A question for the Trump Haters


Oct 21, 2009
Do you Trump haters have a soul? That of course is a metaphysical question. I get that you hate Pres Trump and I even concede you are able to lists lots of examples to justify your disdain. But for God’s sakes he is the President of the United States. And at this moment we are facing an unprecedented national and for that matter an international crisis the like of which neither I nor anyone else has experienced in our collective lifetime. I think you probably have to go back to the Great Depression of the 1930s to cite a similar national crisis. But even in that situation there would be a portion of the population that had the wherewithal financially to be unaffected by that economic crisis.

In this crisis everybody can contact this virus. True if you’re younger say under 50 years of age you are likely to recover if you contract the decease and you are unlikely to die. However no matter the age there is no identifiable group that one is immune. Celebrities are not immune and presumably neither are the homeless.

In crises similarly to what we are experiencing today, Americans traditionally suspend their political ideological differences and pitch in to overcome the debilitating consequences of the problem of the crisis. There certainly exists examples of that pattern for this crisis . Just as one example here in Michigan Ford Motor Company and GM have suspended making cars and have retooled to produce ventilators. There are of course countless other like examples where corporations and individuals have stepped up to the plate to provide assistance to combat and defeat this pandemic.

So to you Trump haters what have you to offer, and or contribute to resolving the problem America is facing now? All you do is constantly continue the drumbeat of trashing and disparaging the President in everything he says or does. The pages of this forum is replete with such negativity. Not very helpful to say the least. I actually do not hold any real animus towards anti Trump posters herein, as I realize you take your cues from the Dems and their faithful lackeys in the MSM. For that matter I’m unperturbed by the antics of the Dems since as an opposition party what else does one expect? Besides I believe they are doomed to remain a minority party (pun intended BTW, assuming you recognize the pun) if they continue to espouse policies and issues that are inimical to mainstream American thought and ideals. My disdain and greatest ire and disappointment is reserved for the MSM.

IMHO the MSM has abrogated their reputation and more importantly their credibility. Because of that, they do a great disservice to the country. The best example to date of what I mean is evidenced by the daily press conferences to update the crisis situation. In these press briefings there are imparted lots of information about the disease and its consequences plus the efforts by the federal govt to combat the effects of disease. When the conferences are opened to field questions from the reporters, you can easily discern that the MSM reporters are not at all interested in exploring the logistics facing the govt in protecting the populace from this disease. Instead their questions are designed to embarrass the President by hook or crook.

As I’ve indicated in another posting each such conference will feature a reporter questioning the Pres as to the wisdom of his labeling the disease as the Chinese virus. The implication of the question is that by the President referring to the illness as such may or even has generated anti Asian protests and confrontations. I have said before that Trump hatred robs one of intellectual discernment. There is not a better evidence of the veracity of such assertion than this example. Considering that this disease is spread by human to human contact, the person who may become enraged by the supposed Asian American culpability of the instigation of the disease, and wish to do harm against the said Asian American, might be wise enough to refrain from doing so.

In other words I think the dimmest amongst us would not follow the advice of the mayor of Florence, Italy to hug a Chinese person to ensure to that Chinese person that he/she is not responsible for the disease. Obviously it did not occur to the mayor of Florence that the hugging of any person, Chinese or otherwise, makes it more possible to contract the virus. However, the drum beat of the inconsequential demands by the MSM reporters have prevailed. In the latest virus update briefing (03/26/20) Pres Trump has caved in and declared that henceforth he will refrain from referring the disease as the Chinese virus. You can sense the joy in DC as now it can be inferred that the Trump administration is no longer racist. I guess we can be
grateful to the MSM for not insisting that the President emulate the mayor of Florence Italy. and demand that we hug a Chinese person to show our love and that we are not racists.

Getting back to the question of soul. Do you hate Pres Trump so much that you can not concede even the notion that he is trying his level best to fight the disease? No you can’t say that. Instead you’re content to flood these pages with postings detailing every picayune item of what the President does or says to which you can sneer at
The core issue here is that he did not take it seriously for weeks. That put us way behind the curve. We are paying a price for it.

Those three facts are indisputable. (No matter what one’s opinion of him is.)
Let me get this out of the way first, I do not hate Trump, I have never met the man, so how can I hate, or like him?
From the way he has acted his whole life, I have based my opinion of him on this behavior and determined that I have zero respect for the man and what he says or does.

Do you Trump haters have a soul? That of course is a metaphysical question. I get that you hate Pres Trump and I even concede you are able to lists lots of examples to justify your disdain.

I don't know, lets start with insistence that his was the largest inauguration attended by the public and go from there with his 40,000 plus lies and made up facts to date.

But for God’s sakes he is the President of the United States.

So when is he going to act like the President? There was a glimmer a week ago that he might, but he fell back into his personality trait...

In this crisis everybody can contact this virus. True if you’re younger say under 50 years of age you are likely to recover if you contract the decease and you are unlikely to die. However no matter the age there is no identifiable group that one is immune. Celebrities are not immune and presumably neither are the homeless.

So why is he saying "we will reopen the country after Easter? How does that make a lick of sense?

In crises similarly to what we are experiencing today, Americans traditionally suspend their political ideological differences and pitch in to overcome the debilitating consequences of the problem of the crisis.

I do get the feeling people want to rally around the President and do just that, but then Trump goes and does or says something stupid....

There certainly exists examples of that pattern for this crisis . Just as one example here in Michigan Ford Motor Company and GM have suspended making cars and have retooled to produce ventilators. There are of course countless other like examples where corporations and individuals have stepped up to the plate to provide assistance to combat and defeat this pandemic.

So how long do you think this retooling will take? A couple days??? You make it sound like they will start pumping out Ventilators next week....

Maybe Trump should have asked them 4 weeks back, instead of saying "we have 15 cases and I think we will have zero in a couple weeks"

So to you Trump haters what have you to offer, and or contribute to resolving the problem America is facing now? All you do is constantly continue the drumbeat of trashing and disparaging the President in everything he says or does.

Trump has earned the comments here, from his words, and actions. IMHO

My disdain and greatest ire and disappointment is reserved for the MSM.

Define main strem Media? Is that not everyone who just disagree's with Trump?

IMHO the MSM has abrogated their reputation and more importantly their credibility.

Really? hmmm I give that honour to Fox News, but again, I am just a humble observer

Instead their questions are designed to embarrass the President by hook or crook.

Do you know what a "lob ball question is?" as it relates to a reporter asking a question?

So when a report ask's "

"What do you say to Americans who are scared, though, I guess, more than 200 dead, 14,000 who are sick, millions as you witnessed who are scared right now?

Followed by:

"What do you say to Americans who are watching you right now who are scared?"

If Trump had paused, looked at the camera and said anything comforting, that would have been Presidential, and a home run for him in the eyes of the public, but no, Trump did, what Trump does...

Getting back to the question of soul.

There is no such thing as a human soul, there is no God, the sooner you realize that, the clearer life and the world become.

Do you hate Pres Trump so much that you can not concede even the notion that he is trying his level best to fight the disease?

Trump doesn't have a clue how to combat this virus. If he did, he would have followed the Taiwanese approach ( the most successful to date BTW), or implemented South Korea's strategy. He doesn't need to re invent the wheel.

But no he lives in the reality that he creates everyday. When that reality is proven wrong, he goes and tries to create another reality, and so on and so forth...
The core issue here is that he did not take it seriously for weeks. That put us way behind the curve. We are paying a price for it.

Those three facts are indisputable. (No matter what one’s opinion of him is.)

On Feb 2, Dr Osiris Barbot NYC health commissioner declared publicly that the threat risk of the Corona virus to New York City residents was low and the preparedness for NYC to handle the corona virus was high. She went on along with a couple of NY state senators to urge New Yorkers to attend the Chinese New Year parade. Keep in mind that these statements were uttered days after the President had issued the travel ban to and from China.

On Mar 2, Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted with a suggestion of what movie New Yorkers could go see, and as late as Mar 11 he was still urging New Yorkers if not sick to go about their normal business. Such examples probably explains why the Mayor had trouble squeezing past the 0% polling mark during his brief quest at trying to win the Democratic Party nomination for the Presidential campaign.

At this point in time for this posting, New York City is clearly the epicenter of this disease having suffered one quarter of the entire country’s reported deaths. So whose fault is that?
But for God’s sakes he is the President of the United States.

That is not a title of honor, considering the actions of his predecessors. He earned my respect by being less "presidential."
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He came across as an ass hole in the eighties and he still is .I don't hate him but despise him and all he stands for .He may have the office of President but he will never be presidential ,and will go down in history as the biggest buffoon to ever hold office ,and all his rabid followers cannot change that .
Thank you for this post

Do you Trump haters have a soul? That of course is a metaphysical question. I get that you hate Pres Trump and I even concede you are able to lists lots of examples to justify your disdain. But for God’s sakes he is the President of the United States. And at this moment we are facing an unprecedented national and for that matter an international crisis the like of which neither I nor anyone else has experienced in our collective lifetime. I think you probably have to go back to the Great Depression of the 1930s to cite a similar national crisis. But even in that situation there would be a portion of the population that had the wherewithal financially to be unaffected by that economic crisis.

In this crisis everybody can contact this virus. True if you’re younger say under 50 years of age you are likely to recover if you contract the decease and you are unlikely to die. However no matter the age there is no identifiable group that one is immune. Celebrities are not immune and presumably neither are the homeless.

In crises similarly to what we are experiencing today, Americans traditionally suspend their political ideological differences and pitch in to overcome the debilitating consequences of the problem of the crisis. There certainly exists examples of that pattern for this crisis . Just as one example here in Michigan Ford Motor Company and GM have suspended making cars and have retooled to produce ventilators. There are of course countless other like examples where corporations and individuals have stepped up to the plate to provide assistance to combat and defeat this pandemic.

So to you Trump haters what have you to offer, and or contribute to resolving the problem America is facing now? All you do is constantly continue the drumbeat of trashing and disparaging the President in everything he says or does. The pages of this forum is replete with such negativity. Not very helpful to say the least. I actually do not hold any real animus towards anti Trump posters herein, as I realize you take your cues from the Dems and their faithful lackeys in the MSM. For that matter I’m unperturbed by the antics of the Dems since as an opposition party what else does one expect? Besides I believe they are doomed to remain a minority party (pun intended BTW, assuming you recognize the pun) if they continue to espouse policies and issues that are inimical to mainstream American thought and ideals. My disdain and greatest ire and disappointment is reserved for the MSM.

IMHO the MSM has abrogated their reputation and more importantly their credibility. Because of that, they do a great disservice to the country. The best example to date of what I mean is evidenced by the daily press conferences to update the crisis situation. In these press briefings there are imparted lots of information about the disease and its consequences plus the efforts by the federal govt to combat the effects of disease. When the conferences are opened to field questions from the reporters, you can easily discern that the MSM reporters are not at all interested in exploring the logistics facing the govt in protecting the populace from this disease. Instead their questions are designed to embarrass the President by hook or crook.

As I’ve indicated in another posting each such conference will feature a reporter questioning the Pres as to the wisdom of his labeling the disease as the Chinese virus. The implication of the question is that by the President referring to the illness as such may or even has generated anti Asian protests and confrontations. I have said before that Trump hatred robs one of intellectual discernment. There is not a better evidence of the veracity of such assertion than this example. Considering that this disease is spread by human to human contact, the person who may become enraged by the supposed Asian American culpability of the instigation of the disease, and wish to do harm against the said Asian American, might be wise enough to refrain from doing so.

