A Question About Your Time of the Month

My exgf had ways to do this but they were not something I would recommend.

She has bulemia, aneroxia, OCD and a host of other issues going on.
There are drugs available that will keep it in check until you want it to start. You need to start taking them a day or two before your period is due, and must be taken at approx the same time every day. Once you stop taking them your period will start within hours. Over here they are only available on prescription from a GP.
well I have found out that if I soak in a hot tub of water every night while I am on my period it slows down. I am down to only 4 days now instead of 7. Hope this helps
Just get really stressed and think that you might be pregnant....that always makes peeps periods hold off for a week or so.
Stress makes mine come early, not late.

I don't know of anyway to slow it down a couple days if you aren't on the pill. Sorry.
The pill is the only safe way that Iever heard of to safely affect your periodI can remember one eppisode where high stress caused my sweety to start early, much to her extreem chagrin. But you know, there are some of us who don't mind a little extra flavor, but then I always have liked my dishes with a little extra spice.

Good Luck.
If you found anything and it work can you please post it afterward!!!!

It can be very annoying to have our period when you have a meeting you can not miss at all cost.
have a hyster like me.....wonderful thing....no more periods, no more bloating, no more pain.......:D
Mrs Christophe said:
have a hyster like me.....wonderful thing....no more periods, no more bloating, no more pain.......:D

That's awlfully radical, don't ya think?
Samuari said:
That's awlfully radical, don't ya think?
well, i had a lot of problems, cramps, pain, exploding cyst, massive bleeding.....so wasn't radical for me, no more mood swings, i think it was the best thing i've ever done.
I had to do this this past weekend, and I had to borrow a months' worth of pills from my friend's daughter. If you were closer I'd send my leftovers to you. :)
I just turned 44 and mine seem to be changing.....the duration (used to be about 4 days, last time bleeding lasted close to 7, but lighter), I was on a 21 day cycle but in the last 6 months anywhere from 20 to 25. Can be awkward when trying to arrange meetings with my love......who really doesn't care whether I have it or not but I want to be able to do everything with him....;)

When I was on the pill I could predict the start time right down to the hour :) I sometimes wish I was on it again......will keep an eye on this thread :)