A shout-out to the I/T readership


A swollen WIP folder
Jun 4, 2023
They know what they like, and they're loyal. I/T is the only category where I ever see readers favourite every single story in a series, one after the other. If I post a new story in the series, the scores of the other stories go up. Today, for instance, both "Too Late Not to Fuck" and "A Fool Not to Fuck" are up by 0.01, which is quite something with the number of existing votes.

So here it is, a shoutout to my readers in I/T. Thank you for half a million views, nearly 7000 votes and nearly 700 favourites for "My Little Sister Sal"!
They know what they like, and they're loyal. I/T is the only category where I ever see readers favourite every single story in a series, one after the other. If I post a new story in the series, the scores of the other stories go up. Today, for instance, both "Too Late Not to Fuck" and "A Fool Not to Fuck" are up by 0.01, which is quite something with the number of existing votes.

So here it is, a shoutout to my readers in I/T. Thank you for half a million views, nearly 7000 votes and nearly 700 favourites for "My Little Sister Sal"!
Exactly the kind of affirming behavior one likes to see in a loving family. 😇
Blood is thicker than water, after all.
Yes, I think blood viscosity is about 2.5 to 4 centipoise at body temperature, around 5 times thicker than water. Although semen comes in* at 3 to 4.5 centipoise, so cum is usually thicker than blood, for whatever that's worth.

*(heh heh heh)

Edit: I did not see the two posts above as I was composing this. Amusing!
Blood is thicker than water, after all.
But is it thicker than, um, 'other' bodily fluids??? I think Sal knows the answer to that. Great work. I'm not a regular in I/T but read this series voraciously. Thanks for the addendum.

PS, Yeah, I'm going to add that last bit as a comment to your final chapter. It will go nicely with the 5* vote I gave it.
But is it thicker than, um, 'other' bodily fluids??? I think Sal knows the answer to that. Great work. I'm not a regular in I/T but read this series voraciously. Thanks for the addendum.

PS, Yeah, I'm going to add that last bit as a comment to your final chapter. It will go nicely with the 5* vote I gave it.
Thank you!

Depending on how things go with my WIWAW and Pandemonium stories, I might write another chapter for Summer Loving. Sal and Big Brother, in a quiet corner of a park at sunset...
It's a great category. I think, after Scifi, it's one where you can let your imagination go wild.
And the lines are short, unless you've got, say, one mom, no daughters, and a bunch of sons.
A dedicated woman can serve at least three cumstomers at once. Four if she's ambidextrous.

omg I can't believe I'm actually participating in this thread
And don't come back until you're as pure and innocent as the rest of us!

The way I figure it, once you've become a smut writer, you know you're going to hell. It seems kind of persnickety to me to worry about what rung you're going to end up on.
The way I figure it, once you've become a smut writer, you know you're going to hell. It seems kind of persnickety to me to worry about what rung you're going to end up on.
Speak for yourself. My incestuous, voyeuristic and demon-centred sex stories are all Church-approved.