A Night at the Museum (Closed: Ultimatebliss)


Literotica Guru
Jun 16, 2011
Strange how peaceful a place with blood-red carpets and stuffed with the most inventive pain devices known to man could look after dark. It was absolutely quiet in here, except for his own excited breathing and that of his girlfriend next to him. A slim brunette, she had proven to be surprisingly kinky, and had almost scared him with her enthusiasm for his job, and his offer to give her a special, hands-on tour after dark. Followed by...something more.

The room was brightly lit, the window shutters all closed to give them as much privacy as possible. Dozens of devices, all good reproductions of dark wood and blackened iron, and most of them fully functional (a detail that had been very important to him) looked menacing, even under the glare of the lamps.

"Are you ready for the grand tour, honey?" he asked with a grin, turning to her. "Remember, if you want to try out one of them, just ask. That's what they are made for, after all."

I look around, eyes sparkling, I'm so excited I can't wait to try everything. I want to show you how good I will be. I ask you to pick your favorite for me to try.
I am kinky, but this sparkly-eyed squeeing at the sight of things like the Breast Ripper - which does exactly what the name implies - makes even me a little uncomfortable. "My favourite? Hmmm... Why not start with the rack? It's a part of every good torture chamber, and you always said you wanted to be a little taller..."

You walk me over to the rack, it's intimidating, I see the look in your eyes. You want to show me things I could never have imagined. I want to feel the pain I've thought about so many times. You lift me into the contraption. You take a moment to admire me and give me a look that both terrifies and excites me. I can feel myself getting wetter.
I walk around to the foot end of the rack and open the metal hoop mounted there. After having removed your shoes and socks, I lock your bare feet in the hoop. Next are your arms. I wrap the ropes around them several times, then secure them with a tight knot. I give the roller a few turns, pulling the rope steadily up until the pull forces you to lie down. Then a few more turns, until I can feel that the rack is working against resistance now. You are stretched perfectly straight on your back, but not in pain yet. I take this chance to give you a last warning: "This can be very painful. I will be really, really cautious with it, okay? We do not want to rip your arms off, or something."
I look at you wide eyed and I nod my head. My heart is racing as is my mind. What are your plans for me I wonder. I feel myself being stretched, I feel exposed, all the different sensations are driving me wild. My reflexes kick in and I start to try and fight my way out. You just stare at me. Stretching me more, I can't help but scream.
Screams. Of lust for now, but I decide to go a little easy on the tension. You used to squirm, but the pull of the ropes has made that impossible. You can only hang there stretched straight. I manage to find a tension which keeps you screaming without ripping anything off, then fix the roller in place and walk around the rack. "Painful, isn't it? Do you have any crimes you would like to confess?", I say playfully, poking you in the sides. "Or do I have to stretch you some more?" I am not actually planning to risk that, but I like the scared look you get as I threaten it. Your whole body looks thin and, well, stretched out, now. From your bare legs to your arms, which I can almost hear creaking under the strain.
"I've been a bad girl, always letting men and women touch me. I have no self control" I say with a slight smirk. You walk away, I'm confused and a bit nervous. Did I anger you? I hear you searching for something, what is it? I'm starting to wish I hadn't said anything at all. It's all very real, suddenly I realize I'm in for quite a night. At least...
"Men and women? Really? This will cure you of that!" I am holding the pear, a nasty little device which looks like a metal copy of its namesake. It is so big that even just inserting it can hurt, a lot. Then, there is this little extra trick it has up its sleeve... I take advantage of your stretched-out legs to reach under your short skirt and move aside your panties so that I can, very carefully, insert the instrument. I move it forward millimeter by millimeter, always mindful of that point when lustful pain becomes real pain - and when you have a thick piece of metal shoved up you, that point can come very quickly. I feel the resistance as it spreads you apart farther and farther.
It's cold against my warm body. I shiver, you smile a devilish smile. You slowly stretch me open, I'm tight but wet. I start to moan, still in pain. You inch it in. I can't believe how full I feel. It's amazing.
I feel as though I'm being ripped apart in every direction, yet I can feel myself starting to drip. I'm screaming. You tell me that I can scream as loud as I can but that no one would hear me.
You actually seem to enjoy it, even when it is fully inside you and pressing against your insides on all sides. Do I dare? A quick look at your ecstatic face tells me yes, and I slowly turn the screw on the pear's end. Inside you, the four "petals" of the pear are now opening, expanding your insides in ways even the thick metal knob could not. The points on the end are poking against and, if I am not careful, digging into, your flesh. I am, however, very careful. I open the pear just as much as I feel you can barely take. Then, I start walking up to your face, still screwed up in a mixture of agony and excitement, and kiss you on the mouth. "You little slut", I say playfully, "this is the only thing you will get shoved up there tonight!"
I coo for a second at the show of affection. The pain is sublime. You see me relishing in it and quickly you release me. I fall to your feet, I'm aching limbs trembling. You reach down and attach a leash and collar to my throat. You tell me that was just the beginning, the best is yet to come.
The leash and collar make for a great way to lead you around, and so we continue the "tour", albeit very slowly. Your legs have been stretched to a painful extent, and the wincing at every step shows me that the pear must have injured your insides something fierce, making every step painful.

