a real conversation


Jan 6, 2003
this is a real conversation i had recently with someone i roleplay with occasionally. this is decidedly more real life than we usually go for but i thought those of you who visit this section might enjoy reading it.

it involves forced sex and some swinging. screen names and real names have been changed to protect the not so innocent.


boy: hey

girl: hey

boy: how are you?

girl: fine

girl: you?

boy: alright

guy: how are things going with that guy?

boy: good

boy: really?

girl: yes

girl: I havent asked him out though

boy: but hes interested?

girl: I think so

boy: cool

boy: i had a dream the other night about one of our roleplay sessions

girl: oh ?

girl: want to re enact it?

boy: not exactly

girl: aw

girl: then tell me about it

boy: well you see i was thinking about something, something id like to do

girl: oh?

boy: ive been thinking about the things youve said turn you on

girl: oh?

boy: i was thinking about how you would react if i talked about wanting to rape you

girl: ooo

girl: ^.^

girl: anything about sam?

boy: fuck sam, your the one i want to rape

boy: i want to bust in on the two of you laying there making out and peel him off you ans slap you around you slut

girl: heehee

boy: what? you want me to do something with sam? is that is?

boy: it*

girl: ...yes

girl: ::blush::

boy: maybe i would but youd have to strip down to your panties first and get on your knees

girl: I would

boy: i know you would. you would kneel in front of me and id grab the back of your head and fuck your mouth

girl: mmm..

boy: tell me what it would be like to be face fucked in front of sam, slut

girl: embarassing

girl: yet exciting

boy: describe it

girl: I would suck your hard cock, and push it deep into my mouth, and he would watch

boy: do you like that thought? are you wet?

girl: yes..

boy: hed watch as i fuck you too. id bend you over a chair or bed so that you face him as i rip your panties off and shove my cock into your tight virgin pussy

girl: would it hurt..?

girl: would a bleed?

boy: in scream from the pain and your blood would trickle down my shaft. there would only be more as i fuck you harder and harder. sam would see the pain on your face as you scream

girl: mmm..

boy: are you touching yourself?

boy: answer me

girl: yes..

girl: I'm rubbing my clut

girl: *clit

boy: are you naked? describe it all to me

girl: no...I'm wearing pj pants, a shirt and panties

girl: my fingers are very wet, and Im stroking my clit with them

boy: lick your fingers

girl: mm...it tastes nice...

boy: i bet it does

boy: i think sam wants to taste it

girl: I hope so

boy: after i fuck you id pull my cock out of your tight pussy and make him taste it from my dick

girl: mmm...

boy: id make him squeeze my balls and force my cock all the way down his throat

boy: hed gag on it

girl: and I would watch?

boy: youd watch as i pull out and cum all over his face

girl: could I lick it off>

girl: ?

boy: beg for it slut, beg for it and tell me how much of a slut you are

girl: I'm your dirty little slut...I want it sooo bad...

boy: ill let you lick my cum off of his face but only as i fuck someone's asshole

boy: whos should it be? his or yours?

girl: hi

girl: *his!

boy: do you ever play with your asshole when you masturbate?

girl: yes

boy: do it now, stand up, take your pants and panties off and play with your asshole with one of your wet fingers

boy: as i tell you about fucking sam in the ass.

boy: i do it as hes on the bed on all fours. your kneeling on the floor licking his face, tasting my cum.

boy: his asshole is tighter than your pussy and he screams more than you did as i enter him.

girl: ohh yess...

boy: i dont fuck him too hard though, you have to be able to lick him

girl: I would do anything for that...

boy: are you playing with your ass?

girl: yes

girl: I put in a second finger...

boy: are you almost done licking the cum from his face?

girl: yes...his face is clean..

boy: i fuck him harder and the screams of pain turn into grunts

boy: he likes it

boy: stand behind me as i do this and stick your fingers in my ass

girl: mmm...I start with one, but then force in another...

boy: fuck me with your fingers as hard as you want me to fuck sam

girl: ::slides in a third finger and rams it in and out of you::

boy: :::rams sam furiously, he stumbles beneath the forceof it:::

girl: yessss...fill his ass with hot cum...

boy: pull your fingers out of me and jerk him off so that we both cum at the same time. i want his cum to land on your face and on your tits

girl: ::I lay under him, so he can come on me::

boy: describe jerking him off as you lay under him

boy: as i fuck him in the ass

girl: Id grasp his thick cock and pump it through my closed fist

boy: what would you do with the precum on the tip of his dick?

girl: rub it all over his cock as I jack him off...

boy: im fucking his as hard and im about to cum, is he?

girl: yes....his cock is starting to quiver...

boy: pump twoce more and then shoot my load, filling sam's asshole with my hot cum

girl: I jack him off hard, his cum gushing out onto my chest and stomach as he groans loudly::

boy: id make him lick it off you and then put on my clothes as i leave muttering 'slut' under my breath

girl: mmm..

girl: that would be so sexy...
please, let me know what you think of this. rocommendations for what we should do in future sessions are more than welcome.
quick do it again... with another chara

I think you should take it to the next level... interact with one or more ppl that will be on daily to take you conversation to the next level.
