A look at my life...



I guess I'll start by introducing my Christmas babies. :)

This is Bonnie. She is a year old ferret and my lil' baby girl. :D Ain't she cute?
This is Clyde. He is Bonnie's littermate. (Brother.) He, too, is a year old and a bundle of joy. :)
well it's not *my* fault - my kitties are just vicious! its the squirrel's influence, I swear...

how bout some pics of you, nudge nudge?
Chicklet said:
how bout some pics of you, nudge nudge?

whoops shoulda read your post on the playground first...

sorry :rolleyes:

i'll be waiting, though!!
Why is it every creature, no matter the species, thinks my boobs are pillows?!? :eek:
BlessedBe said:
Why is it every creature, no matter the species, thinks my boobs are pillows?!? :eek:


cause, like, breasts *are* nature's pillows?

(there was one kitty who whenever i visited would come up on my lap and put its paw directly on my nipple. every time.)
Chicklet said:

(there was one kitty who whenever i visited would come up on my lap and put its paw directly on my nipple. every time.)

Here's another of my baby boy. I've been edited out since I looked like shit! :eek:
1) I don't think you could ever look like shit, but I understand because I think I only post like one in four pics cause I look like shit

2) how many pets have ya got?
Wow Tiggs! You are truly beautiful! I've only gone through the first page, but I'm going right back to see the next 4. I'm sure they'll be even better.
Chicklet said:

2) how many pets have ya got?

Right now just Bonnie and Clyde. My parents have a Lhasa Apsa/Pekinese mix that's been in the family since I was in high school. And, before him I had a pet rabit.

Also, with my baby's sperm doner I had a dog...and with my ex I had a dog, a cat, two birds, and seven fish.
joeycnote said:

Wow Tiggs! You are truly beautiful! I've only gone through the first page, but I'm going right back to see the next 4. I'm sure they'll be even better.

I'm glad you liked them.