A Magic School, A Puzzle Box, & A Demoness


Literotica Guru
Sep 24, 2008
(Open for a female writer. PM me for interest)

Jin Mantrell: 23 years old. Average height and in good shape with light brown hair and hazel eyes

It was a hot autumn day and after coming to his room after day of classes on spells and potions, Jin reached for the puzzle box again. He had found the box late one night in the school library, behind a dust-covered book on the pyromancers of Saudi Arabia that looked like it hadn't been checked out in decades.

Roughly the size of a shoebox, the exterior was made of beautifully hand-carved wood and it was obvious that a great amount of care and skill had gone into its making. While searching for a keyhole, he had discovered that the small tiles on the top moved, much a like the sliding tile puzzles he had played with as a child, but this was far larger and more complex. To make it more difficult, he had no idea of what the end picture was supposed to look like.

He was pretty sure there was nothing inside. The first thing Jin had done was shake the box, and had heard nothing, but the challenge still nagged at him. 'Why make it so hard to open if nothing is inside?' he thought to himself. He absentmindedly shifted around some of the tiles. He had been at this for months now and was no closer to solving it, but it was useful for killing time.

But today, looking at the box, he suddenly had an idea. Grabbing a piece of thick paper and some charcoal, he laid the paper on the box and rubbed the charcoal against it, making an etching. Cutting the paper into the tiles, it allowed him to move them about freely like a jigsaw puzzle. No longer restricted to moving just one at a time, the image quickly began to form. The edges were the most difficult, being mostly a series of geometric patterns, but the center formed the picture of a woman, in chains.

She had a long hourglass figure, with full breasts and hips with a slim waist and long legs. Long hair was matched by bright eyes on a face that seemed almost ethereally beautiful. If it weren't for the thick chains that bound her wrists and ankles, he might have thought she was a queen or a goddess of some kind.

With the final image at hand, he began the slow process of actually solving the puzzle, which turned out to be harder said than done, hitting several dead ends and being forced to start over several times. It was well past midnight, with dinner long forgotten, that he was finally a single tile away from solving the puzzle. Holding his breath, he slid the last tile into place, and heard a soft click from inside.

He slowly opened the lid....and found it to be completely empty. No bright light, no spell of power carved inside the lid, not even so much as a scrap of an ancient "April Fool's!" note. After all this hard work, Jin had expected something. He left the box open on his desk before going to bed, a little disappointed, wondering what he would do with the box now. Maybe he'd scramble it up again and send it to a friend as a joke. Or maybe he'd just put it behind another book in the library for some other student to find.

It was late, and Jin fell asleep quickly. So quickly in fact, that he did not notice the slow tendrils of red mist begin to creep out of the box...
An ice cold hand would felt upon his skin so cold in fact it burned like fire. When eyes opened he'd see a shadow of a lady standing there at a height of approximately 6 feet tall dressed in all red with long flowing fire red locks.
Her voice soft as silk would then speak.
You opened my box and freed me, I am now yours to do with and command as you please.
He would notice that unlike the picture she wore no cuffs/shackles upon her wrist or ankles nor did she ware a collar.
Jin was awake instantly. When he saw the woman standing above him, he rolled out of bed in a panic and took several steps back to the nearest wall. With the wave of a hand and a small cantrip, several lamps went on, filling the room with light.

The first things he noticed about the strange woman in his room is that she was quite tall. She seemed familiar, and it only took him a few moments to recognize that she was the woman carved onto the puzzle box. He was glad that the box had turned out to be magical after all, but this was far beyond what he had been expecting.

