a bad idea.

I've seen critics pick fights, insult, and otherwise provoke Lit authors, and then claim superiority. Contemplating this, it may not be such a bad idea to ignore those critics.

Maybe I should just edit what I wrote....:confused:
Oh whip my arse and call me a slave Yada Yada Yada.

We are all good guys aren’t we? Now

Screaming Grace said:
Oh whip my arse and call me a slave Yada Yada Yada.

We are all good guys aren’t we? Now


As good as they get :)
Is this thread a joke or something?

I for one love a good bitch, and I Know what its like to be on both ends of someone’s tongue.

RisiaSkye said:

I moved the entire "Watching my mom" thread today because it degenerated into two people bitching at each other, with a few others jumping in to add their commentary. So, let me remind everyone of this: I've got absolutely no problem removing threads, and no obligation to follow the group's wishes about doing it.

So, either behave like adults, or be prepared to be treated like children. I'll just haul the trash out to the bin, and leave the shriller voices of self-pity to extoll the virtues of "Truly Free Speech" without taking any responsibility for their own actions or accepting the consequences of childish egotism and meaningless bickering.

That said, I hope everyone has a good night--at least, as good as possible under the circumstances. May we all, in a global sense, learn a little respect for each other.

Be well,
Forum Moderator
Just re-quoted to remind people that this was a serious thread, until the bickering started.
I did think bumping this post was a good idea jus to remind us of the power of our goddess RisiaSkye

Grace :kiss: