A Question for the Ladies...

Hey, this isn't chat, baby, spell out the words. And capitalize!

Here you go, doll:

How many of you buy clothes that you know you'll never wear, but you have to have them in your closet?

I am a guy, but I have too many clothes in my closet. Most of the clothes I don't even wear more than once or twice, while some I always wear. So, basically, I sell my old clothes on ebay.

:) No need to thank me, happy to help.
I don't buy clothes I know I won't wear. I am fairly practical about only buying clothes that I will wear fairly regularly.

guilty as charged

I'm much better now than I used to be though.

Now I just need to deal with this little handbag and accessory addiction I've got going on...

(fuck you I'll use all the ellipses I want.)
No, but I have gotten some pretty cool stuff from people who do, on Ebay for really good prices.
guilty pleasure said:
Maybe we should get Yayati and Gusty together......

That's a big time insult for yayati. He actually has thoughts and ideas that he conveys. He realizes he's being funny when he is acting so dorky.
lavender said:
That's a big time insult for yayati. He actually has thoughts and ideas that he conveys. He realizes he's being funny when he is acting so dorky.

yayati said:
guiltypleasure: i believe tha word u were looking for is "Chillax":D

lavender, thanx. :) but its okay, we should all chillax and talk about the tha thread starter...it took me almost ten seconds to think up that topic...and now its getting ruined...


Thanks, Yayati, I'm always keen to learn new words.