In other words I think the dimmest amongst us would not follow the advice of the mayor of Florence, Italy to hug a Chinese person to ensure to that Chinese person that he/she is not responsible for the disease. Obviously it did not occur to the mayor of Florence that the hugging of any person, Chinese or otherwise, makes it more possible to contract the virus. However, the drum beat of the inconsequential demands by the MSM reporters have prevailed. In the latest virus update briefing (03/26/20) Pres Trump has caved in and declared that henceforth he will refrain from referring the disease as the Chinese virus. You can sense the joy in DC as now it can be inferred that the Trump administration is no longer racist. I guess we can be
grateful to the MSM for not insisting that the President emulate the mayor of Florence Italy. and demand that we hug a Chinese person to show our love and that we are not racists.

Getting back to the question of soul. Do you hate Pres Trump so much that you can not concede even the notion that he is trying his level best to fight the disease? No you can’t say that. Instead you’re content to flood these pages with postings detailing every picayune item of what the President does or says to which you can sneer at

I am sure that very few Trump haters will take the time to read your post. They seem to just want to jump in and make wild accusation and call names and get back to video games or whatever goes on in mommy's basement where they live.

But the principle you stated are valid. When the ship is taking on water it is not a good time to start bitching about the color of the captains hair and all this other insane dribble.
Firstly, I'm not American, so his direct influence on my life is fairly limited.

He does seem to be a genuinely loathsome individual. He is vain, thin-skinned, arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical...a truly awful human being. He seems to lack any basic capacity for empathy or sympathy, caring only about himself, and he goes out of his way to be the most obnoxious prick imaginable.

But the worst thing, and the most dangerous thing about Trump is that he is a complete and utter moron. Worse than that he is an idiot who thinks he's a genius. He is totally and utterly unfit for office, without the intellectual or moral capacity to carry out his tasks as chief executive.

Clearly, in a situation like this, one desperately hopes that he can learn and grow and make a success of things, but nothing in his background suggests he is capable of this. The best we can hope for is he leaves office without leaving too much damage in his wake.

Those of us who were sceptical about Trump have always dreaded this moment, the external crisis that he has to deal with. Hopefully, the infrastructure of the state will be able to deal with this, and save us from the chaos Trump might bring.
Don't get me started

Does Trump have a soul?

In 2016 Trump makes a case for the closing of our southern bounder. Refers to Mexicans as murders, rapists and drug smugglers. Hence, starts his "Us" (blue-eyed blonds against 'them') campaign.

I'm curious, why is it that Trump is blatantly bias and prejudicial?

Consider the growing opinion from his base (Christian evangelist). From Christian Today--regarding his behavior and ignoring facts

Further, let us consider his leadership style. Rather than surefooted leadership and factual content, he provides superlatives and gut based opinions. E.g., "be back to normal by Easter." Meanwhile, his staff (Dr. Anthony Fauci)i will tell you otherwise.
He came across as an ass hole in the eighties and he still is .I don't hate him but despise him and all he stands for .He may have the office of President but he will never be presidential ,and will go down in history as the biggest buffoon to ever hold office ,and all his rabid followers cannot change that .

I'm on the east coast of the USA so I'm also familiar with dick head-in-chief since then. I've always been aware than he is a carnival barker who believed that he is a member of a social elite. When they started calling him, "The Donald" I thought that as obviously repulsive as this guy is, there are some people who are only impressed with the appearance of wealth. When he started his campaign for the 2016 election, I thought that he was just having fun and trying to promote his brand. I soon became aware that he was equivalent of an adolescent with with acute emotional issues.

That all seems so obvious to me. Like a lot of people who do get it we are astonished by those of you who don't.
That all seems so obvious to me. Like a lot of people who do get it we are astonished by those of you who don't.

Yeah, that's the bit I always struggle with. There seems to be a disturbingly large number of people who seem to think the guy is some sort of genius, and I just can't for the life of me understand why.

