It had sat up on Jack's uncle's fireplace mantle for as long as Jack could remember. His uncle had called it the one ring and when little Jack hadn't gotten the reference he called it his Bilbo Baggins ring and when that didn't help his uncle gave him a copy of the Hobbit and sent little Jack on his way. The Hobbit wasn't an easy book to read for a seven year old, but Jack struggled through it, loving each new adventure Bilbo found himself in. He never did figure out why his uncle called it his one ring though.
That was eleven years ago. Today was the middle of Septemeber in Jack's first year at college. He wasn't at school right now though because his uncle had died. The funeral was nice and they read the will yesterday. His uncle had no family besides his brother, Jack's father, and had left everything to him. Except his 'one ring.' That he had left to Jack.
Jack was back on campus and out of respect was wearing the simple golden band on his right ring finger, after all, he didn't want people to think he was married. He'd made a few calls to different people in his classes to get the notes he'd missed while he was at his uncle's funeral. RIght now he was knocking on the door of a girl who lived down the hall who was in his 100 level survey of western civilizations class.
Neither one of them had any idea what was in store for them.
The premise is that Jack's ring is magic, when worn on the right ring finger it makes all girls near him increasingly horny. The longer they're near him the hotter they get.
What I'm looking for is a female author or authors to play multiple roles as Jack seduces a number of girls around campus. He will most likely be with these girls one at a time though I don't mind multiple partner scenes if you're up for writing them. Or to put it another way, while you will be expected to write multiple characters, you don't have to write them simultaneously. If you're interested please send me your introductory post. Thank you.
I am into breast play, cum play, light bondage and occaisonally multiple partners. I am not into anal, BDSM, bathrooom, violence or force.
Thank you, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
That was eleven years ago. Today was the middle of Septemeber in Jack's first year at college. He wasn't at school right now though because his uncle had died. The funeral was nice and they read the will yesterday. His uncle had no family besides his brother, Jack's father, and had left everything to him. Except his 'one ring.' That he had left to Jack.
Jack was back on campus and out of respect was wearing the simple golden band on his right ring finger, after all, he didn't want people to think he was married. He'd made a few calls to different people in his classes to get the notes he'd missed while he was at his uncle's funeral. RIght now he was knocking on the door of a girl who lived down the hall who was in his 100 level survey of western civilizations class.
Neither one of them had any idea what was in store for them.
The premise is that Jack's ring is magic, when worn on the right ring finger it makes all girls near him increasingly horny. The longer they're near him the hotter they get.
What I'm looking for is a female author or authors to play multiple roles as Jack seduces a number of girls around campus. He will most likely be with these girls one at a time though I don't mind multiple partner scenes if you're up for writing them. Or to put it another way, while you will be expected to write multiple characters, you don't have to write them simultaneously. If you're interested please send me your introductory post. Thank you.
I am into breast play, cum play, light bondage and occaisonally multiple partners. I am not into anal, BDSM, bathrooom, violence or force.
Thank you, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.