A place of my own


Jack in the Box
Jan 29, 2002
a place I can come and write......

This morning I rose early and went to the airport, it was a cool morning and the only light around was manmade. I did the usual check-in routine then boarded my plane just like every other time. It was still dark as I glanced out the windows while the plane rose higher and higher into the sky. I sat and stared into the darkness, a million thoughts rolling through my head, my eyes began to grow heavy. I fought the sleep as much as one can, just thinking and dreaming as I stared off into space. Apparently I lost the battle, I realized as I began to slowly open my eyes moments later, still heavy from lack of sleep, trying to adjust to the dim lights in the plane. As my eyes focused outside the window I began to see something I had never seen before. I have in my life seen hundreds of sunrises and sunsets, but sitting here at 30,000 feet the brilliant bands of orange and red, and yellow illuminating the sky were breathtaking. I sat unable to move staring out the window at the skies, slowly the dark grays began to turn to the most vibrant shades of blue and white. It was as though I was watching life being pumped back into something that had just died. The whole sky now lit with brilliant colors, and in the center of it all, slowly, a blinding light began to emerge. I sat and watched one of the most beautiful surises I have ever seen, and realized how many of these I have taken for granted. There is an old saying that goes something like; " A man who can not read is not a foolish man, a foolish man is one who can read and does not." Enjoy your sunrise tomorrow...........
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the dreamer.....

The energy as I look into your eyes, seducing you, knowing you can tell what I am thinking as I watch a smile begin to develop on your face. Crawling over your body my eyes locked on yours a look of lust filling mine as I slowly inch toward your lips. On my hands and knees, propped over your body I lower my lips toward yours, my eyes not moving from yours for a single second, then I pause. Breathing, looking, smelling, enjoying all that is you before lowering my head and placing my lips on yours. Your lips are so soft and sweet pressed against mine, I enjoy the way the feel as they slowly part and I feel your tongue dart out to tease me. Wrestling with your tongue, teasing your lips, kissing you then sliding my body upward away from you, my eyes again focused on yours. I sit up on my knees, looking at you, glancing over your naked body, taking you in and enjoying the sight. I lower my hands to your chest, leaving them hovering above your skin I slowly begin to move them around. Your body raising, trying to reach me moving as though I have hypnotized you, trying to feel my fingers on your flesh. I stay in control, keeping my fingers just out of reach, sliding them around making the flesh beneath tingle with anticipation and burn with desire. The hairs on your body standing on end, your body writhing, awaiting my touch, the decision I must make. Do I give in to you and satisfy you or do I hold out and tease you, making you beg me to touch you, making you want it that much more? My hands caressing the air, forcing it downward against your skin as I move slowly and deliberately over your body. My head again leans down, lips parting as I lower myself, hands moving closer too. Lips opened landing softly on your neck, my hand reaching your shoulder at the same time, you shudder and a moan escapes your lips. My head pushing against your chin; forcing your head up exposing more of your neck to me as my lips kiss and suck your skin. Your body wiggling beneath me as though you are humping the air searching for something that is not there. My hands now touching you move slowly over your flesh feeling your cool skin beneath their tender touch. My lips parting then closing as I gently tug your flesh into my mouth, sucking your skin, turning it light red then releasing it and moving on. Your hips moving faster, grinding as though my body was there, your moans grow louder and more intense as my lips work faster on your neck and ears. My mouth roaming over your neck, your chin, your cheek, then meeting your lips, kissing you, tongues entwined in a passionate embrace, my hands moving to your head, running them through your hair, lifting your neck raising your head up to me. Kissing you deeply, as I pull your body close to me, the softness of my clothes warms you and comforts you as your naked body presses into me. My arms now wrapping around your body pulling you tighter, holding you firmly as our kiss lingers on stopped occasionally by a moan escaping. I glance at you from time to time to see your eyes barely opened looking back at me. I slide one of my hands down your body, slowly letting it trace your flesh, enjoying every inch of you as it proceeds to your legs. As my fingertip gently caresses the top of your thigh your body tenses, your hips slide forward as you try to reach my hand. Your kiss becomes hotter, wetter, and more intense as my fingers dance softly on your legs slowly working back toward your center. As your legs begin to part, I can feel the heat, the moisture and as I breathe I can smell your musk. I breathe you in, taking your scent deep into my lungs savoring the sweet aroma and sighing as my fingers reach your swollen lips. Gently they slide forward and slide up and down the length of your slit, spreading your juices to any parts that somehow managed to remain dry, before pushing a single finger deep inside of you, slowly filling you. As my finger enters you I watch your chest heave, I can feel your muscles tighten around me, your teeth now biting down on my tongue as you kiss me still. Your hips now rocking and pushing against my hand, trying to find a way to get more of me into you. My thumb reaching forward landing on your clit, pressing firmly against you and circling as my finger probes your dripping pussy. Your muscles continue to tighten, your lips now apart from mine as you moan and call out my name. Your juices flowing like a river now as you circle and buck against my hand, begging me to make you cum. One hand pumping feverishly in and out of you as the other arm holds you tightly against my body, my lips just inches from yours as I watch you cum. Your eyes shut tightly together, lips opened screaming out your pleasure, hips thrusting like a bull trying to toss its rider, I hold you tightly still. I slowly set you down, laying your head down gently, my finger still inside of you, still controlling your pleasure. Your breath has escaped you, you struggle to get it back, slowly it comes, you begin to calm down, legs pressed tightly together in the absence of my hand, a smile forms on your face, slowly your eyes open to darkness. You look around but see nothing, an empty room filled with the scent of your sex, and the faint echoes of your pleasured moans………………..
the bath

