"Before putting your nob anywhere near a scanner, please refer to the Disclaimer on our front page. If you decide that you do want to proceed with producing a nob scan, you might approach the task in the following way:
~Ensure that your boss, relatives or any minors are not in the room.
~Place your flatbed scanner on the floor, directly below your PC, so you can reach the mouse and see the monitor while your groin area is on the scanner bed. Open up your scanning software.
Find an item of fabric (coat, towel, blanket, etc.) that you can drape across yourself and eliminate unwanted light pollution from the scan.
~Remove your lower garments and arrange your nob on the scanner bed in an amusing manner. Check that the entire scanning area is cloaked by the fabric.
~The more obscure or creative the scan, the better. Innovation using objects to accompany your nob is encouraged.
Activate your scanner using the mouse while keeping your nob totally still.
~When the scanner has finished moving over your member, view the image on your monitor to see if you've got a good result.
Repeat procedure until satisfied.
~Please remember to wipe the scanner after use, especially if other people need to use it.
~Please don't try to carry out the above procedure using a slide scanner or drum scanner. It could be unfortunate."