A Nation of Quitters


Nov 27, 2018

Terrific OpEd by WSJ columnist Andy Kessler. He explains a key driver of the “Great Resignation.“ Uncle Sam has been subsidizing quitters to a large extent since Covid began, but as that money dries up, mom and dad are filling the void. Us baby boomers collectively are sitting on $71 trillion bucks!​

A new class, the Cyber Bohemians, avoid work while living off their affluent parents.​

‘The unemployment rate was 3.5% in July, the same as in February 2020, but the U.S. has three million fewer workers. Where did everyone go?

“Everyone has an explanation for the Great Resignation: extended unemployment benefits, eviction moratoriums, baby boomers retiring, work-from-home complacency, anxiety, long Covid. Sure, all reasonable excuses. Here’s my theory: Too many got a taste of not working and liked it. A lot. Until recently, many people could make more money by not working and became glued to screens, Insta-Tok-ing and living the easy life by sponging off the rest of us. What’s not to like? Parisians called those with unconventional lifestyles “bohemians.” Now we have unemployed, perpetually plugged-in, dopamine-addled Cyber Bohemians—let’s call them Cy-Bos.

“Zoned-out Cy-Bos, at least in 19 states, can buy weed at dispensaries (Twinkies optional), including Oakland, Calif.’s descriptively named Smoakland, which delivers! Yes, while you’re working, many 20- and 30-somethings are giggling and wasting away playing mindless games and humming along to those classic Styx lyrics, “Is it any wonder I’ve got too much time on my hands?”

“And who’s paying for DoorDashed dinners and the exorbitant rent for all these un- and underemployed? Government handouts are dwindling, so, you guessed it, now it’s mom and dad—enabling parents. They can afford it: As of March, baby boomers were sitting on a whopping $71 trillion to spoil their kids with. Did you know that half of U.S. households currently support an adult child?”

It's not their fault that the parents won't kick them out of the nest or at least shut off their internet. Teens used to be our cheap labor, but we replaced them with illegal aliens, so an entire generation grew up without knowing the satisfaction of work and reward.
That reminds me of something I like to bring up when people talk about the evils of families accumulating wealth and willing it to their children. I always say that grandchildren are the great redistributers of that wealth, but now, we've seemingly moved that up by a generation.

It's not their fault that the parents won't kick them out of the nest or at least shut off their internet. Teens used to be our cheap labor, but we replaced them with illegal aliens, so an entire generation grew up without knowing the satisfaction of work and reward.
The era of the entitled, freeloaders are in for a rude awakening. 6 trillion in lost wealth since Biden took command of the ship.
That's not what the Administration is saying! They're declaring victory and spiking the ball (in the first quarter, no less).
Can you be a quitter if you’ve never actually done anything?

Maybe luk and zumi will weigh in on this sometime after the crack of noon, a big coffee and a bowl or two.
While pretending to work from home. 😂
Does butters ever do anything other than constantly start threads?
You mean like you used to do on a daily basis about one to three usernames past, over a forum you used to deride in previous usernames before those in the GeeBee, where and when you felt more invincible under your volant armor of snark before Ma Laurel bitch slapped you back down to restart mode repeatedly?


glass houses, AJ. Aim them rocks in your slingshot carefully, yo. :D
I'm retired and living off my investments, which I was very good at, so, what have you and butters invested in?




Terrific OpEd by WSJ columnist Andy Kessler. He explains a key driver of the “Great Resignation.“ Uncle Sam has been subsidizing quitters to a large extent since Covid began, but as that money dries up, mom and dad are filling the void. Us baby boomers collectively are sitting on $71 trillion bucks!​

A new class, the Cyber Bohemians, avoid work while living off their affluent parents.​

‘The unemployment rate was 3.5% in July, the same as in February 2020, but the U.S. has three million fewer workers. Where did everyone go?

“Everyone has an explanation for the Great Resignation: extended unemployment benefits, eviction moratoriums, baby boomers retiring, work-from-home complacency, anxiety, long Covid. Sure, all reasonable excuses. Here’s my theory: Too many got a taste of not working and liked it. A lot. Until recently, many people could make more money by not working and became glued to screens, Insta-Tok-ing and living the easy life by sponging off the rest of us. What’s not to like? Parisians called those with unconventional lifestyles “bohemians.” Now we have unemployed, perpetually plugged-in, dopamine-addled Cyber Bohemians—let’s call them Cy-Bos.

“Zoned-out Cy-Bos, at least in 19 states, can buy weed at dispensaries (Twinkies optional), including Oakland, Calif.’s descriptively named Smoakland, which delivers! Yes, while you’re working, many 20- and 30-somethings are giggling and wasting away playing mindless games and humming along to those classic Styx lyrics, “Is it any wonder I’ve got too much time on my hands?”

“And who’s paying for DoorDashed dinners and the exorbitant rent for all these un- and underemployed? Government handouts are dwindling, so, you guessed it, now it’s mom and dad—enabling parents. They can afford it: As of March, baby boomers were sitting on a whopping $71 trillion to spoil their kids with. Did you know that half of U.S. households currently support an adult child?”

LOL great wack off material for the RWCJ....

This "opinion" piece holds water about as well as my colander.

I am not going to destroy it line by line, that would just be a complete waste of my time, and the 5 reg RWCJ's chiming in are not about to change their minds anyhow....

But right now in American 1 in 5 housholds takes care of an adult child with "special needs" in some shape or form. Mental physical etc etc. So this idiots number never includes this. Second now almost 40% of University/Collage students choose to live at home while attending. Third, with housing prices increasing by almost 30% just since 2020, adults moving back home due to affordability has shot up by 47%. Fourth, ...oh why bother.....*chuckles*

But no you 5 just have your shits n giggles thinking this is all just lazyness and drugs........bought on by Trump handing out those stimulus checks......nothing else.....
Your investments didn't stop your old dog from slowly dying, or you constantly bitching about cleaning up after it in its old age.

what about your successes are we supposed to envy here?


LOL great wack off material for the RWCJ....

This "opinion" piece holds water about as well as my colander.

I am not going to destroy it line by line, that would just be a complete waste of my time, and the 5 reg RWCJ's chiming in are not about to change their minds anyhow....

But right now in American 1 in 5 housholds takes care of an adult child with "special needs" in some shape or form. Mental physical etc etc. So this idiots number never includes this. Second now almost 40% of University/Collage students choose to live at home while attending. Third, with housing prices increasing by almost 30% just since 2020, adults moving back home due to affordability has shot up by 47%. Fourth, ...oh why bother.....*chuckles*

But no you 5 just have your shits n giggles thinking this is all just lazyness and drugs........bought on by Trump handing out those stimulus checks......nothing else.....
When I was young, we walked uphill back and forth to school....in the snow
.....and we liked it! These whipper snappers just need to grow a pair and suck it up and work four jobs and be happy about it.
Show me trends in workforce participations rates broken down by age group. Until then, cretins like AJ and Fishmeal are just full of shit.
If you’re a Baby Boomer you are the lazy good for nothing crap your “Greatest Generation parents complained about.

It’s a never ending cycle but the key difference now is the system may be irreparably rigged. The Top 1% holds more wealth that the bottom 90% combined and it keeps increasing.

When they wake up to this disparity they will come looking for their oppressors carrying pitchforks and just take it away from the fat, the old, the weak; Baby Boomers.

Read some history, it won’t be the first time. Or you could change, but that’s not likely.