A question SexyChelle had made me think of one, too...



I've been thinking about writing up the first time I was with a woman within my adult life. The only problem is, which category should it go in?

I was 19, she was 23. There were no men with us. She was black. I am white.

So, First Time, Interracial, or Lesbian? :confused:
Lesbian or interracial. It won't stay in first times. You'll want to pick your category based on the emphasis. If the lesbian part of the relationship was the most important part of the story, then choose that. If the interracial tensions were the most important part of the story, then choose that.

Either or, however, I'd just say lesbian. Most interracial seems to be that ridiculously over-fantasized white wife dominated by big black cocks. But it takes all kinds, I guess.
Thanks for the input, KM. But, out of curiosity, why couldn't a same sex first time stay in that category? Like you said... It takes all kinds. So, why should every "first time" story be about "18 year old virgins" having straight sex?
I see your POV Blessedbe, but you'll get a better response in lesbians. It's silly, but from the POV of the average Lit reader, anything with lesbians in should be in the lesbian category and anything with gay men in the gay male category. All the other categories are just sub-categories of straight sex to most Lit readers.

Sad, but true.

The Earl

BlessedBe said:
Thanks for the input, KM. But, out of curiosity, why couldn't a same sex first time stay in that category? Like you said... It takes all kinds. So, why should every "first time" story be about "18 year old virgins" having straight sex?

18 yr old virgins, *chokes back a chuckle* Rare as rocking horse shit in the real world these days unfortunately.

Why not first time though, first experience of lesbian sex, first time with a different race person.

Where ever you try to put it the viewing editor may decide to move it later.

I'd say you'll get a more appreciative audience in lesbian, most kids looking in first time will be 18 yr old red necks who may slate you for offending their macho hormones with a lesbian tale.

pop_54 said:

18 yr old virgins, *chokes back a chuckle*

Right. It was sarcasm.

Why not first time though, first experience of lesbian sex, first time with a different race person.

Well, it wasn't my first time with a female... But, it was my first time with a black person of either gender.

I'd say you'll get a more appreciative audience in lesbian, most kids looking in first time will be 18 yr old red necks who may slate you for offending their macho hormones with a lesbian tale.

Like Earl said... Sad but true...
Sorry BlessedBe, when I said lesbians, I meant a story with girl/girl sex in it. I just get lazy with the typing and tend to go for the shorter and less intelligable option.

The Earl
I figured as much.

Also, I figured Lesbian would be one of the appropriate categories for this story since it was girl on girl only. No males there. No more than two. So, no Group experience or anything...
I dunno, Tiggs. I don't care, either.

Go ahead and submit it as a "first time". No skin off my nose. You asked, I answered. I could really care less what you think.
Little bit of an overreaction KM? She was just asking.

The Earl
Not shit. But, that's KM for ya. :) She hates me because I used to "date" (if you can call it that when it's net only and no real life contact) Ravenloft but things didn't work out. Funny, she doesn't treat Ravenloft's other ex "girlfriends" that way. :) And, he's fine with it. We're civil.

But, yes. It was only a question. Hell, I was being very nice to KM. Normally I just ignore her cranky ass. :rolleyes:
Maybe its because you're putting "quotations" around everything, BB, not that it really matters to me though.

I'm only civil with you when you keep this old stuff OFF the boards.
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hey tiggs,

if you're a reader whore like i am and after the most views, put it in Lesbian Sex - interracial seems to get a lot of slams, and not many people look in there for girl/girl stuff. This story, imho, should be put in Lesbian Sex, whether you're a Lesbian or not, and they keywords should be first time, bi, interracial, etc.


I am so totally not looking for a fight, I just wish this whole thing could rest, don't you BB?
BlessedBe said:
Thanks for the input, KM. But, out of curiosity, why couldn't a same sex first time stay in that category? Like you said... It takes all kinds. So, why should every "first time" story be about "18 year old virgins" having straight sex?

from a readers perspective, since 98% of the stories *are* about straight sex between two 18 yr old virgins, they're going to be surprised when they see a girl/girl first time story. two things might happen: 1) you might turn a totally straight arrow man or woman into a bi-curious who is out to find every girl/girl story on the site now, or 2) (which I think is more likely) the reader will see that it is not what he/she was looking for, and hit "back"

Most of the stories in Lesbian Sex are already Bi-curious first times, so for the most part, people are going to find exactly what they're looking for in your story when they open it.

There's no real reason NOT to post your story in First Times, just generally speaking it won't be the "norm" and people might react oddly.

Chicklet said:

There's no real reason NOT to post your story in First Times, just generally speaking it won't be the "norm" and people might react oddly.

Kinda like that whole "loving wives" Vrs. "cheating wives" debate. ;)
Well, I settled my dilemma by simply posting it as an audio story - no category to have to choose from!

Seriously, I think it is unfortunate that writers can't simply post stories where they think those stories belong, without worrying what the readership will think. Heck, most stories could fall under at 2 or 3 different categories anyway!

I have to agree with Chicklet, though. I think your story will be best received in the Lesbian section. I think it would be way more interesting if the categories could be opened up a bit from people's typical thinking. But I guess some fantasies are almost cast in stone, or so it would appear.

Good luck with your story, BB!
Thank you, Chele. :) Sorry I misspelled your name in the subject heading. :eek:
Having already encountered this problem, I can tell you that one the character must be a virgin. Having never had sex with anyone male or female before.
Master_Vassago said:

Having already encountered this problem, I can tell you that one the character must be a virgin. Having never had sex with anyone male or female before.

I wonder why that is!? :confused: I'm guessing for the same reason already mentioned... "Most" of Lit's readers have a "set idea" in their mind when it comes to the categories...
BlessedBe said:
Thank you, Chele. :) Sorry I misspelled your name in the subject heading. :eek:

No problem - it happens all the time! ;) As long as I get called, I'm a happy camper!