A Porn Star is Born


Literotica Guru
Dec 21, 2001
OOC: I’m Billy Longfellow, a 32 year old male porn star and movie producer. I started in the business at age 20 through a modeling agency. When the size of my male organ was discovered I was quickly recruited for porn. By 28 I had made over 100 movies. I still made several movies each year, but mostly I concentrated on my business. Using a financial backer and savings I opened my own movie studio. In order to pose as a legitimate business and find fresh new talent I also opened a modeling agency. I received a number of referrals from other agencies for models that didn’t quite make their cut but who had that certain look that made them ideal candidates for my studio. I also received the occasional walk-in. My staff would screen each candidate and make sure they knew that “suggestive nudity” would be required. Those that were still interested would be invited back for a “photo shoot” which I often personally observed. If a girl showed a willingness to pose as the pictures became more and more suggestive, one of the male “models” would join her and suggest they pose together – innocent but suggestive poses. This often led to more explicit poses. If the girl had the “right stuff” she would be invited for a screen test as an actress. The best of these would become porn stars. When I was around, I often took on the role of male model for some of the more promising prospects. I could always tell a winner by her reaction to my sizeable cock when I dropped my trousers. In this thread I happen to be walking through the lobby when I see a beautiful young 18 year-old girl waiting to see the receptionist, and her equally stunning mother. I make an exception to my normal procedures and decide to personally become the screener. Parts initially taken include...
Billy Longfellow – me (6’1”, blue eyes, long dark hair in a ponytail, buff 195 pounds)
Daughter or Mother – Angelofsex (She’ll pick one. The other is open - PM me first)...
Any and all other parts are open for anyone to just jump in. For example, I work with several female porn stars that screen males the same way I screen females. There is a receptionist, photographers, camera crew, other models just getting in to porn and whatever else you can imagine. Only rule is no abuse to anyone who doesn’t welcome it. I have a big bouncer named Bruno. The thread will work best if you try to stay in the studio as much as possible.

IC: The alarm clock buzzed in my ear. It was 9 AM - way too early for civilized humans. I sat up in bed and looked out through the large windows at the ocean less than 100 yards away. The sun was shining and the surf was up – a great day for the beach. A few sun bunnies and a number of surfers were already gathered. Unfortunately, I promised my accountant that I would stop by the office to go over my taxes. He picked the unreasonable hour of 10 AM. I quickly showered and pulled on a pair of loose fitting slacks, a black T-shirt and sandals. I dried my hair and tied it back in a ponytail. After a quick glass of juice I hopped in my Porsche, put down the top and headed for the studio. I walked into the front lobby to meet my accountant, but it was still early. I greeted our pretty new receptionist. She was a real looker. I’d have to check out what was inside her panties one of these days. I was about to head to the office when in walked two of the most gorgeous human beings I ever laid eyes upon. From their facial features it was obvious that they were related, and both were stunningly beautiful. They walked up to the receptionist. The one that looked older said she wanted to know if her daughter could audition to be a model. When asked if she was referred by another agency, the mother said no. They lived nearby and had seen the sign out front. The receptionist handed them a form to be filled out and told them to take a seat. I decided to take control of the situation myself… “Ladies, please let me introduce myself. I’m Billy and I own this place”... I directed my next comment to the mother… “Rather than sit out here and wait why don’t you two come back to my office. I’ve got a little time on my hands and I’d be happy to discuss your daughter’s modeling career”… I told the receptionist that if my accountant showed, I wasn’t around. We retired to my lavishly furnished office with Persian carpets, display cases full of fine artwork, leather couches, a sculptured glass coffee table, a mahogany desk and a large wet bar in the corner. I offered them a drink and then we sat. I was in a big leather chair next to the two of them on the couch. “Now tell me Miss… or Ma’am… tell me what you think being a model is all about, and why you think it would be a good career choice.”
OOC: My name is Janet Darling, 38 yeard old and I have one daughter who is a very beautiful girl. Her dream as a child was always to be a model. When she was 5 years old I had in dancing lesson and gymnastics too. I was always on the go with her. When she became 18 she came to me and said it, that she still wants to be a model. Looking at my daughter before me, I knew she had it.
So I had some pictures taken of her, so we could take them around with us. All types of pictures from cloths to bathing suit. Watching the pictures being taken by the photographer at his studio, I see myself thru her. To do my life over again, but this is her time. Actually, he asked if we were sister. I laught to myself and said no she is my daugher. He just couldn't believe it.


