A secret of the universe revealed


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Chocolate has a chemical effect on the female brain releasing the same endorphins that are experienced during intercourse..

Adding vitamin B to your truffles (if you make chocolate) increases this effect, depending upon the size of the Vitamin B additive.

also cherries have the effect of nullifying this effect, so it is best to do a caramel nuget (new gut) or strawberry center.
aww so it's pointless for me to eat chocolate covered cherries? cherries make me think of sex
Wow!! Have to get some for the old lady. Maybe she will be in a good mood for a change.
Can't patent my recipe.. I won't let you.

Im thinking of adding them to my Inventory on mad horde. maybe they'll be good sellers.. never tried to market my chocolates before though.. always kept them as a sort of special gift for the women in my life.
I use flowers, cards, words of affection, words of support, and other romantic things instead. :)
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Nah I never buy flowers.. to generic.

I do shit like getting stars named, conspiring with bosses for unscheduled vacations, making chocolates, filling cars with baloons while shes at work,

stupid simple shit, I just don't like to give flowers.
InnocentAngel81 said:
aww so it's pointless for me to eat chocolate covered cherries? cherries make me think of sex

eh who cares what they say, i think i better get you the bag of little chocolate coverd cherries from work hehehe