A question for the Domme Ladies

I don't think anybody would dare wave anything, for the people from the corner would surely jump him, pin him to the floor and gag him. And you could surely count me in on that. :D

Please go on Shadowsdream. This is awsome.

I don't want to sound greedy. But could you make it 36 hours? Or 48?
Don't worry about me, Willow...

i'm not that flag waving type even at parades.

What d'ya think foxinsox, mg5, ahould we all pile our clothes in a heap and kneel over here making puppyeyes? :rolleyes:

Let's see if we can learn to do synchronized goose bumps. It'd be cool if we could have "We love you Shadowsdream!" roll across our backs like that wacky marquee at Times Square.

Later we could practice doing different fonts. (OK this time we Italicize Her name)

i'm very much enjoying this! No flags!


...I just can't seem to shut my mouth, and I have to post a response to Shadows(cont.)education.~The problem of not being able to shut my mouth, may be because I am, for the FIRST time, observing a *True Mistress* artfully performing, and my jaw has DROPPED to the floor.~Please continue Shadows!

:rose:X 12
OMG I am surrounded by nut cases...but very sweet nut cases if I do say so Myself!

Of course there is more talk...a few laughs..more talks about the realities of a 24/7 lifestyle..why the submissive feels the need to submit..discussions on pride and courage.

THEN...it is time to show some of the toys that I MAY use over the next months of trainings...I never accept a submissive to be Mine before they have done a minimum of four months of training. This will not necessarily be 4 months of daily training but the time span under My real time control will be a minimum of four months.


A submissive that has been looking for years for a Mistress strong enough, consistent enough and authentic past just the bedroom games can often arrive with stars in their eyes and promise the unfullfillable.
The Dominant can also read more into what She has been led to believe...(experience..needs...desires) than there really is.

Both can grow into a relationship or out of it gracefully. If an immediate acceptance of an application ocurs, believe it or not...more pressure to live up to expectations can cause panic in the sub or complacity (spelling?)

Back to the toys...I will lead the submissive on the leash to My bedroom where I have two wall racks covered in the toys I can hang...surrounded by the spreader bars and canes below.

If the sub has been to My web site they would have seen pictures of about 200 items but in real time the toys are much harder to ignore.

I will remove a simply latex flogger, explaining that often I will begin a scene with this soft introduction...casting it negligently to the bed I will pick up a second flogger, still light leather with a beautiful handcrafted handle...I may gently run the leather over the body of the sub just to tantalize the fantasy. Then a third, but this time it may be the one that is a nylon fibre..I will explain the bite this innocent looking tool hides in its simpleness. This will continue through 7 floggers of different temperments.

The same process will occur with all 9 varieties of crops and clappers...explaining the function of each..why they are used and how...perhaps a mild smack now and then to punctuate the seriousness of each.

On to the paddles of sleek handcrafted woods or My favourite leather instruments of torment. Always explaining why what and how....the different tools used to discipline or train. Why one is chosen over another.

I will turn to the second rack while you wonder why I haven't even addressed half the toys on the first. I do not explain all but allow you to have a glimpse and a fantasy to leave with.

On the second rack you will see many styles of leather cuffs, penis gags, bit gags, pony bridles, leashes. strap ons...and on and on and on. I will explain a little of some..as well as show you the large selection of training and party collars I own. From leather to rubber. I will show you which ones I can lock on and which locks I use.

I will tell you that before this day is over you will taste a toy or two and your first spanking from Me.

your anticiaption is wetted but you will not be immediately satisfied with play...I want to see if you can entertain yourself without My constant attention...so I will allow you to use the third computer in My home while I chat online directly across from you. I will watch you for boredom and occassionally send you to get Me a beverage simply to test your memory on proper service. I will praise you when deserved and correct you if you do not meet the standards you have already been shown.

I will take the time to stroke your head as you lay your head in My leather clad lap, encouraging you to be strong and proud on this journey you have begun....

to be continued

I have been known to do a 30 day training..I always say..be careful what you ask for..you just might get it! ~~grin~~~

And thank you artful for Your beautiful words.
Please be very very gentle with those things {buttplugs} it looks like I have no choice either way in the matter {looking toward the popcorn crew semi-scared at thier admiring lustful glareful eyes}

aisde from that I could handle the nail polishing and removing quite well even with your interuptions and assuarances but i would soon be unexpecteadly recieving admonishing as my hand shook on shock and made a finger nail paining boboo-faux paux
(Please be very very gentle with those things {buttplugs} it looks like I have no choice either way in the matter {looking toward the popcorn crew semi-scared at thier admiring lustful glareful eyes} )

Yes Todd I think you should fear that motley crew over there in the corner....

And the good thing is you are expected to make a less than perfect rendition of toenail art. The lesson is well learned that you should always expect the unexpected when at My feet.
Eventually I will expect perfection even during the surprises but the first time or two you will be tormented with words meant to make you think in ways you never considered before.

You see I have the luxury of not having to prove Myself in a single afternoon or evening...it is a long process to learn My ways...
Quietly sneaks over to the corner to join the others.