"Well hon are you ready to go and see what we could do." I said to my daughter as we were ready to leave. Getting into my car with her, I headed to town. Knowing the place we were going to, for I saw it coming home the other day.

Once parking the car, and seeing she had everything we when inside the building. We when to the receptionist to find out if my daughter could audition. Then we heard an man's voice saying, "I am Billy, I own this place." Looking up, I see this goodlooking man before me. Oh my god, now don't make a fool out of yourself.

He ask us us to come into his office, so the two of us just follow him. Once inside his office I started to looked around, "You have it very nicely decorated." We both set down, "Oh my name is Janet Darling and this is my daughter. You could call me Janet."

I could tell he was surprise when I said that. being blond and blues eyes the both of us. "My daughter has been thinking of being a model. I even had pictures taken of her." Passing on them to him so he could check them out. "As you could see, she takes great pictures." Sitting back as he is looking at them.
Melinda Darling

Melinda had played “dress up” ever since she could remember.
When she was little her mom had found her in her wardrobe plastered with makeup and wearing an array of then oversized garments. Instead of taking them away from her, Janet had made up her daughter’s face, dressed her in finery and taken pictures to show how “big and grown up” she was.
It had all been a game. It always had been.

I looked through the photographs that her mom had chosen to put in the portfolio. I looked at her mother in admiration. She was stunning and confident. She had strode into the office without any show of nerves and enquired whether I could have an audition.

Standing back whilst mom spoke with the lady, I straightened my white blonde hair as it flicked loosely off my shoulders.
It was then I saw the man approach.
I tried not to stare overawed as his fluid movements drew him closer towards us.

“Ladies, please let me introduce myself. I’m Billy and I own this place”

I managed to stand still and not fidget ( just as mom had warned ) and smiled shyly at the man who offered his hand shaking mine in formal greeting.

“Rather than sit out here and wait why don’t you two come back to my office. I’ve got a little time on my hands and I’d be happy to discuss your daughter’s modeling career”

Mom had beamed and I had flushed slightly at the appraising look he gave me.
His expert eye running from head to toe.
Mom wasn’t fazed though.
I watched admiringly, letting her do all the talking.

"My daughter has been thinking of being a model.
I even had pictures taken of her.
As you could see, she takes great pictures."

I watched nervously as he thumbed through the shots.
His eyes would be more critical and not the indulgent eye of a mother.
He set a few out on the desk and leaned forward slightly, his eyes resting on mine for the first time.

“Now tell me Miss… or Ma’am… tell me what you think being a model is all about, and why you think it would be a good career choice.”

I leaned forward as mom started to speak…

”Yes…? “

He paused and checked out my name.

” Miss Darling… Melinda?… Tell me your views about modelling.”

I glanced at mom and then cleared my throat.

”Well.. Sir..to me… it… it’s all about telling a story … with costume..
… selling an idea… like make-believe…. but … as a model. ..
you have to … sell it… like acting but … without the audience… “

I finished, blushing slightly then rushing on in explanation.

”I’ve always enjoyed dressing up, clothes, posing … I found it fun..
… but I’d work hard too..”

I add hastily wondering if I’d blown it!
Billy Longfellow

I looked through the pictures slowly. They were quite good and a number of the poses were provocative suggesting a subtle sexuality. The daughter was gorgeous, but I found myself intrigued as much by the mother. I let Melinda finish stumbling through her answer to me, looking at her with a serious face as though I was listening intently… “That’s about right, Melinda, but remember, it’s all about the camera. Pretty faces and nice clothes are a dime a dozen. You and the camera have to form a bond, to find a rhythm that is unique. Some have described it as… and I hope this doesn’t offend you… as making love to the camera, wanting the camera sexually and letting it have its way with you”… I could see she was blushing but trying to keep her composure. I turned to her mother… “Janet, I assumed you were the older sister. You can’t possibly be her mother unless you were just a kid when you had her. What I'd like to do is have Melinda do some poses with one of our photographers. You and I can chat about her career a little longer and then we'll join her in the studio."
Janet Darling

Looking at my daughter answering his questions. She always makes me so proud of her. Can she see how my heart feels whenever I look at her.

