A Sex Transformation Suit


Literotica Guru
Jun 21, 2009
So I recently posted The Tiresias Suit, http://www.literotica.com/s/the-tiresias-suit, about a woman who finds a suit that allows her to become a biological male, and it's been getting good feedback. I definitely want to write the opposite version for a sequel, where a guy finds a suit that allows him to become a biological female at will.

What would you do if you could change your sex at will? What would you most want to experience as a member of the opposite sex? Would you visit the locker room? Would you masturbate all day? Would you go get DP'd?

What sort of storyline do you think would be most interesting, as well? I mean, I could just go with a very basic "fuck everyone" stroke story, but do you think it might be better to have a deeper look at what it'd be like to be able to change sex whenever you want? I'm just casting out ideas right now, but I'm curious what people think.
I know what I'd be into if I was a girl for a day: free drinks!

But seriously, as I mentioned in another thread, I think this is a very rich concept with many interesting issues to explore.
So I recently posted The Tiresias Suit, http://www.literotica.com/s/the-tiresias-suit, about a woman who finds a suit that allows her to become a biological male.....

I read it and I'm impressed. You've created a plausible scenario where a woman could go wild in the suit.

For the man-becoming-woman suit, I think you need to have it shrink the guy down and make them attractive, 100-140 lb females. Several plot devices could be used for that, but if none seem to work, then you could have the suit produce "amazon females" - really attractive, but roughly the height and weight of the men that put the suit on.
I read it and I'm impressed. You've created a plausible scenario where a woman could go wild in the suit.

For the man-becoming-woman suit, I think you need to have it shrink the guy down and make them attractive, 100-140 lb females. Several plot devices could be used for that, but if none seem to work, then you could have the suit produce "amazon females" - really attractive, but roughly the height and weight of the men that put the suit on.

I mean, it's patently impossible to begin with. I think I can break the rule of conservation of mass for one story. :) Yeah, I was definitely planning on having them shrink down. From what I could tell from an earlier thread, most guys, if suddenly female, would go try to get every hole filled they possibly could.
I mean, it's patently impossible to begin with. I think I can break the rule of conservation of mass for one story. :) Yeah, I was definitely planning on having them shrink down. From what I could tell from an earlier thread, most guys, if suddenly female, would go try to get every hole filled they possibly could.
You know, that might not be true, if suddenly female, if they found the height of eroticism was achieved through the filters of a mind of a woman.

I'm not sure how you'd want to play that idea, but try something like this.

The guy in the girl suit immediately goes and does the old in out, and gets off. So so. Then someone pays her(he) a compliment on (dress, body, hair, whatever). She (he) instantly feels happy. Some guy approaches and flatters her. Again, instant happiness. Soon, she(he) finds the convoluted way to blissful orgasms, the way that women find the way to them.

Not sure I've said that very well. I'm seeing it like this - was the girl in the guy's suit influenced by the suit? Hell yeah. Maybe she was like a girl with a guy's hormones.

Now reverse that.

On thinking about it, I'd not go for shrinking the guy - the suit doesn't have to be offered to a lot of guys, and one could be picked that was 5'4 to 5'8, 130 lb or so. The sort of guy that would make a very nice looking cross dresser if he cared. But this isn't a person with such interests.
You can shrink her if you want, but this doesn't really have much to do with conservation of mass. We're technically a lot of empty space and I don't know a lot of men who would actually complain about a 240 lb girl AS long as she had the dimensions of a 5'6" 140lbs girl. He might find it frustrating he can easily toss her over his shoulder but the problem is about the girl being fat or possibly intimidatingly tall.
Well, the communal shower scene will be different. A girl masquerading as a guy and getting a hardon in the shower is going to get a different reception from the guy masquerading as a girl will get when aroused, simply because it's not so obvious.
You can shrink her if you want, but this doesn't really have much to do with conservation of mass. We're technically a lot of empty space and I don't know a lot of men who would actually complain about a 240 lb girl AS long as she had the dimensions of a 5'6" 140lbs girl. He might find it frustrating he can easily toss her over his shoulder but the problem is about the girl being fat or possibly intimidatingly tall.

That would, if you don't mind me saying, generate a girl who could be quite pushy. She pushes you, you topple right over. When the subject of sex came up, I'd expect her to be quite dense. In fact, if you found yourself on top of her pounding away, you'd be positively light headed. Now I think also, the girl-skin's pussy would have unusual characteristics. If you found yourself between her legs licking away and those legs clamped around your head, goodbye, head.

It'd create a whole new meaning to "giving head."

I'm through with bad jokes for now.

Can she just be somehow a 'normal girl'?
You would actually have a girl who's quite dense. But aren't they all! Don't hit me.

She could roughly normal, just a bit "thick" like she hulk or some of the more attractive female wrestlers.

Or we can trust that the readers who are going to accept a sex changing suit are unlikely to complain about the science at all. Though you may want to take a hint from El Goonish Shrive (it's a webcomic) and make it a ray gun. . .either that or you're gonna have a story that's better suited for the cross dressing/transexual categories. Why you ask? If I understand this concept soundly the power is in the SUIT. When that nice boy you've been flirting with gets you out of the suit. . .well I think he might be surprised.
That's why I'm just ignoring conservation of mass. Honestly, I doubt most people would consider it, anyway. Currently, it's already in the Trans category. I thought it fit there better than sci-fi or anything, and besides, Trans has my favorite audience. They're all wicked nice and friendly and appreciative. If I could, I'd just submit all my stories to them. Incest is always, "Hey, next story, he should sleep with EVERY SINGLE FAMILY MEMBER SIMULTANEOUSLY." That's just me, though. There's a lot of genres I have little experience with.

I mean, I'm already having him shrink size without breaking bones and rupturing organs, so...

And @Sean, yes, it's entirely the suit. Inside, you're a girl, take it off, and you have your cock back. Came across a little comic (just a few panels) that had the idea, and it inspired me.
I say go for it, with the initial suspension of disbelief on the size/weight. The guy gets in the suit, and he's one truly hot babe.
Yet another: The suit can be "programmed", so it can assume different identities. If it's a guy wearing a female suit, for instance, one moment it looks like a perky Goth, another time, a blond cougar, and so on.

Hm, I like that idea...