Next, we arrive at an instrument consisting of a sharp wooden upright board in the middle, with other boards, for your hands and feet, at the front and back ends of the device. I open the boards and say: "You want some more? Lie across that board so that your stomach sticks up nicely, then put your hands and feet in these holes here and here. This is going to hurt a bit, I think. Or maybe a lot. Who knows?"
I resist , you laugh and push me into position. "You have no choice slut" you say. I gulp and tears form into eyes. You rip my clothes off and feel my pussy. It's wet, you laugh and say "see this is what you need".
I can see that your resistance is only playful - but the tears in your clothes are real. Well, they needed replacing anyway. Not now, though. You are almost spread-eagled by the stocks around your hands and feet, and the board under your back makes your stomach - and chest - stick out, too tight and too tempting not to touch. I drop my trousers and step between your legs, then feel inside you. Incredibly, you are wetter than ever! With my arms around your shoulders, I slowly come closer, until the tip of my penis just touches the hair between your legs. I am not sure if I should enter you so shortly after the pear has ravaged your insides, but eventually, I work up the courage and plunge in. A very loose feeling. The instrument must have done a good job.
I scream as you pound my sore cunt. It's almost unbearable, yet i feel myself about to cum. You whisper that I'm yours to do whatever you want with. This makes me cum all over you. You plunge into me, cumming deep in me. Before I can say a word you telle the evening is far from over and that I shouldn't have cum without permission.
"Sleeping around, pleasuring yourself without asking first; I think we need to use the big guns..." I go to the museum's bathroom and fill up a bucket of water. Then, I push the funnel chained to the device into your mouth. "You lost so much water just now... let me put it back in". I grin and start pouring, slowly. I know that, back when this thing was in use, executioners would almost make their victims choke, but I am very careful, allowing you enough time to breathe between unwilling drinks of water. After about a liter, I use another device chained to the machine, inserting it deep into you to prevent you from peeing. That would be bad for the carpet, and it would be much too easy a way out for you.
I'm so full. I thank you for the water. You gag me so I can't speak. "Whores aren't meant to speak" I hear footsteps. You put horse blinders on me so I can only see straight ahead. I notice a camera, and computer. I realize this is all being sent out live. You ask the audience what I deserve.
"Oh, that's an interesting one", I grin. First, I will have to fill you up some more. I continue my careful pouring until I can see a slight bulge in your stomach. Then, I get a long needle which was originally used to test for the witches' mark, heat it (to make it more painful, but mostly for safety) and, bit by bit, push it into the taut skin of your stomach; not too deep, just deep enough for you to really feel it, and for the live audience to enjoy.

"See? It does not burst!" I grin, turning to the camera. "Let's fill her up some more and see what happens, what do you say?" I ignore the mumbles of protest behind me and pour in some more - still careful not to pour in too much. This one can turn deadly, quickly.
My eyes are so wide I fear they may pop out of my head. You fill me up more. I can hear people gasping. You ask me if I need to release, I nod. You smirk and lead me to a basin, you release a valve in the tube and showere in my own piss.
"Wow, you took a lot! I was fearing you would burst. So, what do you want to do next?", I say as you relieve yourself from the floods inside you. You have stood up to the torture remarkably well, even to the most brutal devices, so I propose one I thought would be too extreme for anyone... maybe not for you: "How about we try the Judas Cradle next? It is an extremely painful instrument, I must warn you. Some people died on it. But you seem to take this very well, and I will be very careful."

I lead you out to the Cradle, a wooden pyramid on legs, with an iron hoop suspended on chains above it. Using a chair, I help you up on the device, locking the hoop around your hips.
My cunt is dripping down. You know you've just turned me into your pain slut. You slowly lower my spread legs down. But first a request from online. Nipple and breast torture. You smile wide and say but of course.
As you are spread out over the pyramid, I grab some tweezers and start...tweezing. First, I pinch your left nipple, hard, and twist it until a scream tells me to stop. The same happens to your other nipple, before I move the tweezers further down. "Bah! How hairy you are! Did you forget to shave? Let me do that for you!" Bushel by bushel, the tweezers grab bunches of black, coarse hair and rip it out without mercy. It is a slow, painful (for you) job, but eventually, you are all bare and smooth down there, and I spread you open, for the last act: I take the heated needle again and very quickly press it against your clitoris on the side, making you shriek and jerk around in pain as far as the chains will let you go.
I'm trying to scream through my gag. As you burn my clit you order me to cum, I gush and spasm. Oohs and ahs. You lower me down inch by inch.