A secret you don't know about me


Jul 11, 2001
I can't force belch. Many a dinner were spent in college with my dorm buddies while they tried in vain to teach me. *sigh* A mis-spent youth following all the rules of what a 'proper' young lady should act like.

Anyhoo...fast forward to today. I found out one night, quite by accident, that if one drinks soda too fast, you can get some narly belches. Yes, that's right. I sit alone in my apartment, swig down an entire mouthful of soda and then belch really, really, really loud. It makes me laugh.

Ahhh...the simple joys of life. :D

Your turn. Spill your secret.
PacificBlue said:
I can't force belch. Many a dinner were spent in college with my dorm buddies while they tried in vain to teach me. *sigh* A mis-spent youth following all the rules of what a 'proper' young lady should act like.

Anyhoo...fast forward to today. I found out one night, quite by accident, that if one drinks soda too fast, you can get some narly belches. Yes, that's right. I sit alone in my apartment, swig down an entire mouthful of soda and then belch really, really, really loud. It makes me laugh.

Ahhh...the simple joys of life. :D

Your turn. Spill your secret.

I don;t know the second verse to the national anthem.

Mind you, this is not really a bad thing since hardly anybody else does either :D
i can wiggle my ears. i can touch my nose with my tongue. the only thing that i won't eat is liver.
The obscure and totally useless shit I know that will never have any practical application anywhere could fill a book.
I am with Penumbra. Sheesh, the useless shit I know.

That and I can do back bends and the splits all the way to the floor. Not amazing enough? I am five seven and weigh 260. Now, be impressed.

I like to draw women, then fondle myself while looking at them....is this weird? LOL

I am smitten with the relish, is it yours?
You know when people say they are "waiting on tenterhooks"? Today I found out what a tenterhook is. I'm so proud.

And no...I'm not telling. So there.
IrishWolfhound said:
You know when people say they are "waiting on tenterhooks"? Today I found out what a tenterhook is. I'm so proud.

And no...I'm not telling. So there.

ten·ter·hook Pronunciation Key (tntr-hk)
A hooked nail for securing cloth on a tenter.

ten·ter Pronunciation Key (tntr)
A framework on which milled cloth is stretched for drying without shrinkage.
Archaic. A tenterhook.


I always keep a dictionary close to the computer after becomming friends with Bob Peale. :D
PacificBlue said:

Would you like some cheese to go with that wine? ;)

You are still special.

:D Thank you PB...and I get to ride on the special bus to school, and I'm the only kid with a helmet, too.
I can touch my tongue to my nose and my nipple, but not at the same time
A secret

If you have brown eyes, you can have your way with me.

I melt over brown eyes! Simply melt! :heart:
Re: A secret

SpiceCake said:
If you have brown eyes, you can have your way with me.

I melt over brown eyes! Simply melt! :heart:

Ahem....*batting his big brown puppy dog eyes*
Re: Re: Re: A secret

SpiceCake said:

Take me Wolfie! I'm yours!:heart:

Hold that thought!!! (checking airline schedules and finding you can't get to Idaho from anywhere) OK, this may take some work...let me get back to you.