Now back at Billy, he is one fine man. If my daughter gets a job here, I know my days will be busy coming here with her. I will make sure I am free to go with my daughter for awhile till I know she is ok.

Billy then said,“Janet, I assumed you were the older sister. You can’t possibly be her mother unless you were just a kid when you had her. " Smiling I said to him, " I was a young when I had her. But I am her Mom and not her sister. Thank you for saying so."

The look on her face, her smile will warm the camera up for sure. Then he said," What I'd like to do is have Melinda do some poses with one of our photographers. You and I can chat about her career a little longer and then we'll join her in the studio." He knew his business, "What ever you say. Melinda, listen to what he says. When you are done, I will be here waiting for you."

Billy had a smile on his face, the kind that even the eys smile too. So hoping he will be happy with my daughter's shots, and I will be seeing more of him.
Melinda Darling

“That’s about right, Melinda, but remember, it’s all about the camera. Pretty faces and nice clothes are a dime a dozen.
You and the camera have to form a bond, to find a rhythm that is unique. "

I nodded. I wasn't camera shy, but I knew to get a job doing this I had to listen to what he said.

"Some have described it as… and I hope this doesn’t offend you… as making love to the camera, wanting the camera sexually and letting it have its way with you”

I managed not to gasp and could feel the heat flooding my cheeks. I nodded again, not trusting my voice.
Pictures ran through my mind, but I blocked them out.
I slipped a quick look at mom, she smiled at me and I smiled back reassured.

Distracted, I turned back to concentrate on what "Billy" was saying.

"What I'd like to do is have Melinda do some poses with one of our photographers. You and I can chat about her career a little longer and then we'll join her in the studio."

I tried to hide my joy. I turned to my mom and saw her approval as she instructed.

"What ever you say. Melinda, listen to what he says.
When you are done, I will be here waiting for you."

I nodded again, my voice breathless.

"Yes, mom.."

I watched as Billy put a call through to the outer office arranging the photo shot. I tried to hold back my excitement and wondered what it would be like to work with a professional photographer.
I knew I'd do my best, listen to what I was told.
Most of all, I wanted to make my mom proud of me!
Billy Longfellow

I buzzed the outer office and a young lady appeared at the doorway… “Please take Melinda down to Studio One, show her the changing room and introduce her to the photographer”… I turned to look at Melinda who was clearly excited… “Just relax and have fun. Let the camera take you places you’ve never been. You’re a beautiful young lady with a terrific body. I have no doubt that we’re going to make you a star. Your mom and I have a few things to discuss and we’ll be right down”… Melinda disappeared with the young lady. I slid over onto the couch next to Janet. I spread the photos of on the coffee table… “These photos are nice but they really don’t hit the mark, Janet. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings when she was here. She looks too much like the girl next door. The image that sells is sex, Janet. Girls who have that “fuck me” look in their eyes, who look like they just can’t stand one more second without a man. Women like it as much as men”… If Janet was shocked she didn’t show it. She was listening intently… “Melinda will be working with a pro and I’m sure this next shoot will come out better, but modeling success isn’t all about pictures. There are a lot of ways to get ahead in the business. Connections are everything. Tell me, Janet, how badly do you want Melinda to succeed”… I put a hand on her knee and looked right into her eyes… “I can certainly arrange to get her published, but I’d have to be persuaded that she’s worth me pulling in a few favors”… I slid my hand further up her thigh and waited for her response.
OOC Mike, 20 yrs old bi-male, 6'1", 185lbs, blue eyes, blond hair, 10' cock, shaved body, pony tail and neatly trimmed goatee.

IC I began working at the "modeling agency" just six months ago after moving here from a small midwestern town. From the very start I was introduced to a lifestyle I never knew existed as I became part of the porn business. As a swim wear model I was introduced to beautiful young women and some great guys that came into the modleing agency to begin a career as a model.

I would begin by posing with them after a session or two and as the shoots continued our posing would get more and more suggestive. Who could ask for a better job?

I hapened to come into the studio early this morning after my morning beach workout. As I entered I noticed two of the most beautiful women I had seen in my short time here. They were seated on the couch in the lobby waiting for an audition. From the looks of them I figured them to be sisters. As I returned from the back of the studio for a second look I noticed they were already gone. I asked the receptionist where they had gone to and if they were going to return and she told me that Mr. Longfellow had come in early this morning and had taken them into his private office to talk to. I told the receptionist that if the interview worked out and turned into a photo session that be sure to let Mr. Longfellow know that I was here early today and could help out in anyway needed. Just then her intercom rang from the office arranging a photo shoot.

