A phone call and a hand job


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
He told me he was going to be boring. He warned me he would sound stuffy and proper. But talking to DCL on the phone is like calling in to your own personal comedy hotline. lol

The DJ in the next room acutally worried on the air, that someone had released laughing gas into my office.

He could also charm a nun out of her habbit were he so inclined. Unfortunately he was a complete gentleman. lol With the exception of begging me to meet him in LA next week for a quick hello and a hand job. Throw in a free meal and a little groping and I may be able to squeeze you in doll.
Not just a hand-job, it has to be a hand-job during the Universal Studios Tour, and I want to climax just as Jaws jumps out of the water.

It's a fantasy.

(Sunstruck's adorable, by the way. It was fun, kiddo. Thanks.)
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Not just a hand-job, it has to be a hand-job during the Universal Studios Tour, and I want to climax just as Jaws jumps out of the water.

It's a fantasy.

(Sunstruck's adorable, by the way. It was fun, kiddo. Thanks.)

Isn't that everyone's fantasy?

(Kiddo. hehe)
MorgaineLaFay said:

Awe come on...want me to call ya and charm your pants off?;)

Oh.. I was just thinking about you. Has the storm hit up there yet?

It was amazing. Even knocked out my satelitte tv.
sunstruck said:

Would you like me to grope you in LA? I'm not sure my hands are big enough, lol but I've got two of 'em.


I'm jealous of the fantasy. Mine are never that cool.
Next call may I listen in? I'll be a good girl and keep quiet.
freakygurl said:

Oh.. I was just thinking about you. Has the storm hit up there yet?

It was amazing. Even knocked out my satelitte tv.

I'm waiting for it now.

It's suppose to freeze tonight.
MorgaineLaFay said:

I'm waiting for it now.

It's suppose to freeze tonight.

I had to turn my furnace on for the first time this morning.

I love autumn!!!
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Not just a hand-job, it has to be a hand-job during the Universal Studios Tour, and I want to climax just as Jaws jumps out of the water.

Damn....now I've been to Universal Studios...but must have MISSED that part of the tour!!!


Somebody wanna take me thru again? :p
sunstruck said:
He could also charm a nun out of her habbit were he so inclined.

I'd just like to say I am so inclined.

And if we can work the nun into the "Psycho House" portion of the tour, I'll be very happy.
I'm surprised. If I were a guy, I would have gone for the blow job option, at least!

Lucky, lucky Sunstruck!
I bid one coffee mug for a BLOWjob from Eumenides.

cumming once

cumming twice

SOLD to the man with the sheep
Dixon Carter Lee said:

I'd just like to say I am so inclined.

And if we can work the nun into the "Psycho House" portion of the tour, I'll be very happy.

All I have to offer is a Catholic School uniform. But it's authentic and VERY tight up top. lmao

But if you insist I could always bring Sister Pat with me. Maybe Universal can scare the wrinkles out of her.
SaintPeter said:
I bid one coffee mug for a BLOWjob from Eumenides.

cumming once

cumming twice

SOLD to the man with the sheep

Is there coffee in that mug? It better be starbuck's. I'm no cheap ho, you know.
Dixon Carter Lee said:

I'd just like to say I am so inclined.

And if we can work the nun into the "Psycho House" portion of the tour, I'll be very happy.

Okay... I happen to have a friend who owns a house on the hill over looking that lot. Let me know when you two get this thing set up...