A new gettingtoknoweachother game.


Nov 27, 2002
This started totally by accident tonight but I have met the nicest person. I sent a pm to someone that I had seen post but never really posted with and said something nice to them.

Then we started playing the all new all improved gettingtoknoweachother game. We asked questions and the answer had to be only the truth. We started out slow...and learnt quite a bit about each other.

So the premise of this game is - Meet somebody new and get to know them by asking questions.
  • Find a poster that you might have posted with but have never PMd with before and send one PM.
  • Say one (or more) nice things to this person and ask if they would like to play a game.
  • Start asking one question at a time. Send your answer to that question along with it.
  • Come back to this thread and post some of the questions that got asked.
  • Post the person's name IF you and him/her agree upon that.
  • Please do not post any personal information about either yourself or the other person. Details learnt should stay private.
  • Have fun! :)
What colour toothbrush do you use?
What are you wearing?
Do you have any tattoos?
Naughty Elf has a picture of a mistletoe tattooed just above...

<yanked away from the keyboard by ahhhhhhhh>

Holiday :kiss: 's
This is a great idea
I'm going to go find someone to play with
Well I say why does it have to be a game? I do this all the time, when I talk to people, and or flirt. I do it unconsciously without making it into a game. I guess it is nice you just figured this out, but like toys in the bathtub this is old news.
ridddder said:
Well I say why does it have to be a game? I do this all the time, when I talk to people, and or flirt. I do it unconsciously without making it into a game. I guess it is nice you just figured this out, but like toys in the bathtub this is old news.

I thought this was the nice personality, and the other one was the rude one?

Let her have her fun - who gives a shit?
ridddder said:
Well I say why does it have to be a game? I do this all the time, when I talk to people, and or flirt. I do it unconsciously without making it into a game. I guess it is nice you just figured this out, but like toys in the bathtub this is old news.

The game is sharing the questions you ask and are asked.
Some naturally are comfortable reaching out, some not.
Mia62 I think it is a good idea, and sounds fun. I sometimes do send pm to people I do not know, but this sounds cute.
I have exchanged PMs with bunches and bunches of people over the years but I don't always bother to get to know them. Usually it is just a quick "I liked your post because..." or "Thank you for your comment".

This time, I took it a step further. It is actually kind of fun. :)