Paper and pen in hand, takes notes for the Dom/me handbook.
pssssssssssssssst cellis, I saw you!

don't you be letting those other subbies draw on the floor now!
I am really enjoying this. I am glad I muttered my way into asking this question,very informative very educationational.

I believe I was in the bedroom on my knees as you were educating , thrilling, suspencing me with thine toys ?
you have arrived at My home at noon which is generally when I like to begin a meeting...so by now I have slowly taken you until almost 4 pm...

you know that you will be cooking the dinner in My home for you and I and My slave so it is about now that I will send you into the kitchen to begin the preparations. you will be told to ask My toy where everything is as I don't have a clue what is in the kitchen other than My chair at the table! (ok that is a bit of an exaggeration but I know you all loved it!)

I will leave you undisturbed for about 20 minutes then I will surprise you by appearing behind you..I am told I am silent in My approach. If you are cutting vegetables or something as mundane youwill become immobile when I put My firm hands on your naked hips and draw your ass to My hips provocatively, giving you and idea what it will be like the day I take you at the kitchen sink with My strap on.

Once I have your full attention diverted from your task i will ask you if you know why I am tormenting you. The first time I ask this you will have no idea. My response is simply " Because I can!"

I will laugh softly as I leave the room...only I know I will be back!
O no Todd..you will KNOW when yĂłu are on your knees ...I will be the one putting you there.
Shadowsdream said:
pssssssssssssssst cellis, I saw you!

don't you be letting those other subbies draw on the floor now!

Oh no Ma'am, I won't.
It's amazing what this fundie, virgin, nilla gets himself into sometimes.

Sorry Mistress just mumbling to myself.

You say yourself, your slave and me, may I inquire of whom and gender of the other slave?
My slave is a male..he has been under contract ...tattooed with the word OWNED and formally collared. he wears a Carrera Belt 95% of the time for My pleasure. he has been My toy 24/7 for 3 years now.
This is simply exhilarating! Of course, I'm doing some shameless mental self-superimposing, but that's only to be expected from a greedy little submissive like me, isn't it?

*Makes a mental note to find a trainer for 4 months*

Dinner is now in the cooking stage...I know this even from My office. I turn My head to see My slave working naked in chastity at his computer, completely unconcerned with having a naked sub in his domain (kitchen). Proud of how safe he feels under My protection.

I appear in the kitchen out of nowhere stopping you dead in your tracks. It may not appear so but I have a practiced eye on the progress of the cooking and will be mentally calculating how many minutes or seconds I can afford to cause you to worry about the food mixed with the confusion as to what I may have in mind for you now.

I adore the way you come to a stop..so cute!

I will wrap an apron around your waist and tie it tightly asking you if you think you have any right to place the cock and balls you have presented to Me in any danger of being burnt. you are feeling the humiliation of the female apron and the slight unexpected guilt of not protecting these gifts you have stated you wish to give Me for My pleasure.

I will leave you once I am satisfied with your response..and I can almost gaurantee you will be glad to see Me go!

When the dinner is ready you will approach Me to tell Me so. I already know this though as I have been listening from 2 rooms away for the tell tail signs of the table being set, beverages being poured and food placed on dishes.

When you enter My office so shyly I will point to the floor and something inside of you will make you know that you are meant to drop to your knees. You will advise Me the food is ready and I will direct you to stand and precede Me to the table.

I will call the slave to join us...no interesting details in the rest of the meal that will add anything to the conversation...

When you have done the dishes, possibly alone or with the help of My slave it will be close to 7 pm.
continuing for the well behaved crowd in the corner...and the inquistive Todd

I will give you uninterrupted privacy while the dishes are being done although by simply turning your head you will see Me sitting in My living room in one of My black leather chairs, calming watching the news.

When you return to Me I will once again point silently to the floor in front of Me. When you kneel I will instruct you to come closer as I will wish to use your naked thighs to rest My feet on.

It is time for more communication, processing of the feelings that are running around inside of your mind now. I will want you to voice how you feel rather than how you thought you would feel before you actually made it to the place of honor you now have.

As you begin to form your thoughts I will remind you to place your hands behind your back in self bondage to show respect and submission.


Because this simple act once again places you deeper under My Domination and gives you a little more freedom to feel obedience in your answers and humility. It takes away the feeling you may have of giving a laundry list of *i like this or i don't like that* differently than i thought i would.

I will smile encouragingly at you as I praise what I saw as good behaviour and point out where I already see work needs to be done. I listen carefully to your words and watch even more carefully for all the nuances of body language. When you are not expecting it I will allow you to relax your arms. I do this to see if you use them for a defensive posture in any way, such as arms folded over the chest or covering the genitals in any way.


Because if you are feeling negative in any way no words you speak will over ride your posturing and it opens a new direction to the talk....I DO NOT let anything slide. All is faced and faced deeply, caringly and honestly. I also caution you to not be hasty in thinking you have found your heaven to quickly as each new experience will bring its own re-evaluation on this journey.