The receptionist stood up and walked around her desk, as she passed by me she took her hand and patted my fully erect cock through my swimsuit saying "down boy, you'll get your chance later." She smiled back at me as she went to Mr. Longfellow's offic door and I made my exit back to the back so as not to appear to eager. The vision of both these beauty's in my mind and thinking of how this could turn out if everything went right.

Watching my daughter leaving I know she was very happy. What a body she has, they are going to love her.

When Billy got that done with sending my Milinda on her way, he came and set next to me on the couch. What a hadsome man he was. Then he said,These photos are nice but they really don’t hit the mark, Janet. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings when she was here. She looks too much like the girl next door. The image that sells is sex, Janet. Girls who have that “fuck me” look in their eyes, who look like they just can’t stand one more second without a man. Women like it as much as men” I looking at him, as he talk that when he was done, I said, "My daughter doesn't have the look in these pictures, she is a very beautiful girl. So what are you saying then? " I felt his hand on my knee, then him moving up. I have a feeling as I really don't want him to stop.

"I want my daughter to suceed very much. So, you know your business, what do we have to do. My daughter is very important to me, I want her dream to come true." Looking him right in the eyes as I talk.
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Billy Longfellow

I thought I detected her legs move apart inviting my hand further, but I couldn’t be sure. She certainly hadn’t backed off or tried to move my hand. Her eyes held my gaze. I moved my face closer to hers… “A mother’s role can be a crucial in her daughter’s development as a model. It’s particularly important that she be very cooperative with management”… I moved my hand up under her skirt. She could no longer have any doubts about my intentions. I moved my lips close to hers so that they were almost touching. I continued in a whisper… “You’re very beautiful, Janet. I’m attracted to you. You stir my desires and make me want to perform naughty deeds. Why don’t you show me just how much you’re willing to help your daughter, Janet”… I lightly touched my lips against hers. My hand slid along her inner thigh until my forefinger brushed against the thin fabric of her panties.

Looking into his eyes and his hand moving up my leg, I had to move them apart. His touch was burning me up, I just need to feel him.

His lips move closer to mine, how I wish I could just put my arm around him and kiss him. Then I felt his lips, my arm when around his head, as my lips pressed on his. Oh my god, his hand right on my panties, my legs open even wider.

My mouth open as our tongue touch lighty, then it got deeper. "Billy yes please, I need your touch." My hand lowering down to his cock, rubbing it thru his pants. His cock was so hard against my hand.
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Billy Longfellow

Janet removed any doubt I had about her inhibitions when she placed her hand over the hardness growing in my pants. Our lips opened in a passionate kiss. Our tongues probed and danced in each other’s mouth. My fingers slipped between her legs and pressed against the swollen mound of her pussy through the thin material of her panties, already damp from her secretions. I could feel heat from inside her body radiating against my fingers as I moved them up and down her gash. I rubbed her panties over her clit through her panties, which were now becoming soaked… “I think we’re both overdressed”… I pulled on the elastic of her panties. She lifted her ass and I was able to peel them down her legs until she kicked them off. I ripped off my T-shirt and untied my loose fitting khaki pants. I pulled down the zipper partway, leaving the rest to Janet to discover. Most women were dumbstruck the first time they realized the size of my cock. Since I wasn’t wearing any briefs she was about to make a big discovery.

OOC: I'm Tristan Carter, but everyone calls me Kitty. Why? Well, its a porn name. Most female stars end up having one. Anything from Sunshine to Rainbow would work, but I got Kitty. The reason why is because everytime I fucked for real (not filming), I would purr like a cat afterwards. I'm about 24 years old and am a 5 year pro at this. I have an unique way I got into the porn industy. This is actually something I've wanted to do for my career. Since I was about 13 or so, when I lost my virginity, I've been incased and love sex more then anything. I thought, what better job then fuck for cash. That left 2 choices: hooker or porn. Well, hooking is illegal, so I went with porn when I turned 19. I spent the first year out of high school taking time to be a model, but I quickly went and took the chance to become a porn star. Some people considered me to be a top performer in porn, even enough to get me a small little fan club. About 3 years ago, I heard about this little company where a VERY good friend of mine: Billy Longfellow, had started. We had been in a few movies together and even had some fun off camera ;). He had many just starting out stars, and I was probably the most experienced porn star next to Billy there. My job there was doing 2 things: be a star in Billy's films and photography shoots (posing for some porn sites that bought pictures from Billy); AND help teach the female newbies to perform on camera right and be a test subject for the male newbies. To be honest, not a big gig for how much Billy was paying me.