I mean, if people have just decided to enjoy the Trump presidency as a piece of kitsch performance art, where he causes complete chaos and drives the liberals insane, and they get some weird kick out of that, then I suppose I could understand the appeal. Or, if you're really anti-abortion and you like corporate tax cuts etc, and you're willing to ignore the tweets and the general dickishness, I could understand that too.

But to somehow convince yourself that he's an incredible businessman and dealmaker, when all the available evidence shows he's a complete and utter buffoon (and a crook), strikes me as perverse.

I imagine the most ardent pro-Trumpers will dismiss this as Trump derangement syndrome and ignore everything I've said. He's a bit of a Rorschach test I suppose; people seem to see what they want to see.

Let me get this out of the way first, I do not hate Trump, I have never met the man, so how can I hate, or like him?

I believe you’re indulging in some sophistry. My copy of the Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of the English Language defines “hate” as: “to regard with extreme aversion; have great dislike for; detest. I would submit that your postings those, that I’ve been privy to, surely fit the dictionary definition.


From the way he has acted his whole life, I have based my opinion of him on this behavior and determined that I have zero respect for the man and what he says or does.

Its trite to say that no one knows all the facts about another person. I would bet that you are unfamiliar with the following two anecdotes in the life of President Trump:

(1) New York City has a skating rink in Central Park originally called Wollman Park, and it had a problem starting in 1980-it was not making ice. The City of New York undertook a project to fix the skating rink. After six years and $13 million in wasted taxpayer monies, the rink was still not making ice.

Trump started writing letters to the editors of the various newspapers in New York calling out the then Mayor Ed Koch and the city for their inability and failure to fix the rink. Mayor Koch got so fed up with Trump’s constant carping, that in a put up or shut up challenge gave Trump $3 million with a six months time limit to fix the rink himself.

Trump’s first act in accepting the challenge was to talk with someone who was an expert at building skating rinks. He surmised that Canada was the best place to seek such an expert, believing the top ice builders no doubt are ones of have built rinks for Canada’s professional hockey teams. He got in touch with a Toronto based company that had built the rink for the Montreal Canadiens hockey team. Trump got a crash course in what it takes to build a quality ice skating rink, and he had some of the people of the company fly down to New York to inspect the Wollman rink. Within three months, at a cost of $2.25 million, the rink was open for business. It’s still there-still making ice, and it’s now called the Trump Wollman Rink in Central Park.

(2) In 2014 Marine Sgt Andrew Tahmooressi, had mistakenly and inadvertently crossed into Mexican territory with three weapons in his truck. He was arrested by Mexican police for firearms possession, and jailed for 214 days. As a combat veteran he was suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and alas the Mexican prison had no facilities or expertise to treat his illness. So his incarceration was truly brutal. His release was secured by the diplomatic efforts of former New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, and two Republican Congressmen plus talk show host Montel Williams. Most instrumental in prompting this diplomatic push to obtain the release was the relentless coverage of Sgt Tahmooressi’s plight by Greta Van Susteren as she was then employed by Fox News.

Fox News was almost the only news outlet that covered this story, as the MSM in love with Pres Obama would invariably not cover any story that might prove to be embarrassing to their darling. You see Pres Obama was obviously unconcerned about the plight of this veteran as he did not bother to make even one phone call to the Mexican President govt to plead clemency for the hapless Marine.

If you didn’t know it, you wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Pres Trump is and has been an avid viewer of Fox News. Upon being apprised of Sgt Tahmooressi’s woes, through the reportage by Van Susteren, as a private citizen Donald J Trump forwarded monies to help meet the sargent get back on his feet and picked up the tab for excessive medical expenses the sargent may incur.

I would suggest that if you are a fair minded person these two anecdotes in of itself would tend to make one view the President in a more positive light.

I don't know, lets start with insistence that his was the largest inauguration attended by the public and go from there with his 40,000 plus lies and made up facts to date.

