A Slow Seduction (open looking for at least one man and one woman)


Feb 26, 2013
I never really like Porn. Not because I don't enjoy sex, or because I don't like to watch. To be honest I am a bit of a voyuer. No most traditional Porn skipped the good stuff in my view and right onto the main event without any build up. I love the of arch back and a startled, heated gasp. Soft words of arousel that left one trembling and wet. The description of involuntarily giving in to pleasure. Of losing oneself in the moment.
All I ask is that you describe your character first in your first post, prefaced with the words 'To Set the Stage'. then move onto what happens next.
To set the Stage:
Sandy Blonde hair
Blue grey eyes
Heavy Set
Naive Virgin to a T, never even touched herself. Sensitve on the back of her neck and behind her knees.

The Beginning:
I suppose it started as a cliche, and yet not. I went into that job an unrepentnt virgin, naive. It was an office job in a company I had always wanted to work at and I felt blessed my boss was willing to hire me as his personal assistant. I took nearly a month to realize that my boss, who was high enough in the company to have an office with a waiting room, would stare at me as I entered. I didn't make waves though, let him stare. It's not like I knew why at the time.

One day he came up behind me while I was typing and leaned in close to see what I was doing. It was a pure accident, I was sure, when his hand brushed my neck as it settled on my shoulder. Normally I wore my hair down to protect the sensitve skin. Today though I had worn it up in a bun so his fingers glided right across my skin. I gasped; that felt really, really good. His hand settled and his thumb absently stroked the patch of skin it fell on. I felt my breath get heavier. He seemed not to notice as I continued to twitch.

What was this feeling? This pulse in my lower body and why was it suddenly so much hotter in here...

(At the very least i am looking for someone to write the part of the boss; possibly at least one other woman who will come into play later)
Works for me. If you want you could interuppt our amourous couple while I wait for someone to take the bosses character. If not I'll likely bring you in as a jealous rival. You get to decide whom you're jealous of, of course.

To set the stage
Tall 6'4" blond hair blue eyes 230 lb

Hired a personal assistant. She was doing just fine. Totally efficient, she was typing on her computer when I looked over her shouder to see what she was writing.

To get closer to the small font, I leaned down and put my hand on her shoulder, wearing only a thin white blouse, and noticed her bare neck usually covered by her hair,.

But today it was in a tight bun, and the back of her neck was most inviting. It is one of my favorite places to kiss a woman and not being a private place it wouldnt necessarily be sexual harassment. I couldnt resist, and I kissed her neck and told her how happy I was with her work here.
The feel of of warm air on her nape then the brief but unmistakeble press of lips caused the woman to freeze. Her skin prickled in a way that would have been almost unbearably painful if it hadn't felt so good. Caught up in the feeling she missed what her boss had said, hopefully he didn't expect a verbal response.

Without thinking about it she tilted her head foreward sightly. She blushed deeply and shivered as the heat from his strong hands seeped through her thin blouse. That heat traveled with his hands as they made their way to a far less innocent location. The feel of his wedding band pressed against her ribs made her jump and she wondered if she should be offened or just enjo what was happening.