A Prize Unlike Any Other (Closed)





Name: Samantha Washington
Age: 24
Height: 5'8
Breast size: 32K
From: Durham, North Carolina


"Honey, it's six o'clock. Our guests will be here at any time now!"

Those are the words that I yelled out to my husband, who was setting everything up in the kitchen. Not that there had to be too much set up there, given that we were hosting a pool party. Still, he hated swimming and most of us working at the bank did, so I assumed that most people would be hanging around here, inside. Nevertheless, everyone was supposed to be dressed as if they were going to dive in - it was an agreed get-up for the event.

Not many people would have trouble with that, except for me, I guess. It's not that I was afraid, like some people, to expose my body just a little bit. Well...I did. But because of my chest, you see. It was a bit too large for most tops, given that the fabric was rarely made in such a way to hold them up without snapping at the sheer weight. I was slim in comparison, so my features were a bit exaggerated. Not that my breasts were the only thing that I had going for me. I was a beautify twenty four year old woman. It's just that they were the first thing that people took note of. Before putting anything on, I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, trying to see how I would fit my breasts in anything.

Regardless, I found myself putting on a black bikini top and bottom which seemed to have everything in order. Sure, my breasts bounced at each step, but unlike any other bathing suit (that wasn't unflattering), it didn't feel like it would snap, although the material seemed stretched to its very limit. As I walked down the stairs, I could hear my husband whistle.

I guess that I looked pretty good.

It was ten minutes and only a fraction of the people showed up - watching television, of all things. A bit disappointed and frustrated, I found myself diving into our large pool.

Big mistake.

I guess the dive I took was a bit much and I found myself topless for a moment. Panicking, I climbed out and covered my breasts as my eyes scanned the waters for it. I was a bit too preoccupied with my hands - as they, along with my arms, desperately tried to conceal them above all else.

Luckily for me, a fellow worker climbed up to see my situation.

"Oh hi Ben...Um...could you help me out?" I asked him.
Ben Gold was someone that I was with a lot in the office. He was relatively new, but was quickly climbing up the ranks - and from time to time, we would actually act playful with one another. So, I wasn't surprised when he said:

"Sure I can help you out Samantha, my hands are much larger than yours, move yours out of the way and I can try to cover up a bit more than waht youre able to do."

I couldn't help but laugh a bit, even when I'm stuck in this situation. I playfully said "Maybe later" with another light hearted giggle before continuing "But seriously, I need to get my top back from the pool, but I can't dive in without um...exposing myself. Could you help me? Please? You wouldn't leave a damsel in distress, would you?"
"There are a lot of people here Samantha...and who knows how many of them have cell phone cameras ready to take pictures....that wouldnt be good if topless pictures of you got around the office, would it?"

My eyes quickly observed around, knowing that if anyone from the office was willing to, they could take pictures of me right this instant and pass it around the office, much like Ben is suggesting. The reasons why someone would are endless, but the most probably would be that they would use it to make me look bad, and maybe use me as a stepping stone to climb up the corporate latter?

"Well im sure i wouldnt leave you here like this....though i cant say its a problem on my eyes? what do i get as a reward for being such a good gentleman and helping this damsel in distress?"

"A real gentleman wouldn't ask for a reward!"
I say out, laughing. "God, I don't know. What did you have in mind?" Though quickly remember what his eyes were focused on - "Okay, what about something like you getting to take a quick photo of me right now?"
"Youve got some hands and arms in the way Samantha"

I sighed, quickly glancing around before moving arms out - and feeling my body being pulled to the ground. Now, my breasts were perfect, I guess - being as perky as could be, despite their enormous size. But as they bounced and jiggled out of my hands, I could feel their weight immediately, and hoped to God that Ben would hurry up with the picture. He seemed to be enjoying it, especially how my nipples were out there, in front of him in the open. His camera pointed at the large, round breasts, but without a doubt caught sights of my fit hourglass body, sculptured from countless hours of exercise.

After taking the photo, he quickly swam into the pool - not before I caught my eyes on his own figure. With a corporate attire, it's hard to know whether a man is fit or not. But seeing him like this, I had to admit, he was incredibly well built. I stopped thinking about this as he rapidly came up with my top. Though, obviously I didn't want to expose myself again, so he quickly put on his shirt over me, before saying:

"This should give you a bit of privacy...we dont want anyone else seeing those amazing fun bags, now do we?"

"Amazing fun bags?"
I say, a bit shocked but shook it off "Fine, okay. You can call them that, I guess." before I tried my best to fit my breasts into that top again. It worked, and before I knew it, I was dressed again.

"Well that's enough swimming. Care to join me inside?" I ask.
"Id join those fun bags of yours inside and out"

"Oh, you're probably going to use that nickname a whole lot now, aren't you? Great." I say teasingly, walking ahead until I yelped, feeling his finger give a little pinch on the side of my butt. I wish that I could say that was all, but he soon whispered into my ear; "its time to check out the rest of you"

"What...?" I think to myself, noticing that he's been getting bolder and bolder.