5'7 " and 1/2; blue eyes, long blone hair, anywhere from 115 to 125 lbs. at a time. Size 36c breasts, 25 inch waist, and 36 inch hips.

IC: I pulled up in my 2003 Aston Martin V12 Vanquish Coupe that I had bought last week. Damn, I loved this car and for the amount I spent on it, it better be loved. I stopped the car in a parking spot around back of the studio. I climbed out, dressed in a tight red miniskirt that showed just enough leg, leaving a man wondering. My top was a tight black t-shirt, my nipples showing through the fabric since I wasn't wearing a bra at the moment. I also wore a little red jacket, sunglasses, black heels, carrying my purse and chewing on some gum. I went up to the back door, pushed the intercom, which was quickly answered by a voice. I asked them to unlock the door, which it then was. I made my way in and said hi to the recepionist. I made my way to Billy's office, going to ask why he had asked me in today. As I got close, I could see through the little window in there that he was with a beatuful woman. I thought to myself "Hmmm, must be another model wannabe." I made my way down towards the studio room itself, but ducked into the dressing rooms. I went back out to the lobby and layed down on a couch, waiting for Billy to finish his little work or for whatever came along.

I could feel the heat from our bodies, that when he pull down my panties I didn't stop him. Looking at him taking his shirt off and seeing his chest I nearly came from that. What muscles he has, what form. This guy is making me want to have all of him now,

Then he undid his pants and just left it open, for me to get my hand in it. I lean forward and kiss him again, then I open the buttons to my top. to exposed my 38DD breast.

Watching the opening to his pants, I let my hand played with it. Letting it go in and see what this man has. Oh my god, what do I feel, "Billy!" I could see his smile as I said that. Unzippering the rest of his pants, I got down in my knees infront of him and lower them off him. Right in my face was the biggest cock I ever saw.

My hand went to it and started to go up and down it, wondering am I ever going to be able to suck it all the way. Oh my, let me try anyway, my mouth when right to the head and started to suck it. Taking a little at the time, everytime go in deeper.
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Billy Longfellow

Fucking incredible, I thought. And huge, spectacular, magnificent tits. When she dropped to her knees and wrapped her lips around the head of my cock I just knew I had to get her into one of my movies. Visions of a mother-daughter fuck scenario began to take shape in my head. Her lips pushed down my length as my cock sunk deeper into her mouth. She wrapped her hand around the base of my cock. Her lips were still two inches above my fist when the head of my cock pushed against the back of her throat. She lifted her eyes to mine. Her gleam told me how much she loved the feel of my cock in her mouth. Her tongue traced the ridges and clefts of my swollen cock. She lifted her lips back up to crown and teased the sensitive head with her lips and tongue. She fucked the mushroom shaped tip in and out of her mouth making a popping and smacking sound. Then she took me deep in her mouth until my cock pushed into her throat. Her lips finally touched her fist. Her tongue pushed along the underside of my throbbing meat. She bobbed her head up and down my cock and moved her hand in rhythm with her lips. It was one of the best blowjobs I ever had and that included hundreds and hundreds of pros. I looked down at her playful eyes and her red lips wrapped around my shaft. I wasn’t going to last much longer. I put my hands on the back of her head and waited for it to happen.

I could tell Billy love what I was doing. My head kept moving up and down him, taking all of him in my mouth. One thing I do know is how to give a BJ. Even my husband enjoyed it very much, to bad he couldn't keep his hands off the women at work. He could of had more from me, his lost in someone else's gain.

The look on his face, I could tell he is ready to cum. Moving my head up and down faster, tasting his precum. He taste so good, I know I will enjoy his cuming, nice and creaming.

