
Name: Samantha Washington
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Breast size: 32K
From: Durham, North Carolina
"Honey, it's six o'clock. Our guests will be here at any time now!"
Those are the words that I yelled out to my husband, who was setting everything up in the kitchen. Not that there had to be too much set up there, given that we were hosting a pool party. Still, he hated swimming and most of us working at the bank did, so I assumed that most people would be hanging around here, inside. Nevertheless, everyone was supposed to be dressed as if they were going to dive in - it was an agreed get-up for the event.
Not many people would have trouble with that, except for me, I guess. It's not that I was afraid, like some people, to expose my body just a little bit. Well...I did. But because of my chest, you see. It was a bit too large for most tops, given that the fabric was rarely made in such a way to hold them up without snapping at the sheer weight. I was slim in comparison, so my features were a bit exaggerated. Not that my breasts were the only thing that I had going for me. I was a beautify twenty four year old woman. It's just that they were the first thing that people took note of. Before putting anything on, I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, trying to see how I would fit my breasts in anything.
Regardless, I found myself putting on a black bikini top and bottom which seemed to have everything in order. Sure, my breasts bounced at each step, but unlike any other bathing suit (that wasn't unflattering), it didn't feel like it would snap, although the material seemed stretched to its very limit. As I walked down the stairs, I could hear my husband whistle.
I guess that I looked pretty good.
It was ten minutes and only a fraction of the people showed up - watching television, of all things. A bit disappointed and frustrated, I found myself diving into our large pool.
Big mistake.
I guess the dive I took was a bit much and I found myself topless for a moment. Panicking, I climbed out and covered my breasts as my eyes scanned the waters for it. I was a bit too preoccupied with my hands - as they, along with my arms, desperately tried to conceal them above all else.
Luckily for me, a fellow worker climbed up to see my situation.
"Oh hi Ben...Um...could you help me out?" I asked him.