He focused on what she had told him. He tried giving her an order. "Tell me, who are you?" he asked. "What are you?"
Phoenix, the normally unseen form.
My captors however would never allow my true form be seen on anything including my cell I stayed captive in for over 1000 years, and now likely you will not either but that also is your choice,Sir.
Moves over to box then yes the box she came out of when Jin was sleeping and brought forth the hand and ankle shackles along with a shackle collar handing them over to him.
It is now your choice to place these upon me, they are enviewed with magic that keeps me human.
That was all Pho (her name) would say as her body came more into view revealing a nice set of hips and a slightly bigger then average set of breast but noting outrageous.
Once it became clear that Phoenix meant him no harm, Jin began to calm down a bit more. Over a thousand years? Just how long had that box been hidden in that library? He knew that the school was old, but not that old.

When she told him that true form had not been seen in over a thousand years as well, he immediately became curious as what exactly her true form was. He took the shackles that she had handed him but did not immediately move to put them on her. As Jin got a better look at Pho's body, he couldn't avoid noticing that she was even more beautiful than she had appeared on the box. The carving did her no justice. Despite the strangeness of the situation, he couldn't help but wonder just how far 'his to command' went.

He tried to focus his mind on more important matters. "If there's no danger, I don't want you burning my room down or anything, could you show me your true form? I'd like to see it."
At first Pho would make a slight face as if thinking or wondering if in fact showing her true form inside was really smart, then she spoke her voice having grown to sound almost angelic but with a slight roughness to it.
Sir after careful thought I must disobey for now, however if you wish to take me outside somewhere I can then show you my true form.
You see Sir I have not been allowed to have or show my true form for well as many years as I have been captive, and being locked inside that box for ...
What year is this Sir?...(figuring he is going to say 2013)
Oh my since well around 1908 and so I am unsure if I can control my true form and would rather not risk destroying everything if I do lose control for my true form is well rather very large and also does deal somewhat with why I call myself Pho but not fully mind you.
Pho would then instantly become silent again, and lower her head just enough that her eyes and a rather evil smile wouldn't be seen as she speaks more to herself, on second account what do I care what happens to mortals they are after all who and what did this to me.

Before Jin even realizes it Pho body begin shaping, and growing larger. Soon she is standing at close to 8 feet tall, a tail, and horns have begun to form too.
Pho then laughs evilly,
Shall I stop. No I don't think so.
Another 2 feet added, fine feather like scales begin to cover her body, tail begins to seem more and more serpent like as it grows, and horns begin curling in on themselves.
Finally Pho looks up and meets Jin's eyes with her own which are blazing red with tinny white irises rather then the larger black ones they had been before.
Oh I am not done yet.
Wings would then unfold from her back at first they had feathers on them but as Pho grew another 3 feet this time the feathers began to fall off, and soon only the bones, tendons, and ligaments where there (looks like all bones btw) at which time Pho stretches them out bursting through a window as if it where melted butter and through a wall as if it where closer to a stale slice of bread.
A scream would then leave Pho's lips.
I don't want this get out or I may kill you please get out.
Jin would then see Pho's entire body catching to flame but the flames where clearly part of her and going from cooler red to a white hot blue-ish white and growing whiter until......


Pho would then be laying on the floor again in her human form unsure if Jin or Sir as she called him was even alive anymore, the entire room looking as if a bomb had exploded inside, and yet the box she had been held captive in all these years lay looking untouched on the ground amidst the now rubble.
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Jin took several steps back as the transformation began to happen. He was fascinated than anything else at the beginning but as Pho began to break down windows and walls, it occurred to him that this might not have been the best idea to do indoors. As the walls began coming down, he quickly began weaving a basic protection spell, and was glad he did so as the stone walls quickly became rubble.

He emerged from the rubble, waving away the dust that had formed. Looking at the ruin that had formerly been his room, he cringed. This was going to be difficult to explain. He grabbed the shackle cuffs and collar from the floor where they had dropped. There was a slight warmth coming from them that indicated they were magical. He proceeded to snap them on to Pho wrists, ankles, and neck. "I think this might be safer for both of us," he told her as he did so.

Jin could hear voices and see lights coming on in the hallway outside. He quickly threw a blanket over Pho, "Hide. Don't make a sound."