Leaning forward more, I take him deeper in my mouth, "Yes baby give it all to me." Moaning was coming from my throat, as I take him in deeper.
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Billy Longfellow

"Yes baby give it all to me."…She lowered her mouth further down my length and swallowed me deeper than anyone else had ever been able to do. I could feel her throat muscles massage my hard meat shoved down it. Her fingers squeezed my balls and pressed against the soft skin beneath them. I felt every ounce of energy rush to my groin. My head became dizzy, my stomach tightened and my cock swelled. My fingers dug into the hair on the back of her head. I bucked up against her face pushing my cock even deeper into her throat... "AAARRGGGHHHHHHH"... The initial surge of hot cum raced through my swollen shaft and sprayed directly into her throat in a powerful eruption.

As I felt his hand on my head, I knew he will be cuming soon. My mouth work on him faster and faster. Feeling his balls ai knew it was very close...AAaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhh..He started to cum in me, swallowing all of his cum.

I lean back after I suck the last out of him. Looking into his face and I lick my lips from his taste. He is good very good, I might have to come here when ever my daughter comes. He would be some afternoon delight.

I got up from the floor and move on the couch by him. Just set there thinking about his cock. My eyes wonder over to him and ask, "Are you ok, Billy?"
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Billy Longfellow

She sucked up every ounce of cum I could squeezed from my cock and swallowed all of it. I was completely drained and collapsed back on the couch breathing heavily with my eyes closed. I finally realized she was shaking me and asking if I was okay. I opened my eyes and smiled at her… “Janet, you are one incredible cock sucker. That had to be the best blowjob anyone’s ever given me”… I stood up and stuffed my oversized cock back in my pants. It was time to get down to a studio and catch this action on film. Melinda’s mom had proven that she had what it takes to promote her daughter’s career, but I wasn’t nearly finished with her yet… “Tell me, Janet, did you ever consider a career in film? I thought perhaps we could move down to one of the studios for an audition. There’s a nice big bed that would be perfect for finishing up our little discussion of your daughter’s career. After that we can go see how her photo session is progressing”... That was when I remembered that I was supposed to shoot a scene with Tristan for her new movie "Up Mine". Well, she was just going to have to wait a little longer.

"Billy, I always wanted to be in one. Never felt I had much to give. If you would love to try a scene with me, I will give it a try." Just thinking fo doing a scene with him has me wet all over again. Wondering what kind he is talking about. Now I am letting my mind get away from me. They don't make those movies here at all. So why am I thinking that way.

"So lead the way and I will follow. Then we could go and check on my daughter to she how she is doing. She must be very excited down there, with all the pictures taking."

As I got redress myself, seeing him put away his big cock, I just lick my lips thinking about it. Damm, I am so hot again. Billy got ready and he was smiling at me. Boy am I so glad I am good with my mouth.
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OOC: I was asked to take over the role of the daughter. Thanks for the invite RB.

IC: I walked behind the receptionist, kind of lost without mom with me. I wished I could have inherited her confidence along with her looks.

Not that I didn't think I was pretty. I knew that my looks were good and my shape always caught the opposite sex's eyes. But mom had that kind of confidence that came from more than her looks. She knew what she wanted and she went for it. Maybe it came from the bad break up with dad. I dont know. I know it got ugly for awhile and she really had to stand up for herself...and me. I don't think she knows how much I always appreciated her love and support. I sure hope i did her proud.

We were there. The receptionist opened the door and ushered me in, introducing me to the man who stood there looking over the cameras and other things that filled the room.

"Melinds, this is Mike. He will be your photographer today. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask him. I am sure he will be more than happy to show you the ropes."

I nodded my thanks to her as she turned and went back out the door and then turned back to look at the man I had been introduced to. He was nice looking and his smile made me feel a little less nervous.

Holding out my hand to shake his, I said,"Hello." My eyes roamed over the studio, taking in everything and must have been as big as saucers. I probably seemed like a kid instead of a woman who was looking at a career in modeling. "Where do you want me to start? Whats first?"

OOC: Mike, Photographer, 42, short dark beard and mustache, tall and thin.

IC: Melinda was everything Billy had said she would be… young, fresh, pretty face, terrific body and completely naïve. She was perfect for me. My special talent is taking innocent young ladies and molding them into sexual animals in front of a camera. I was privy to the knowledge that lurking inside the body of all women is a passionate, lust filled beast waiting to be released. I just happened to be good at finding that special combination that unlocked this yearning in each girl I photographed.

