A Use For Adverbs.



Tortured until I hated adverbs I just found a use for them.


Youre all scholars and gentlemen, and prolly see that adverbs are the calculus of process. They express change.
People get overzealous about eradicating adverbs. They often help clarify and bring specificity to the writing. They exist for a useful purpose.
I tried to use one as a doorstop but it wasn't heavy enough.
Every prescriptive guide to the use of the English language is just someone's preferences or prejudices. Use what works. :)
I tried to use one as a doorstop but it wasn't heavy enough.

Did you mistakenly place it slowly and softly? Or perhaps you mistakenly slid it teasingly into place? These are common mistakes when strengthenly adverbing your doorways.
Did you mistakenly place it slowly and softly? Or perhaps you mistakenly slid it teasingly into place? These are common mistakes when strengthenly adverbing your doorways.

I don't think I stuck it deeply enough into the crack under the door. :rolleyes:
I tried to use one as a doorstop but it wasn't heavy enough.

Then it must have been a gerundive.

The gerund is portlier:

All adverbs do are conceal weak verbs and launch hallucinations in the minds of readers. Adverbs are weasle words unless they increase clarity and specificity. Good luck finding examples of how they improve prose.
All adverbs do are conceal weak verbs and launch hallucinations in the minds of readers. Adverbs are weasle words unless they increase clarity and specificity. Good luck finding examples of how they improve prose.

Certainly won't find it in the writing we've seen from you in your own effort to birth an elephant that resulted in a tadpole. :D
All adverbs do are conceal weak verbs and launch hallucinations in the minds of readers. Adverbs are weasle words unless they increase clarity and specificity. Good luck finding examples of how they improve prose.

Improving prose? Maybe we're aiming to high.

Maybe we should paint it purple.
Improving prose? Maybe we're aiming to high.

Maybe we should paint it purple.

Yours is an argument adverb lovers make. Purple is the term they use to characterize the Dark Side of writing.
JBJ has put me on his Ignore list! :nana: so he has no idea that I am saying:

How heartily I laughed at Og's picture, and how sweetly, kindly, lovingly I think of JBJ. Especially today. I truly love all the trolls in here, and their fascinating manipulative Modus Operandi. I always thoroughly enjoy coming on here (lightheartedly) and seeing what the trolls have left in the night.

I love you all, trolls!