Since it is common for My trainees to travel from other citys or Countries to come to Me I will take into consideration how emotionally and physically tired you may be. It is doubtful you will feel the fatigue as quickly as I can see it. you are under a new kind of surviellance starting now.

you have much to think about already..most likely wondering when something really physical will ever happen, I know this and also know the waiting is part of the journey. As is the surprise..where and when will it come? I now give you some free time to use the computer or just relax watching tv. your choice.

to be continued....
i feel as if She is watching me read this...

It feels like She knows i'm loving it too! :D

i'm really impressed with the fact that "letting out Her secrets" is inconsequential, for Her purposes. These are not "tricks" one uses to enslave another. "Tricks" that some other Dom/me wannabe might steal and run off with all the subs.

They are observations of human behavior that can be used to forge a loving union between two people. A union that can let each one give what they have and receive what they need.

The "techniques" can be public, the way sheet music can be bought at any music store, but what happens when a musician begins to play what's on the paper depends entirely on what kind of an artist that person is.

We are in the company of a virtuoso, i believe.

Thank you, Mistress:rose:
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I totally agree. I can smell Shadows alertness, thousands of miles away. I recognise in her the talent and ability to "Command",...not as a General in some BDSM Army,...but as a genuine leader who has depth and character, far surpassing
MOST Dom/mes. I don't mind admitting, her knowledge and experience draws me to read her posts with avid enthusiasm. I will continue to read, and learn more.

Thank you for sharing Shadows! :rose:
~~~grinning at foxinsox~~~

Free time is OVER now..."Come to Me," I invite with no chance of escape in my voice.

Yes again...from out of nowhere..no preparation to end what you have been doing. NOW

It is time to explain WHY you are about to get your first spanking at My hand..and yes it will be at My hand. I have been known to spank so hard I will burst the vessels in the palm of My hand. I have told you this before and it will be in the back of your mind now.

I have decided I am in the *over the knee* mood. you will be directed to lie your body over My knee with your head hanging low to the floor on My left side. your naked genitals will be caressing My thighs so that I can feel the swelling of your manhood with each carress of My hand. I will allow you to get ALMOST comfortable as I raise your ass higher in the air simply because I ENJOY the control..even if it were already perfect I would adjust you for My entertainment. I will spread your legs further with a soft slap in the inside of your thighs.

My voice will both soothe and torment you constantly as I take you on a journey you may have only dreamed about.


Because this introduction could make or break your feelings of trust, openess and pride. Even in humiliation you should be able to find pride.

I will rub your ass cheeks one at a time and scratch gently as I mentally begin to prepare you for the heat that will come. A soft yet firm hand will land expectedly, slowly and deliberately. I will begin a concious tempo that is easy to get used to until I sense you are almost becoming bored and I know you are beginning to think..." i waited all day for this?"


Because if it is to easy, to fast it, is predictable to expect all of BDSM to be so when it comes to the physical and I am about to teach you to put that *predictable* word on the shelf when you are under My umbrella of Domination.

When you begin to squirm for a more comfortable place upon My knee I know that your mind is on comfort *yours* and not lost in submission. I will take you back to the *lost* mode now. Between wanting to escape and needing to endure. Half way between heaven and hell!

I re-adjust your body once again..raising your ass higher in the air as My left hand is placed firmly on your lower back. If you are concious of My body you will now feel the Power as all the muscles in My thighs and belly tense with deliberation. I will remind you that you have a safe word and that your pride should allow you to use it the minute you feel the need. That My appreciation of your submission will not diminish if that need arises.

The first strike of fire will hit you like lightning...I will NOT allow you to catch your breath before 2 or 3 more join it. I know your mind is half way between frantic and delight. A little more rubbing and scratching as I continue to explain that bad boys need correcting when they misbehave. I am sure there was something displeasing about you that I can use to reinforce this statement.

There is no part of your ass that will not feel the fire of My hand...soft, slow, hard and fast, alternating between sensual seduction and the pain of discipline. When your moans match the heat of your ass I will drop you unceremoniously at My feet. My face will be serious and My energy level will be so high you could cut the tension in the room with a butter knife.

I will tell you of My pride in your endurance but will not ask you how you feel...it is to soon for you to have even begun to process the experience. I will allow you to get a drink for yourself and instruct you to look at your flaming ass in the mirror in My hallway.


Because the redness is your validation of what you have endured in a visual way. Another dose of pride will be seen in your eyes.

When I can see you winding down emotionally I will take your head onto My leather clad knee and stroking your head I will begin to help you process all the new sensations and feelings.

to be continued...
Dr Blue and artful

You both read Me well...I hold no need to hide My ways nor to force them on others. I give freely what I have learned so that Dom/mes and those with Dom/me potential WILL come into the BDSM world with all the information they can gleen that will give them the tools to keep the submissive of their dreams..happy healthy and in awe.

There is a real lack of Dominants and so many deserving subs that I make a concious effort to bring as many new Dom/mes into this world as I can.

BUT I do only give advise, opinions and support and also ENCOURAGE none to try to be a carbon copy of Myself...to do so may STOP a Dom/me from being the one that will take the world by storm with their own uniqueness.

Thank you both for your kind and open words.
What d'ya think, you gals in the corner with me?

Goosebump City?

We gotta work on the "rolling marquee" thing.

The Cow goes, "Moo!"
The Doc goes, "Woo!"