A Night at the Carnival (Closed for NickisSora)


Darkside Royalty
Sep 14, 2008
Name: Katherine “Katie” Torrence
Age: 18
Appearance: http://cdn-images.hollywood.com/cms/294x255/5378900.jpg

It was my last year of high school and I wanted to make the most of it with my friends since we would be going our separate ways for college. For our last friends get together, we went to the annual carnival. I was looking forward to it considering they had a lot of rides and a really cool freak show which was something that I enjoyed. What could I say, I enjoyed the strange and bizarre. I wanted to see the new attractions.

I rode several rides with my friends before going by myself to the Freak Show.
They wanted to go play the carnival games. I arrived and paid to get in. I noticed the man running it staring at me lustfully. I went through. They had the Snake Man who flicked his tongue suggestively at me, the fire eater, a three headed dog, and something very new. It was a Catboy which really fascinated me. I went to the cage intrigued. He looked like he had seen better days. No doubt the damn owner was cruel to him. I smiled sweetly at him. Not very many were coming in so I moved to a concealed area near the cage to talk to him curious of him.

(she is wearing a tight baby blue tank top, a short black skirt, and underneath a white lace bra and panties.)
-Link looked to the Girl who came by the Cage and he walked over and knelt down and sniffed to identify her lightly and wagged his tail lighty.-"Hello?"-he said and looked to her as he sat there indian style.-"i am happy i got company."-His clothes were black shorts and a tee shirt as he was wearing a pair of sneakers with socks on but he did not look healthy. His eyes were a pale blue and his hair was black with his ears and tail twitching.-
"Hi, I am Katherine, but if you want you can call me Katie." I said, "What is your name?". I felt very bad at him. No one human, animal, or both deserved this kind of treatment. He was very handsome.
"I am Lynk i been trapped here since i was left with the Manager at a young age....I do trick and i work for him it is the only home i have. The other people are just make up i am a real Cat boy."-he said softly.-"What is a nice girl doing around here?"
"I am with some friends to spend time with them before they go to college." I said, "Does it get lonely here?". I move closer to the cage.
-Lynk looked to her.-"It does....I get girls come by and tease me alot."-some blood was seen dried a bit off to the side of his face he blushed when she pointed out.-"I was trying to ignore the girls and they threw a glass bottle at me i cleared the glass out after a while. It was just nuts i am always dealing with ass holes."-Lynk sighed.-"I would love a trainer like in the bigger Carnivals and such."
I gasped when I saw the cuts. I bit my lip. "I won't tease you." I said as I moved closer to the cage wanting him to touch me. I had an idea. I decided that I would see about being his trainer.
-Lynk wa snow right in frotn of her as her eyes had reading.-"What do you want? Anything at all your eyes just have a ton of questions."
There was a lot on my mind. I wondered where he came from and wondering who I could go to in order to apply as a trainer so that I will be closer to him as well as to keep people from hurting him.
"What is wrong anything?"-Lynk asked as he was curious why this girl was so interested.-
"I want to help you." I said, "Where is the manager and I will apply to be your trainer, so that you are not treated badly."
"Becareful because i do not know what kind of deal he will make with you.....he is in the big tent marked show....."-Watching Her walk away The LEader was cleaning up the tent and looked to the girl walk to him.-"Hello there....what can i help you with?"
I approached the owner of the show a bit nervous. "Yes, I was wondering about a job as a trainer for the freak show." I said, "I just graduated high school and was looking for a job.". The man was rather sleazy looking and was looking at me lustfully. I had never done anything before, but I knew that look.
-The man looked to her.-"come in to my office."-He took her to his office.-"so why do ylou want to be the traner of the freak show the only one that needs training is lynk our cat boy."
I sat down and he began to interview me for the job. He asked me numerous questions in regards to experience. I did not have experience in training, but I knew that Lynk liked and trusted me though we just met. "I have worked a couple of years for my mom's company as an assistant last summer, at the pool as a lifeguard two summers priors, and did a lot of babysitting for neighbors." I said. However, I would do anything to help Lynk.
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"That is fine and everything it still did not answer my question....maybe you going to ruin me.....Answer me simply....Why do you want this job? Your going to be training the Cat freak Lynk....what is important?"
"I felt a connection when I saw him in the freak show and I want to be able to help him." I said, "I will do anything. I don't mind the travel.". I hoped that reason would help me get the job.
"I don't know....will you do as you are told? To train him he must do the tricks i have planned. Miss planning will be bad for you."-I put out the contract and give you a pen.-"I must say you are cute but i am not sure you will be suitable.....You want job...security?"
"I promise that I will do what I am told. I said agreeing as I signed the contract. I decided the best course of action would be to ask Lynk what he had done in past acts and maybe add and improve. I definitely wanted job security. I feared if I wasn't hired that Lynk would be treated worse. I replied, "Yes, I want job security. I need to know what is expected of me so that I can train Lynk. I won't disappoint you."
"For job security.....you must be the Carnival slut....off hours you will be given a schedule to have sexual encounter with the staff. This takes effect in one week....Understood....If you continue this....you will keep your job....you are still welcome to have who ever you want and the way you want it i am the only person you answer to."
I was shocked with the terms, but I needed to be there for Lynk. "I agree with these terms." I said nervously, "However, I am a virgin. I have never done anything like that before.".
"Maybe you can train that pet then to give it to you better begin looking up sex items and such for more fun. You have one week Your trailer will be set up by tomorrow and Lynk will be with you."-He nods.-"It is a full on trailer house that is hooked up and liveable."
"I... will do that." I said, "Is there a way I can get some stuff from home and tell my family and friends bye before I start training?" I was extremely nervous about the deal, but not much I could say about it. I decided that before I came back I would stop by a sex shop in town and pick up some stuff as well.
-He nods.-"Yes you have time...I would come back no later then two days that is when we will be moving on. You will be getting paid..$400 a week."-I smile as you leave. Lynk sat there in the cage a few guys were picking on him as he hissed and looked at the men.-
I agreed and told him that I would be back the next day. I went back to tell Lynk the good news, but was furious when I saw that he was being hassled by some guys. I stood up for him. "Get away from him!" I yelled at them. If he wasn't in a cage he would have probably tore them to pieces, but he was in a cage with no way of defending himself. As his trainer. I had to protect him.