A piece of information about Ferrets


a long way up
Apr 17, 2002
Apparently - I was told by a vet friend of mine - that if female ferrets dont have an orgasm they will die

This friend of mind had to masterbate a ferret with a pen the other day to save her life .

Could be a good excuse guys if you ever get caught .

Honest I was saving her life - she has ferret syndrome :D
Gord said:
Apparently - I was told by a vet friend of mine - that if female ferrets dont have an orgasm they will die

This friend of mind had to masterbate a ferret with a pen the other day to save her life .

Could be a good excuse guys if you ever get caught .

Honest I was saving her life - she has ferret syndrome :D

I once bought some cooking apples. Nearly died of starvation waiting for them to make dinner.
MsDemeanor said:
I was a ferret in a previous life. :cool:

Fuck i think I want to be a ferret in my next life

and MJR - what relevance has cooking apples got with a ferrets orgasm ?
Naughty Elf said:
This whole thread is about ferreting out information, right?:)

no it is about saving Ferrets

and cooking apples

and Bisto
bluespoke said:
So that'll be ferrets, stuffed with apple and baked in a Bisto gravy?

Served with onions, carrot & parsnip mashed potato, and sweetcorn.

Sounds good to me.
bluespoke said:
So that'll be ferrets, stuffed with apple and baked in a Bisto gravy?

an alternative xmas feast perhaps ?


I think I will stick with turkey

ever owned a ferret blue ?
Gord said:
an alternative xmas feast perhaps ?


I think I will stick with turkey

ever owned a ferret blue ?

I'll stick with Beef and no I've never owned one.

I know some people who do and think they are wonderful creatures. I think I'll just stay with the canine friend.
In my book, ya can't beat a Workington Whelk Hound. Honest, faithfall, loyal, companiable and damn good at ferreting out those whelks.

And the fun of the Whelk Hound races.

bluespoke said:
You've been stuffed by an apple?:D

she used to be a ferret

obviously didnt have enough ferret nookie

My Uncle had loads of ferrets - went rabbit hunting many time ( watch out MJR )

The way they went down the rabbit hole - scared the bejeezus out of the rabbits