A Picture of Me!


pee aitch dee
Dec 21, 2001
Post your picture in this thread for all to see and improve your popularity on the GB!

*picture removed*

Added note: I was only half kidding about wondering if pics can make someone more likable. I don't mean to say that in a condemnatory way - I posted a ton of pics when I first got here, and I've used photos of myself in my AV. I think that phrasing it as a path to popularity, for me, was tongue in cheek. Maybe some people look at it that way. But, all in all, I think that viewing a photo of someone on the GB allows us to relate to them on a rather personal level (even if that feeling is artificial- that is, based only on *our* idea of who we think is behind the words and photos). Anyway it's just a gobbleygook of junk about psychology, reception and vision theory, which I don't feel like going any further into at the moment...and besides this is just supposed to be a footnote.
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Geez...but my boobs aint enough to get popular?

What about my whole thread of body shots?

Oh well...
lovetoread said:
Geez...but my boobs aint enough to get popular?

What about my whole thread of body shots?

Oh well...

You're already a hit, though. Some people seemed to be making the connection that picture = popularity. Therefore, they can begin building up their Lit GB resume here.
Olivianna said:
Post your picture in this thread for all to see and improve your popularity on the GB!

Oh Olivianna! You're my kind of woman!
Olivianna said:
Post your picture in this thread for all to see and improve your popularity on the GB!

Olivianna? wowwwwwwwwwwww
ohhhhhh, I was wondering why I used my pic as my avatar.
Nice work, Hotstuff. Got anything new in the "odilesque" genre?;)

Wow. Your photo is very nice. I wondered if you'd, by any chance, care if I wallpaper my bathroom with enlargements?


No? bummer, but it would be nice.
Thanks Starfish, Kotori, Ukin, Bob, Manhunter, Kateyes.
Kotori, I think I've exhausted the Odalisque theme. My next series will be based on Ghislebertus's 'Magi Asleep' from Autun.
Perky, Ya know, I'm foolin' about photo = popularity.
Peachy, it is what I wanna do.

Umm...maybe nudie pics do make people more popular? Curious (*makes cross-eyed nerdy face*).
Sometimes pics have the reverse affect. Case and point, wetmarlene.
I was looking at your picture and discovered that time had flown by. I think I missed the last hour or so. What was the question?:rose: :devil:
you suck bedilia *laughing*

as for wetmarlene, let's just say she was in dire need of, well, I'd say magic, but it was more like hedgetrimmers.

I really thought it was a joke pussy pic, and that she was a made up name, but apparently I was wrong.

Olivianna said:
Kotori, I think I've exhausted the Odalisque theme. My next series will be based on Ghislebertus's 'Magi Asleep' from Autun.
I know it exhausted me. Fond memories.
I would never post my body parts on the internet, especially to become popular. Sorry, I just can't do it.

Who wants to be popular anyway?

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