"After you Samantha" he said, opening the door for me as I walked in. I could practically feel his eyes glued to my perfect backside. Still, the nature of my bikini bottom would conceal most of it from his greedy eyes. Everyone was still at the TV. Fantastic.
Oh my god, oh my god.

He was actually teasing Robert, my husband!

"The view youve got back there by the pool is amazing! I could just look at it for hours. In fact i got myself a photo and im going to enjoy that in the days ahead -- youve made me a jealous man that you get to see such beauty all the time you want."

Of course, Robert didn't know what he was talking about, or might even be thinking that he legitimately enjoyed our yard. I covered my face as I looked away, dealing with the immense embarrassment going on. Our coworkers asked him about the 'view' before decided to hang out in the yard themselves. Of course, this wasn't over. I could hear Ben ask Robert;

"You look busy -- give us something to do, you need to go enjoy this party yourself...are you almost done?"

My husband, being as nonchalant as he is, simply told him to go have fun. That he'd probably go out to the yard, given how Ben seemed to have made him to go out to it. And that Ben should join him.

I grab Ben's hand and gently pull him away, before saying softly:

"Oh my god, what are you doing? Stop that."
"stop what fun bags?" he said, once again using that nickname. Frustration began to boil in, but I knew that I couldn't let it surface. He had that picture and could do God knows what with it.

"I was being honest...this is one of the best pictures ive ever seen....i was being honest when i said id go home and enjoy this view over and over and over again. So unless youve got something else on your mind, im pretty sure your husband just told you and i to go have fun together....want to show me the bedroom"

"Oh my god, stop that. I'm married you know." I say as I quickly think of a way to get out of this huge mess. And that's when I thought of the basement, which was almost entirely a game room. We thought of bringing our guests there, but it just didn't seem like it would fit with our 'pool theme'.

"Wait I know. Let's go over to the basement." I say and before he could say anything, I add "Not for that, silly. A game. We have all sorts of things, like pool, darts, air hockey and what have you. I don't care, pick one. But if I win, I want you to delete that picture...and to stop calling me fun bags."

And when he asks for his part of the wager, I respond "I'm not sure. You could probably pick something, but I won't lose." almost confidently, given that these games were what I played as a child. How hard could it be to win? Ben didn't seem like the type to be good at any one of these.
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I soon found myself glancing both way, and once I noticed that we were alone, I went with Ben downstairs, making sure to close the door behind me - serving as an alarm, I suppose, if someone would come downstairs as well. Unlikely, but I needed some kind of alarm. Anyway, I made my way to the game room, seeing the light already turned on by my dear co-worker.

"Okay, how about this - if you win, I'll let you play with my breasts for one minute. Deal?" I say, getting his attention.
"How long since your husband played with those big fun bags of yours samantha? Who, and when, was the last man to enjoy those tits not including robert?"

"It's really none of your business but...I guess with Robert it's been about three years since he really played with them. He's not really that sexual really. And there was no man before Robert." I say, a hand on my hip.

"I will agree to that bet, as long as you promise you will not hold back any moans of pleasure that I may give you." I heard him add, to which I laugh and reply "Okay. But you sure think highly of yourself. You won't win."

He smiled.

"You can pick the game."

I quickly glance around the room and hoping to find something quick. I wanted this to end as soon as possible. My eyes catch the dart board and I point to it. "Darts. Just three throws."

"Ladies first"

"Oh, so now you're the gentleman." I say, picking up the red darts as I aim. Okay, so inner circle is three points, outer circle is two points and an embarrassing miss would be one point. All carefully pointed out on the board. Fair enough.

I shot three times. Inner circle one, and two outer circles. Not so bad, if I say so myself.

"Great, I got seven points. Try to beat that." I say, almost sure of myself.
Okay three, not biggie, he could easily -


That's when my heart leaped, knowing that all that could save me was if he made a colossal miss. I prayed within my mind, as much as I could, and it almost seemed that my prayers were answer... Almost.


The look of shock and the blush of embarrassment must have been seen on my face. Wordlessly, my hands went to my back as I began to undo my bikini top:

"It's not too late to cancel is it...?"
"Well, not to cancel, but i guess you can always try to offer me another bet if youd like to press your luck. But it better be an amazing offer to risk missing out on playing with those huge fun bags youve got there"

I grin, quickly tying up the knot again. "Okay, how about then um...if you win, you get to write your name on my breasts." and just as I think I saw him lose interest, I add "Oh, and you get to play for twice the time! What do you say?"
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"Take it or leave it"

"I...I agree." I say, a bit disgusted that things are moving so quickly and to his
favor, as his fingers touch the knot behind my top. I pick up my red darts and throw again...

"Three..." I mutter, then I throw again - immediately cursing myself as I miss "Four" and then for my final throw "Seven."

"Oh come on, miss..." I say, perhaps a bit too loud.