The door to the bathroom was slighlty ajar as he climbed to the top of the stairs. The hall was dark except for the candlelit glow which had escaped through the slit in the door. The shadows of the flames danced on the walls around him beckoning him to come closer. Only the trickling sounds of water dripping down off of her skin broke the silence and drew him closer to the door.

He leaned casually on the door jam and watched. He watched as her fingers trailed all along her beautiful thigh and the sponge in her hand caressed her skin. Skin that had turned a warm rosy pink colour and was covered in little droplets of water. The drops slowly running down off her skin and back into the steamy water below her. He was torn between wanting to touch her warm skin and his desire to watch her. Watch her movements which were so seductive but uncontrived. The combination made him unable to move. His gaze was fixed on her body and his eyes were locked on her hand as it moved over her bare skin. He knew that soon his fingers and his lips would be touching those places. He wondered what she was thinking of as he watched the sponge move over her breast. Did she think of him as the sponge slowly eased across her nipple, a movement that made him shift his weight from one foot ot the other.

His mouth was dry as he watched the sponge start at her milky white throat, move across her delicate collar bone and down to the other breast. Gliding across her other nipple which was clearly visible above the water. He felt his body responding to her movements. His desire for her almost moving from pleasure to pain it was so intense.

His eyes narrowed slightly and his breathing quickened as he watched the sponge move past her breast over the soft skin of her tummy and down between her legs. She rested her head back on the edge of the tub, closed her eyes and sighed soflty. A throaty sound that washed over him and made his skin tingle and his pulse quicken.

He closed his eyes not sure how much longer he could stay here without touching her. As he lifted his heavy lids he realized that she was watching him. He was startled to realize that she was aware of him and wondered how long she had known he was there. A little smile played across her lips as she stood up in the bath and beckoned him forward. He drank in the sight of her pink skin and the water dripping along her curves. He touched her for the first time. His fingers mimicking the path of the sponge. Caressing her throat, her shoulders, her breasts until she moaned and caught his hand in hers as she shivered not from the cool air but from the touch of her lovers fingers and the heat in his eyes.

She walked into the towel that he held open for her and he lifted her into his arms. Neither of them spoke as he carried her to their bedroom and lay her on their bed. Tonight.... there was no need for words.
The above post was mine....I hope you dont mind Tn ...your writing inspired me to write something of my own.......

Just in case anyone cares...the characters in the piece are completely fictional and in no way based on any real person....just a moment in time that intrigued me...
I am glad you posted Cat. I am glad my writing inspired you. I enjoyed reading your post, please feel free to post here any time you get the urge.

quick massage

a quick massage to end a long day...or to start a long evening...

Your naked body lay out on the bed before me as I walk in the room. Occasional bands of sunlight sneak in around the curtains but the room is still dimly lit. I walk up beside you, noticing that your eyes are closed and you look relaxed. I take a bottle of oil and pour some in my hands before rubbing them together coating my hands and warming the oil slightly before walking closer and placing my hands gently on your shoulders. You sigh as my hands touch you my fingers working through your muscles revealing that you are not relaxed at all. As my fingers grip and rub at your body, almost separating the muscle and flesh, relaxing you, relieving you, comforting you. Gently yet firmly my hands run over your body, reaching deep within you, taking all that is bad and pulling it out. Taking your troubles and worries and making them my own, leaving you carefree and happy and relaxed in my presence.

My hands working down your back, rubbing your spine, your shoulders, your arms, my feelings passing to you through my touch. Firmly my hands explore your back, your eyes close, your lips part to let a moan escape. Over your ass, rubbing deeply, caressing your muscles, your flesh, and your soul. Inch by inch my hands glide effortlessly over your body taking all of the cares from you and scenting them with sweet oil before sending them into space........
I walked in Battery Park in New York this past week, and as I walked a saxaphonist played somewhere over the rainbow. I thought it very fitting. I smiled as I walked along and began to sing along with him...

"Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
There's a land that I heard of
Once in a lullaby

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true

Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?"
begining of a new story

You walk into the house from a hard day at work. You notice it is quiet, the lights are off and no one is there. You look back out the door and see my car still in the garage so you know I have to be home. Confused you shut the door and walk down the hallway. You go to set your keys on the table and notice an envelope with your name on it. You set your keys down, pick up the envelope and begin to read: “I have not been able to stop thinking of you, you are on my mind every waking moment and haunting my dreams when I sleep. You are an incredible person and for that I thank you. Please, come to me.”

Looking down on the floor you notice a single rose petal, you bend to pick it up and notice another. Looking forward you notice a trail of yellow petals leading down the hallway. You stand up then walk down the hall following the roses, then listening you hear the soft sound of music coming from the bedroom. The door to our room slightly ajar, you can see candles flickering and the music becoming clearer. You push the door open and a large smile crosses your face. The door fully opened you see the sheets turned down on the bed, the remaining rose petals on the sheets and one single rose resting on your pillow atop another note. You walk over and pick up the paper and begin to read: “Remove your clothes. Turn toward the window and close your eyes. Wait for me.”

You set the note down and removed your clothes then walked toward the window. Eyes tightly shut you stand in the room waiting for me. You stand for what seems to be an eternity, just waiting, hoping I have not forgotten about you, hoping I will be there, and wondering what will happen when I do come to you. Thousands of thoughts racing through your head, emotions become confused, but you have hope, hope that I will reveal myself to you, and that it will be worth the wait.

Slowly I walk up to you, standing behind you, in awe of your beauty. I stand mesmerized by the sight of you, taking you in and enjoying this moment, then slowly I reach forward to you. My hands gently touch your shoulders, gripping them, then slowly squeezing. A firm grasp on your shoulders, I pull your body back to meet mine. Feeling us pressed together, never have to bodies fit so perfectly together, never have I felt the way I do with you in my arms. Holding you, protecting you, comforting you, feeling that I can do anything with you in my arms.

Slowly I lean forward, my eyes shut, breathing your perfume in, savoring the moment before kissing your neck. My lips touching your neck softly, the passion with which I kiss you is like none you have ever felt. I feel your head turn, your neck arching, reaching for me, seeking my lips, your eyes longing to look into mine………….
TN...I loved the dreamer...I was smiling the whole time I read it....
I felt like I was there...

Thank you...
Tatiana0706 said:
TN...I loved the dreamer...I was smiling the whole time I read it....
I felt like I was there...

Thank you...

glad you enjoyed...I found myself there as I wrote it...closing my eyes and dreaming...imagining...feeling...glad you enjoyed it..I hope as I find time I will continue to write more....thank you for your encouragement.

many of you who know me know how much I love music...while driving back to my hotel from dinner the other night...the rain softly fell around me, covering the windshield...the wipers swishing back and forth trying to wipe it clean...the lights of the cars and the streets around me slightly blurred from the droplets of water....I turned the radio on....

(Let me be your hero)
Would you dance
if asked you to dance
Would you run
and never look back
Would you cry
if you saw me crying
would you save my soul tonight

Would you tremble
if I touched your lips
Would you laugh
oh please tell me this
Now would you die
for the one you love
Hold me in your arms tonight

I can be your hero baby
I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away

Would you swear
that you'll always be mine
Would you lie
would you remember
My angel be have I lost my mind
I don't care you're here tonight

I can be your hero baby
I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away

Ohhh I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna hold you,
oh yeah
My angel be have I lost my mind
I don't care you're here tonight

I can be your hero baby
I can kiss away the pain
(Oh yeah)
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away

I can be your hero
I can kiss away the pain
And I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away
You can take my breath away

I can be your hero...............
I thought of a song yesterday I had not heard in a while...I began singing it in my head and dancing around my room...alone...it is just not the same...anyway I thought I would share it with you all...

Our love is unconditional
We knew it from the start
I can see it in your eyes
You can feel it from my heart, From here on after
Let's stay the way we are right now
And share all the love and laughter
That a lifetime will allow

I cross my heart
And promise to
Give all I've got to give
To make all your dreams come true
In all the world
You'll never find
A love as true as mine

You will always be the miracle
That makes my life complete
And as long as there's still breath in me
I'll make yours just as sweet
As we look into the future
It's as far as we can see
So let's make each tomorrow
Be the best that it can be

I cross my heart
And promise to
Give all I've got to give
To make all your dreams come true
In all the world
You'll never find
A love as true as mine

And if along the way we find a day
It starts to pour
You've got the promise of my love
To keep you warm
That is a great song tn, thanks for sharing it. It always makes me smile when I hear it. Simple words that say so much.
*Catbabe* said:
That is a great song tn, thanks for sharing it. It always makes me smile when I hear it. Simple words that say so much.

