A question you will not answer, though we all know the answer


Loves Spam
Jul 5, 2023
If you already believe you know the answer, then why ask the question?

Better yet, why not just give us your commentary and quit playing the games
Japan spends more money on mass transit than the U.S. does. Not just more on infrastructure, but more on cleaning staff and operations. We could have trains like that in the U.S. if we stopped wasting so much money on private cars.
The answer is that a lot of homeless people have been "camping" on the subways because they have nowhere else to go. Steps are being taken to put a stop to that, although predictably, those remedies aren't actually offering an alternative for the homeless. If we provided them with the help they need...
Funny how the Big Blue Cities cannot take care of their population in the US.

I guess that means they'll be demanding more money from the rest of us.


They're "Subway Robbers." At least Jesse James was honest about it...

(Wait. Aren't they run by Democrats? The people who put people before [evil] profits?)
Funny how the Big Blue Cities cannot take care of their population in the US.

I guess that means they'll be demanding more money from the rest of us.


They're "Subway Robbers." At least Jesse James was honest about it...

(Wait. Aren't they run by Democrats? The people who put people before [evil] profits?)
The cities have subsidized the rural parts of the U.S. since the New Deal. Even the suburbs can’t pay their own way when it comes to infrastructure and public services without help from the city.
My guess is that the answer that BB "knows" has not been revealed or guessed yet.
My guess is that the answer that BB "knows" has not been revealed or guessed yet.

It's black people.

Or some other minority / oppressed demographic.

That's always his answer. 🙄
It's black people.

Or some other minority / oppressed demographic.

That's always his answer. 🙄
I'm certain that BB will confirm or deny this answer and elaborate on his reasoning.
I'm certain that BB will confirm or deny this answer and elaborate on his reasoning.

It'll be "no it isn't - but you thought it was because you know the truth!" = his racism justified.

75%+ of the garbage posted by Deplorables on the PB are them trying to justify the bigotry that got them shunned by their families.
Democrat policies have driven America into decline. Cities like Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco are starting to look like Calcutta.
Democrat policies have driven America into decline. Cities like Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco are starting to look like Calcutta.
What is 'Tell me you haven't been to any of those cities anytime recently without actually saying you haven't'?, Alex.
The Japanese, in fact, do have a societal-engrained perspective of individual responsibility within the greater group that Americans do not have.
Indeed, no other country that I'm aware of has that same widespread sense of "I got mine and screw you" that the USA has. It does exist elsewhere, notably in Australia, but not to anywhere near the same degree.
What is 'Tell me you haven't been to any of those cities anytime recently without actually saying you haven't'?, Alex.
Was in Seattle last year, Los Angeles last year and earlier this year. Both are Democrat bomb craters.
Democrat policies have driven America into decline. Cities like Seattle, Los Angeles, and San Francisco are starting to look like Calcutta.
Democrat policies are the reasons we are on top of the world in many, many ways. Not that we're really in decline but too the extent that we are its because we've abandoned liberal policies. You think its a coinicidence that Silicon Valley is in California not Texas? Because for decades we invested in our people and it worked. Nearly every big tech company is based their. For all their whining there really isn't anything prevent Amazon from putting their HQ in South Dakota aside from a lack of educated workers.

There are places in every major city that I'd rather not be at any given moment. That being said I don't live in LA proper but unless you're from here I'm from LA. I know there are homeless people but I only see one and he chills at the local gas station collecting recyclables. If I know he's gonna be there I bring him my bottles and cans.

None of those cities has or ever will look like Calcutta. There is a reason why people live in the main cities and why the population is concentrated the way that it is. That's where the jobs are. The problem is rural America for whatever reason will not vote in their own best interests.