A question for editors


Learning to Fly
Jun 24, 2001
I have two threads, one in the sci-fi category. While writing a thread for this story, I somehow messed up and posted a segment under the wrong "continuance title." Worse still, when I was typing it, I took too long and the system logged me out--a problem I had quite often back then (over a year ago, or about a year ago), but haven't had lately. I accepted the submission without checking when i realized this, and in attempt to correct the problem, duplicated the submission under the correct title, but couldn't delete the wrong one. Now, I have two continuance titles, moving on to what should be two separate threads, but are duplicates of each toehr. Is there a way to fix this?

If you need to know what I mean--as I probably didn't make it clear--check ot the thread: The Mainframe, in the chyoo sci-fi board and you'll see what I mean.
No Deletions

I have not found a way to delete something once it is approved. This is something that would be a great help.

To avoid the log out problem I write in notepad, to avoid the problem with quotes and apostrophes, then copy it to word for spell and grammer checking, then copy it to Chyoo. This also provides the benefit of having the whole story on my laptop and allow me to work on stuff when not logged on.


The Spider Club

Watching the Neighbors
Figures...I think the story has potential too. I contacted the site a while back, when i first noticed the problem and they never got back to me.

*Shrugs* oh, well...
What is the story

Tell me where to find the story. I would like to take a look at it.


In the Sci-Fi category. It's called The Mainframe. It's realy only just started, so it isn't much good yet. I decided to edit the post and note to the reader the discrepancy. I also edited the one post (that actually registered as mine) and changed it, so instead of having duplicates, I have two different threads with the contradicting headings.
You'll know what I mean when you see it.
If you're into Non-sexual thread, check out Ghost Town. That one's mine too, and further developed.
edit it

You can´t delete an accepted thread, but you can edit it - and if it´s your own story, you don´t even have to wait the approval by the story editor. So what I do in such cases, I change the option text to "no thread here" or something like that, delete the text and resubmit it that way, so no-one wastes his/her time with it. Not too elegant, but well.