A NEW Idea ... (I think)


Really Really Experienced
Oct 17, 2002
In many religions the idea of Heaven or Valhalla or Paradise for a warrior who dies in battle included the availability of virgins for the hero's use.

The story-line I envisage is the 21st Century version with the emphasis on the environment. So we have the life story (or at least a part of it) for a re-usable, re-cyclable virgin. She compares and contrasts different warriors from different eras while chatting to her friends in the the Dead Warrior Support and Rehabilitation Group.

Now tell me the story that has that one in ...
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I definitely haven't read a story along that line...I think it's interesting, but yes, you would have to emphasize the surroundings.

Sob ... sob ... sob

So nobody likes my new idea?

<Sits in corner sobbing noisily and very pointedly>

*I* responded

I liked it.

Am I 'nobody' again? <sobbing from my corner, too>
I woulda responded, but, as usual, Chicklet said it first....
So, basically, this woman isn't a woman in the literal sense, but a kind of angel, a creation of the divine energy as a reward for deceased mortals in the manner you describe. It actually is an intersting idea once put in that context, if only to flesh out the background and concept of these perpetual-eternal-virgins.
Chicklet said:

*I* responded

I liked it.

Am I 'nobody' again? <sobbing from my corner, too>
Come over here and we can sob together.

Of course you aren't "nobody"; nobody is "nobody"!

Akito01 said:
these perpetual-eternal-virgins
If they aren't like that Valhalla gets awfully full of "used once only" females very quickly.

Maybe we could twist this around a wee bit.

How about a studly angel, given as a reward to the maidens that served these warriors so well during their lives.

We could have the maidens compare and contrast the different warriors from different eras.
Diane Marie said:
Maybe we could twist this around a wee bit.

How about a studly angel, given as a reward to the maidens that served these warriors so well during their lives.

We could have the maidens compare and contrast the different warriors from different eras.

now that a good twist

But as this would be male his libido would wane don’t you think.

love lin
MsLinnet said:
But as this would be male his libido would wane don’t you think.
Well of course he would, luv but I'm sure the maidens could find ways to keep busy during his recovery times. Kind of like a threesome, rather boring during the man's down time if we girls don't play.
Diane Marie said:
Well of course he would, luv but I'm sure the maidens could find ways to keep busy during his recovery times. Kind of like a threesome, rather boring during the man's down time if we girls don't play.

good point :rolleyes:

love linnet
I kinda feel sorry for this angel, getting revirginized and loosing her virginity over and over again - that's painful! Everyone knows that sex always gets better when you're experienced!

So typical for men to always want a "pure" virgin! My theory is that they are afraid that a more experienced woman will actually realize that the guy in question is both poorly equipped and has a lousy technique!
I've never read anything about virgins in Valhalla. I was under the impression that the dead warriors fought all day, and drunk mead in Odins great hall all night. The only virgins that I can think of are the Valkyries (Odin's handmaidens.) and they'd kick your ass ...

Are you sure that there is mortal-available pussy in Asgard?
Svenskaflicka said:
I kinda feel sorry for this angel, getting revirginized and loosing her virginity over and over again - that's painful! Everyone knows that sex always gets better when you're experienced!

So typical for men to always want a "pure" virgin! My theory is that they are afraid that a more experienced woman will actually realize that the guy in question is both poorly equipped and has a lousy technique!

I wouldn’t mind reigning my virginity as long as I keep my experiences and I would be dam sure that when I lost it again it would be a truly memorable occasion not the fumbled attempt it was

love Lin :devil:
Svenskaflicka said:
My theory is that they are afraid that a more experienced woman will actually realize that the guy in question is both poorly equipped and has a lousy technique!
All warriors are re-equipped on arrival.

Cuckolded_BlK_Male said:
I've never read anything about virgins in Valhalla.
It's a well kept secret. Shhh.

Originally posted by MsLinnet
I wouldn’t mind reigning my virginity as long as I keep my experiences and I would be dam sure that when I lost it again it would be a truly memorable occasion not the fumbled attempt it was.
But these are expert virgins, and with a true warrior ...
I am fine with that as long as I have a good time in the story (hint hint)
MsLinnet said:
I wouldn’t mind reigning my virginity as long as I keep my experiences and I would be dam sure that when I lost it again it would be a truly memorable occasion not the fumbled attempt it was

love Lin :devil:
Wasn’t it a memorable experience? Not to mention that your experience taught you an awful lot about men. Namely they need to be trained.
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Diane Marie said:
Wasn’t it was a memorable experience? Not to mention that your experience taught you an awful lot about men. Namely they need to be trained.

this is tue

(Wasn’t it was a memorable experience?) not sure what you ment by this bit ???