OK so Pres Trump loves to exaggerate his accomplishments and is something of a braggart. Granted it might be an off putting characteristic to some, but I would suggest to be a successful salesman possessing such trait is essential. To suggest this character trait is unique and not presidential displays a naïve view of the true reality of American politics. You might be aware of Al Gore who was VP to Pres Clinton and lost the Presidential election in 2000 by a whisker in the electoral college while winning the popular vote. One of his most infamous claims was his assertion that he invented the internet. To be fair and his apologists have pointed out that he did not actually say that he invented the internet. OK what he actually did say in an interview with Wolf Blitzer in Mar 1999 (my god he’s still around) was, “that as a Congressman (i.e. a Senator from Tennessee) he took the initiative in creating the internet.” I might suggest the distinction is mute. As for the 40,000 lies just keep counting if it makes you happy.

So when is he going to act like the President? There was a glimmer a week ago that he might, but he fell back into his personality trait...

Obviously that is a subjective opinion which I can’t help you with. Before the outbreak of this pandemic the economy was going like gang busters in the United States. Trump’s foreign policy was been effective. If Trump hasn’t acted Presidential I prefer that to Pres Obama who I’ll concede had acted Presidential but his output as a President stank.

So why is he saying "we will reopen the country after Easter? How does that make a lick of sense?

I take it you would prefer that he say, “We’re all doomed. It’s hopeless. We’re all going to die by Easter.

I do get the feeling people want to rally around the President and do just that, but then Trump goes and does or says something stupid....

Yeah right! The doctors, nurses, the scientists and every other American pitching in to fight the virus will cease their efforts because Pres Trump will utter something you deem as stupid. Gedt real!

So how long do you think this retooling will take? A couple days??? You make it sound like they will start pumping out Ventilators next week....

Maybe Trump should have asked them 4 weeks back, instead of saying "we have 15 cases and I think we will have zero in a couple weeks"

Four weeks ago no one and I do mean no one thought this virus would become as seriously widespread as it has become. Actually the car companies were still making cars four weeks ago. Ford for example did not suspend operations until Mar 19. How soon can the car companies produce the ventilators is uncertain but are you suggesting that they should not make the attempt? My point is that the car companies are pitching in and will do their best to help provide the needy medical equipment as fast as they can. BTW, I’ll let you in on a secret, Trump is not God and therefore not omniscient.


Trump has earned the comments here, from his words, and actions. IMHO

Your opinion are not only truly humble, they are instead worthless, not in the least bit insightful.

Originally Posted by Bodington View Post
Define main strem (sic) Media? Is that not everyone who just disagree's with Trump?

Main Stream Media is just about every news outlet except for Fox News and Wall Street Journal. In addition most of talk radio and some websites are also on our side.

Really? hmmm I give that honour to Fox News, but again, I am just a humble observer

In contrast to MSM during the Trump Presidency, Fox News has never had to retract any story as inaccurate, they have never had the need to fire any reporter for filing a demonstrably false story, and they have not been forced to settle a lawsuit alleging them guilty of libel and slander. That last example is truly remarkable considering that freedom of the press is sacrosanct in our Constitution such that it must be a truly egregious case for any plaintiff to ever hope succeed in such a legal action.

Do you know what a "lob ball question is?" as it relates to a reporter asking a question?

So when a report ask's "

"What do you say to Americans who are scared, though, I guess, more than 200 dead, 14,000 who are sick, millions as you witnessed who are scared right now?

Followed by:

"What do you say to Americans who are watching you right now who are scared?"

If Trump had paused, looked at the camera and said anything comforting, that would have been Presidential, and a home run for him in the eyes of the public, but no, Trump did, what Trump does...

I bet you haven’t watched any of the press conferences in its entirety. I get the impression that all you know about these conferences are the film clips that CNN or MSNBC air to demonstrate the narrative that Pres Trump is incompetent and as you say not acting Presidential. I’m dismayed that you even think the question you cite is even legitimately useful. It is even telling that you think there is only one kind of answer that the President ought to have made.

