
Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
Clear your box... again!

Also, make sure your SENT folder is empty. ;)
Gilly Bean said:
Clear your box... again!

Also, make sure your SENT folder is empty. ;)

Geeeez, Gilly, how the hell are we supposed to know whom your talking to if you address everything anonymously? ;)
My box is kept nice and clean all the time. In fact, I signed that little slip, so you can all feel free to stick things in my slot any time.
Gilly Bean said:
My box is kept nice and clean all the time. In fact, I signed that little slip, so you can all feel free to stick things in my slot any time.

Do they have to be just words?
Gilly Bean said:
As long as it fits in my slot, stick it in, please. :D

In this case, size does matter. And also means I can not fit anything in your slot. ;)

You have a box too 1TC. :p