it is a good song...and it goes to show that I do not ONLY listen to Sinatra LOL...
pillow talk…

He lay in his bed in the darkness imagining her next to him, day dreaming of her soft sweet voice filling the room as they laid and talked. Legs and arms thrown about each other, their warmth fighting of the chill in the air, their two bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. Her voice echoing in his head, occasional bursts of laughter as story after story they told each other while the numbers on the clock continued to grow. The room slowly faded to silence, and in the darkness he looked over and stared at her face as she slept, looking at the peace that had settled in on her face. A smile crossed his face and his eyes slowly began to close, but his grip on her never diminished. As they drifted off to sleep together they held each other, neither one wanting to let the other go.

In the morning he woke, and as sometimes happens your body wakes up before your eyes open, and he felt his hands on her back, gently running up and down the length of her body, her scent filling his nose as he held her. Falling asleep with her in his arms was a wonderful treat, but now, it is time to wake up and begin a new day. Imagining opening his eyes to find her looking up at him, watching him sleep as he had done to her just hours ago, her smile warming the room as they entered a new day together.

Slowly his eyes opened, and he squeezed his arm tighter around her, and as he squeezed her body became soft, almost non-existent. Opening his eyes fully he looked down at the pillow he gripped in his arms, then smiled knowing that someday he would be home and she would be in his arms forever more.
just a thought...

Her thighs pressing against his cheeks as she straddles his face. His tongue reaching upward seeking her delicate folds, finding her wetness, tasting her juices. Her hands reach down, grabbing his head, running through his hair, pulling upward gently as her hips rock downward. His tongue flicking and teasing her clit then sliding down the length of her slit and filling her opening as she grinds her hips onto his face. Her hands move from his hair grabbing the headboard as she tries to balance herself, supporting her body as she grinds on his face. His tongue working in and out of her dripping hole filling her then receding then filling her again. Withdrawing his tongue he works it to her clit, flicking and teasing it before wrapping his lips around it and sucking her into his mouth gently scraping his teeth against her sensitive button before plunging his tongue back into her depths. She bucks and grinds as his tongue slides in and out of her, she begins moaning, calling his name, begging him not to stop. His tongue working feverishly in and out of her as he can feel her orgasm building, her muscles tensing, her hands on his head again pulling him deeper into her. His tongue not letting up as she squeezes around it, riding it as if it were a cock, trying to take as much of him into her as she can. Her orgasm pulses through her as she screams out to him, her hips thrusting down onto him as the pleasure controls her. As she begins to calm he moves his head, forcing his tongue to fall from her opening before placing his lips on her folds and sucking her into his mouth again. Enjoying every inch of her he licks and sucks and teases her pink flesh, wanting nothing more than her pleasure. He slides his ass downward slightly, forcing his head to reposition, his tongue suddenly finding her ass. She moans and shudders at his touch, the sensations completely taking over her body. The tip of his muscle gently teasing her tight hole, bringing all the nerves alive, flicking, circling, tasting her. Her hands back on the headboard she thrusts downward pressing her ass against his lips, his tongue now extending further and trying to penetrate her. She screams out his name as this thick tongue begins to fill her. As his tongue slips in and out of her he raises his hand to her clit and begins rubbing it with his thumb, gently at first then with more fervor as her moans of pleasure grow louder. He can feel her muscles tightening again and her juices flowing freely from her pussy as he begins to press harder against her clit. Her hips bucking forcing his face closer to her body, muscles tightening orgasm building, surging, taking over her body as she screams out sounds of pleasure. His thumb now frigging her clit with reckless abandon, his tongue filling her ass, enjoying the feel of her around him he continues making her cum. Her body shakes as the orgasm blasts through her, lasting for what seems an eternity, until finally she can take no more, her body collapsing next to his as she tries to lift her head. With a smile he looks at her and tells her he wants her to never forget that moment, that feeling, that sensation, remember it always he tells her as he wraps his arms around her and holds her tightly.
Golden Eyes said:
very nice TN thank you sweety, I will post later


umm GE...but didn't you just post then? ROFLMAO...hehehehe hugggsss my friend, glad you enjoy..*bowing most humbly*
Mwahhhhhhh TN big wet sloppy kiss for you. LOL A Friendly one, not a hot one !! LOL hehe, lets say a sister kiss giggles:devil:
Golden Eyes said:
Mwahhhhhhh TN big wet sloppy kiss for you. LOL A Friendly one, not a hot one !! LOL hehe, lets say a sister kiss giggles:devil:

but but...last time I checked I was not a girl...that means I can not be a sister...
Silly, not you......me, I gave you a sloppy sister kiss ! Jeesh, now who has to use simple words here??? LOL