He quickly rubbed some of the dust into his hair and on his face. As the door flew open, he immediately said, "Sorry! Just a potions accident, I'm ok." One of the professors, obviously angry that he had been woken up in the middle of the night, waved a hand, reciting a repair incantation. The rubble began rearrange itself back into walls and furniture. "Be more careful or I'll have you cleaning it up by hand next time," the professor said. With that he left, the repair spell still in place.

When Jin was sure that the professor was out of earshot, he took the blanket off of Phoenix. "Ok, now I know not to do that again."

Pho was a far more powerful demon than Jin would be able to control normally, which probably explained why she had been put into the box, but the shackles and the box would hopefully give him some control over her, though from what had just happened, it wouldn't be complete control.

He took a good look at her. You certainly wouldn't be able to tell that beneath that her beauty was a powerful demon. "Have you had other masters? What have they had you do for them?"
A tinny mouse would crawl out from a hole in the wall move over to Jin and before his eyes become Pho again.
Let me first explain. The shackles only prevent my more deadly form from coming to be as long as I have them on.
I am a cross bred demon. My father was a full blown white fire demon and my mother was a half bred demon half being Succubus and half being a shifter demon which is how I can make myself look basically human to you and well anyone else who sees me but it also also how I shifted in the mouse when you told me to hide.
Now as far as what I have been used for by other master....
Well lets say one used me to blow up a town and start a war, another used my genes to make as he called them better stronger humans, another used me or tried to use me for breeding that worked oh so well and the one before you now well he just thought having me as "pet" would be fun until I lost control and when I did next thing I know I was in that box and well the rest I think you basically know.
Destroying towns? Making stronger humans? He was still just a student of magic, a better than average student, but still far less advanced than any of her previous masters had been from what he could tell by their "projects."

He picked up the unharmed box. Whatever magic was keeping Pho under his control was definitely tied to the box, unfortunately, he had no idea what kind of spell it might be.

Jin wondered what he should do. Putting Pho back into the box certainly wasn't with his reach, in terms of magical knowledge or skill just yet. Still, demon summoning wasn't necessarily frowned on at the school. There was even a dedicated Demonology major in which most of the students kept a demonic familiar, but Jin wasn't sure that was the best option to go just yet. Keeping her around seemed to be his only real option and her shapeshifting abilities could certainly help with that. With the shackles in place, hopefully her more dangerous form wouldn't cause the same kind of damage again. If a half-fire demon could do all this in a few seconds, he definitely did not want to meet Pho's father. And Pho's succubus side explained her incredible beauty, not to mention her other master's attempts to...breed with her.

Given that she was in an unfamiliar place, he tried to help her out, "You're in a school for magic, if you wanted to know. The Ilsom Academy. I think we might have been around in 1908, but I'm not sure."

Realizing he had yet to introduce himself, he told her, "My name is Jin. I don't really know what to do with you to be honest," he continued, "I don't have any towns that need destroying or wars that need starting. I don't know how to put you back in the box, and it doesn't sound like you'd like it even if I could. And no offense, but after what just happened, I don't think setting you free is such a good idea either."

"So I guess I'll be keeping you around. At least for now." He realized that his knowledge of demons was actually quite limited. So far, he had simply been taught to avoid them whenever possible until he was more powerful, and he could rightly see why. "Umm...do I need to take care you in any way? Do you need sacrifices or rituals to keep you healthy or anything like that?" Jin needed to know, and sincerely hoped that if she did, it wouldn't involve killing anything.
Pho would smile softly.
I am easy, food, drink, warmth, and sex sometimes, you will know when is all I really require. Yes, I would like not to be placed back within that horrid box you are correct, Jin. As far as anything I believe as long as these shackles are about my body as they are we or should I say you and anyone around are safe.
Oh and yes I figured I was in such a place for only one strong in magic would be able to break the spell and open the box as you did, that and well I saw all the books and other tools around. As far as this school being around back in 1908 I believe it was as a matter a fact I believe your now professor person, yes I saw and heard him was a student of the one whom kept me as a pet all those years ago.

