A question for my liberal Lit stalkers...

It's not racist and since projected hypotheticals have no empirical evidence to show as fact, they negate any hypocrisy, assumed or otherwise.

Conservative White males wouldn't do what that woman did because 1) they are more lazy than cunning, 2) there's no money involved for the effort, and 3) they lack the imagination and cultural depth to pull it off.

also 4) they have routinely cosplayed as Black people online social spaces for decades to this day...and they are horrible at it. When's the last time someone hired a ninja with bells tied around their wrists and ankles? :ROFLMAO:

The limits of what they actually do to effect is the infiltration of social protests and marches in order to turn them violent through deliberate fuckery, but this can backfire on them as well, especially after the J6 calamity, so they tread lightly with that agenda.

That ^ is some top notch "splaining" that even a racist imbecile like JaySecretions should be able to comprehend.


👉 JaySecretions 🤣

That ^ is some top notch "splaining" that even a racist imbecile like JaySecretions should be able to comprehend.


👉 JaySecretions 🤣

What you are referring to as "Liberals" are NOT liberals, they are, in fact, Neo-Communists that call themselves "Progressives." They are ALL 'racialists' and a good portion of them are out and out racists. They believe that people of 'color' (Asians excluded) are incapable of making it on their own without being 'handicapped.' The unspoken implication of that premise is that these people of 'color' are inferior and require their help and THAT is the textbook definition of racist.

They are the people that referred to Condoleezza Rice as an Aunt Jemima, clearly derogatory and racist. And then some years later demand the Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben be taken off the grocery store shelves. Obviously they don't believe people of color are worthy of representing national brands.

For 160 years two Confederate cannons were displayed in this cities plaza. About 4 years ago the "progressive" students at the local university demonstrated demanding the cannons be removed. The cannon were displayed as war trophies of the failed Confederate invasion of the West. The cannons were abandoned by the Confederates in their long and humiliating retreat from the territory. Did the stupid bastards doing the demonstrating know that? Their spokesperson certainly didn't.

That's what they are and who you're dealing with, good luck.
So you, as a privileged white have the insight into the black community to speak to members of that community who consider your imposing your ideas on that community the worst damage to the black community, and tell them, if they, black Americans, disagree with you, a white male, that they are misguided. That's kinda racist, don't you think?

It certainly would be if that were really what I said. But it isn't and you know it.
No, just horribly misguided.
That's exactly what you said by saying this. A black man says something about what's wrong with his culture and it's causes, and you, a white liberal declare him horribly misguided, all because he dared to disagree with your white liberal stance. That is the very essence of what a statement is saying about a black man's take on black culture. "I know more, as your white savior. You are horribly misguided. Sit down and I'll tell you how it really is."

Responding to BSG’s observation, and JaySecretion’s attempt to gaslight with a cherry picked video of a black professor with an agenda being promoted by a black podcaster with an agenda, is NOT "white-spaining".

Hope that ^ helps


👉 JaySecretions 🤣

Trying to explain away the position of black Americans who disagree with you, using your white liberal beliefs and theories, which is exactly what those black Americans are saying TO you white liberals, is the very essence of white-splaining.
That's exactly what you said by saying this. A black man says something about what's wrong with his culture and it's causes, and you, a white liberal declare him horribly misguided, all because he dared to disagree with your white liberal stance.
No, that's not why I called him horribly misguided. It's not about the facts, which I'm sure he is entirely aware of. It's about his interpretation of them.
That is the very essence of what a statement is saying about a black man's take on black culture. "I know more, as your white savior. You are horribly misguided. Sit down and I'll tell you how it really is."
Does that apply to you with respect to the hundreds if not thousands of Black thought-leaders who disagree with him (and with you) on just about everything?