The formula was quite simple. They wanted to be models in the worst way. I was their first chance to prove themselves. They would follow my instructions precisely. I gradually pushed them further and further until something clicked. I could always tell that precise moment when they went from a pretty face smiling at the camera to a sexual beast full of lust for the lens. When I was finished they were more than ready to pose with a male model. But it was the lens they wanted. They merely let the male model act on its behalf.

I could easily have taken advantage of these young ladies myself. After the initial shoot they were dripping with passion. Often the young ladies would orgasm just from the thrill of mentally drawing the lens into their most private places. I kept my distance under strict orders from the boss. I could fuck all the pros I wanted, but the new ones were off limits. I didn’t mind because the good ones who later became stars often stopped by to thank me personally for giving them their start.

"Where do you want me to start? Whats first?"

I picked out a low-cut body hugging black evening dress with a very short hemline. Always start them off a little on the conservative side.

“Here. Put it on and then go by make-up. I’ll see you back here in a few minutes. Oh yeah, no underwear. Lines are a no no in this business.”
Billy Longfellow

I took her hand and lead her down to studio 3 which I knew was already set up for my scene with Tristan. I waved at the crew… “Hey guys, this is Janet. She has shown me an incredible talent that I believe will translate well into a movie. I thought I would bring her by for a screen test to see what she has. Do we still have the script to ‘The Cream Pie Affair’ that we shot last summer?”…. They brought me the script. I opened it to a certain page and handed it to Janet… “Relax and just follow my lead. We’re going to do a scene between Jake and Roxanne. Jake is her long time friend and lawyer. Roxanne found her husband in bed fucking her best friend. She comes to Jake for solace and advice and also revenge. Now remember, you must put yourself into the role of Roxanne and do exactly what she would do in the same situation”… I helped her find the right page in the script and we started reading. She was good and played the part of jilted wife with emotion. I put my arm on hers and stepped closer… “Now Roxanne, this is really important. You have to show me exactly what you saw. Here’s a bed I keep in my office to help with these matters so we don’t miss any details. Why don't you sit down on it and tell me what happened”… In her script she described how he removed her blouse and bra, and then her panties… “You mean like this”… I opened her blouse, unfastened her bra and reached under her skirt to remove her panties. The camera crew moved in for a close-up. I watched her reaction to see how far Janet was willing to go in front of the camera.

I still don't believe I am going to do a screen test. As we walk into the room where cameras and other people work, I was getting excited. Can't shake this feeling I was getting.

Billy had them bring us a script to go over. I like what I am reading. Roxanne catches her husband cheating. So as I was reading it, and actting it, having Gary hands on me was really getting to me. The cameras wasn't even bothering me at all.

"Jake, yes this is all that I saw my husband doing. He had his hands all over her." Oh my god just like he was doing to me now. Looking right at him as he took my panties off, I could feel myself getting very wet. At that point my hands when right for his clothing. I stood up and start to undress him. Watching him as I was unbuttoning his shirt, slowly taking it off him. Then unzipper his pants, and lower it off him. Watching him get out of his pants, I took my skirt off too.

"I need this Jake, I need what he took away from me when I saw them together. Could you help me? " Sitting on the bed again with Billy infront of me. Leaning back on the bed, and waiting for this man to touch every inch of me.

I took the dress from Mike, beaming him a smile. Excitement coursed through me as he told me to go to makeup. I couldn't believe I was going to be treated like a real model. Having someone do my makeup and getting great things to wear. Playing dress-up for real.

Hurrying off I sat impatiently through the make up artist's application of what seemed like several layers of thick goo. She explained to me that ordinary makeup didn't show up on camera and they needed this special kind in order to really make my face stand out. Still it was hard to sit still as I was so very nervous about being under the cameras for the first time. I wanted so much for everything to go perfectly.

After makeup, I hurried into the dressing room and slid the dress over my head being careful not to smudge my face. I pulled it down around my shapely figure and looked at myself in the mirror. I gasped. I couldn't belive the person staring back from the mirror was me. I had gone from looking pretty to looking stunning and the dress accentuated all of the right places. I hoped the photographer was as pleased as I was when he saw me.

It wasn't but a few moments later that I was back with Mike. "Ready," I said taking a deep breath and hoping that I really was.