a rivals love


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2011
New york city of a million souls filled with just as many heart aches as there was successes. A city that had a million stories and while some were good and some were bad they all paled in comparison to the one I have for you today. A story of love romance and deadly sexy assassin ninjas a story of the dark under belly of crime yet is a old favorite.

A story of love

The bank was silent the high class society type going to get their children instead of getting their hard earned cash. The bank teller was counting the money pleased with the days take. He moved handing it over to the black suited guard at the edge of the vault and handed it to him. He fingered the money counting it before nodding and pushing it into his lapel.

There was a massive screech outside and a schools buss suddenly barreled through the door sending the door crashing and steel flying. It stopped its back pointed to the vault door. Men in black Ninja suits popped out pushing clips into their tommy guns and laying down fire at the banks pitiful protection. They nodded pleased to them selves before suddenly two of them dropped down clutching at their necks painfully. Other Ninjas appeared clutching their blowguns an looking pleased with them selves.

He appeared out of the shadows a smile on his face. A blade popped out of his sleeve sinking into the nearest Ninjas back before pulling out. Before the others could react a short barreled revolver pulled out of his vest bullets slamming into the other Ninjas before they could put up a fight.

Alexander Cross stepped out of the shadows smiling as he moved past the dead Ninjas. The man had black short hair and piercing green eyes his features while strong and handsome were currently hidden behind a black ski mask. He had on a pair of black and purple pinstripe pants and black dress shoes, a white button t shirt with the sleeves rolled up showed off his impressive physique, and finally a matching vest completed his look

“Stay down” Alex said going over to the vault. He smiled and began cracking it pleased with how his mission was going.
Tonight was chaos, just the way she liked it. Without chaos there was no change, the world would stagnant in its own self righteousness and tradition. It had been that way since the dawn of mankind, perhaps even before that. Chaos and change were Miki's two constant companions and my how she did love them.

The smoke, the screams, the explosions, bullets and knifes flying, blood splattering; they were the sights and smells she had come to cherish as well. Vivid violet eyes watched from the shadows as the scene in the bank played out, sparkling in the brief flashes of gunfire. No doubt she could have easily joined the fray, but the last to emerge seemed to have a decent grasp on the situation. Why not let him handle it, at least until he popped the safe. Instead of making herself known Miki crept through the shadows, sometimes literally becoming part of them as she slinked ever closer. It was until he was done that she decided it was time to play her hand.

She appeared when she wanted to, as if on will the shadows parted and revealed her stunning figure clad in tight black leather and fishnet. A pair of brilliant amethyst eyes sparkled as she approached, one of the only features that could be seen of that angular visage. The rest was concealed behind an ornate mask with a toothy grin etched across it, sharp and wicked as was the light reflecting in those curious eyes. A shock of crimson tickled across the bridge of her nose, her bangs danced with each silent step; the rest of her hair was cropped short and was the hue of the night sky.

Proud shoulders gave way to a sleek, svelte frame that was taut and toned from a rigorous, active lifestyle. Her attire clung greedily to the curves and wells of that frame, though she made not a sound as she walked. An impressive bustline was hugged by the thin material of fishnet, straining against its confines with each breath she took. A pair of stiletto knee high boots adorned her feet, even they made not a sound as she moved with the grace of a feral cat to her prey. Yet she did not strike, instead she simply leaned over as she approached and rapped the butt of her sheathed sword against the man's shoulder.

“Pst,” She finally whispered, her voice muffled behind the mask. Miki moved quickly, only to slip back into the shadows before she reappeared leaning against the side of the bank vault in a relaxed manner.

“Hey handsome,” She said with a wink, her head tilting to the side before she gestured towards the vault with her sword in her hand. “Thanks for opening that for me. Now if you don't mind I'll be taking what's mine. Don't make me have to rough up that pretty face of yours.” Her tone was teasing, yet still it held a certain sense to it that she was far from entirely joking.
Alexander felt her coming but he ignored her instead focusing on popping the last of the banks vault impressive security. He opened it feeling her pst and rap against his butt. He knew that every one in the bank had been taken care of. Leaving all but the most powerful of the rival clan.

“Sorry beautiful but this vault is mine” Alex said seeing her lean against the bank vault. He got up straightening his vest and turning to her. My gods she was beautiful to with a stunning body and a just as stunning face. He would have to control himself around her.

“The vault belong to the ukina clan” Alexander said reaching behind his back and grabbing the flash bang grenade “even if I have to take it from your beautiful dead corpse” Alex growled dropping the grenade behind him and back flipping as it exploding letting loose a canopy of light and sound and blinding her. Alex slipped into the shadows feeling them part and embrace him sliding around him easily. He appeared above her on the upper balcony pulling out two silenced 1911 and unloading them at her.