Now I do have but one question for you which being a male as you are I am sure the answer will be yes, however I have learned never to assume anything, but do you like sex with females? Please know I am not talking right now for my body is not ready nor wanting for it yet but I do need to know the answer to that for when my body is ready and wanting sex I will need to know you will be there for me, or that you will have someone ready for me.
Please know sex with me is very pleasurable but I will end up passing you out rest assured on this part but when you wake a day or three later you will also feel better then you have possibly in your entire life. Also know that unless the unforeseen happens that once we have sex I likely will not want nor wish it again for a while.

For now I hunger for real food and drink, do you by chance know an invisibility spell to hide these shackles or are we now still within a time where people don't look twice at shackled "slaves"?
When Pho said that she had recognized his professor, it gave Jin more incentive to make sure that they didn't draw any attention to themselves until they had a better grasp of what was going on.

He was glad to hear that her needs were relatively simple, although the fact that she needed sex caught him off guard a bit before he remembered that she was part succubus. "Yes, I most definitely like sex with females," he said with a bit of a smile, a little surprised that she had been considerate enough to ask.

Jin took a spellbook down from one of the shelves and began performing an invisibility charm on the bracelets. Since they were already enchanted, it was easy enough to weave another spell into them. He took his time, making sure to do it properly as to not have to do it again later. The metal cuffs and collar began to fade until they were completely gone to the naked eye. If anyone got close enough to touch them, they would still be able to feel them, but this would have to do.

"Sorry that took so long," he said, putting the book back on the shelf. "Come on, I'll take you down to the kitchen. I doubt there's anyone awake this late at night, but we can still get some food." He led her out of the room, some of the smaller rubble still fitting itself back into place. Hopefully by the time they got back, it would be finished. It was only a few short flights of stairs until they arrived at the kitchens and dining hall where there was a wide array of food available. "Take your pick. I'm sure 105 years builds up an appetite."
Thank you, Jin.
Smiling as the cuffs vanished from view.
You are the first to be willing to do this for me most I have been with either didn't care what people thought or did to me, or the simply never let me leave a certain room/area.

Once in the kitchen/ eating area Pho began to look around, her eyes growing huge.
So much more food then I remember but it seems most is not well what I would call real food.
Is there ...
Leans in and whispers into his ear then.
Is there any raw meats, fruits, vegetables, grains (rice, corn)and also peppers lots and lots of peppers the hotter the better. You see Jin I don't know how my body will react to unreal food and well the peppers help keep me warm and also help my body absorb the food I do eat which in the end also helps keep me more in check with well myself.
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"Let me see, the fruits, vegetables, grains, and peppers are easy enough. Pick a place to sit and I'll head over." He went over the salad and fruit section, piling a plate high with what Pho had asked for, making sure to take quite a few peppers. "Raw meat...? Let me try asking." Jin went over to the counter, behind which, a gleaming steel golem with several arms was quietly and efficiently cooking and preparing several different foods at once.

"Excuse me?" Jin said and the golem looked up at him silently, his arms never slowing down. "Could I have a steak?" The golem reached out, grabbing a thick cut steak and began drizzling oil on a hot griddle. Jin interrupted, "Wait, could I have it raw?" The golem actually paused a bit at that, as if it was trying to process what Jin had just asked it. After a moment, the golem put the raw slab of meat onto a plate, sliding it across the counter and went back to its duties. "Thank you," Jin said reflexively, though the golem made no sign of having heard him.

Balancing two plates, one with the steak and the other piled with everything else, he began making his way to where Phoenix had sat down, setting the plates down in front of her. "Dig in."
Thank you Jin.
Pho would dig in and soon both plates where empty save for the bone of the steak, an apple core, and some white hard chunk pieces of lettuces even the peppers where fully gone seeds and all.

What shall we do now Jin or do I need to return back to your room while you go to class I did hear a bell I think?