Just to get personal, I am over sixty-five years of age, and have underlying medical issues. I have high blood pressure and suffer from asthma. In addition I suffer from psoriasis but I have had to suspend my medication as the drug I use to treat that condition retards my immune system which needless to say I need to combat if I do contract this virus. So naturally I pay close attention to these press conferences and the information that is imparted is life saving. I now wash my hands more religiously than I’ve ever done in the past. Social distancing has not been a problem for us since I retired over a year ago and the only other human beings my wife and I interract with is our children. My two daughters live out of state so we won’t see them again until after this crisis is over. My son does live near by, but to adhere to the strict guidelines of social distancing my son does my grocery needs and drops the purchases on my porch so that we don’t come into contact with each other.

Considering my personal situation, I’m absolutely grateful that Donald J Trump is the President of the United States and not Hillary Clinton. Obviously the response by the medical community and scientists would not be different. However Pres Trump did issue a travel ban to and from China on Jan 31. I have the belief that Hillary would not have issued such ban that early but eventually she would have been forced to. There of course is no way to quantify the difference of the severity of the disease in such a hypothetical. However one thing I’m absolutely certain is that a Pres Hillary Clinton would have acted in accordance with what would be expedient for her political fortunes. In contrast I believe that Pres Trump’s actions are predicated on what he considers is best for the country.

There is no such thing as a human soul, there is no God, the sooner you realize that, the clearer life and the world become.

As I said at the outset of my posting the question I pose is a metaphysical one The dictionary I rely on defines “soul” as: “the rational, emotional, and volitional faculties in man, conceived of as an entity distinct from, and often existing independently of his body”. Given that definition you might better understand the theme of my posting.

Trump doesn't have a clue how to combat this virus. If he did, he would have followed the Taiwanese approach ( the most successful to date BTW), or implemented South Korea's strategy. He doesn't need to re invent the wheel.

Obviously Pres Trump is not a doctor, scientist or in any way an expert in utilizing the logistics in dealing with combating this virus. For that matter neither would Ms Hillary be had she won the 2016 election. So the real debate is whether Pres Trump has effectively utilized his power as President to ameliorate this medical crisis. I suggest there is no demonstrative evidence to the contrary. So why don’t you Trump haters do the country a favor and just shut up since you really have no better solution to offer to combat the virus.
Bod, the fact is that Donnie is way out of his depth in the White House. His persistence there is destroying the country.

He is a horrible person, even if he can hire professionals to fix what is broken, he will not let them do the job if he doesn't get to claim all the credit and none of the blame.

He is a delusional dipshit and will drive our country into the dirt. The Economy is broken now and will only get worse as the millions die in this Pandemic that Trump is mismanaging.

So kiss your ass goodbye and standby for the Apocalypse.:eek:
Can we all agree that global trade and tourism make pandemics more frequent and severe?

The end of fossil fuels will eventually stop most of that. Then we resume the previous practice of treating local diseases with local herbs. Trump's tariffs are one small step in that direction.
Bodington, you state in your bio that the brain is the most important sexual organ in the body. Clearly in your case that's very correct as you don't use it for rational, intellectual thought.

It is true what trump has said that he could kill someone and his supporters would still vote for him, well he has and is doing so and you're proving him correct.
Trump is God

Bodington, you state in your bio that the brain is the most important sexual organ in the body. Clearly in your case that's very correct as you don't use it for rational, intellectual thought.

It is true what trump has said that he could kill someone and his supporters would still vote for him, well he has and is doing so and you're proving him correct.

Let me use my feeble intellect to try a little syllogism on you. You say Trump has killed people. Now of course he hasn’t killed any person in the usual understanding of the word. So I’m assuming you mean that he has killed the people that have died because of covid-19. Now if a doctor who was treating a covid-19 but couldn’t save the poor soul, the consensus opinion of most people would conclude that only God could have saved the unfortunate victim. So when you say Pres Trump has killed a covid-19 victim you imply he could have prevented the death. Ergo it follows Trump must be GOD.