A Little Mix of Business with Pleasure


Shadow Dancer
Mar 16, 2003
(Closed, looking for one experienced male writer to write with me. PM me if interested)

Jenny Worthington had her best blue dress suit on with the white blouse which was rather tight fitting against her jacket. She was just checking in at the terminal gate when she dropped her purse, “Damn!” she whispered under her breath as she stooped down to pick up the fallen things. As she stood up she hadn’t notice the man that had leaned down to offer her a hand, instead she came up bumping her head against his. “Oh I’m really sorry, didn’t see you there, thanks though,” she said, her voice dripped with sexuality.

She turned around quickly and finished checking in and getting her ticket, but not without taking a quick glance, noticing what a remarkable man she had bumped heads with. In fact, she thought she could almost feel his eyes on her tight ass when she handed over her luggage to the baggage man.

Never looking back, she walked away and went into the lounge; she had practically an hour to kill before her plane took off. This was the first business meeting she had agreed to go on in the last few months. So much had happened in the past months that she neither had the time nor honestly hadn’t cared about the company in awhile. She was actually looking forward to her trip, especially because the people in this new cosmetic company in California seemed very excited about the product line she was going to show them.

“What can I get for you, good looking?” the bartender asked with a wink and a smile.

“Hmmm, since you’re working and I obviously can’t have you, how about a bourbon and coke?” she flirted back, flashing her emerald eyes along with flipping back her dark wavy hair.

She was in one of her spirited moods today and even though this was a business trip, she felt like having fun with it too. Jenny shortly noticed the man she had bumped heads with walk into the bar where he took a seat several stools down from hers. She caught the attention of the bartender and told him she wanted to buy the man a drink, but not to tell him where it came from. She laughed soft and sweetly and she had a good idea the man would know exactly where the drink came from, but she was more curious to know what, if anything was he going to do about it.
Lance had just gotten into the check in line, his mind wandering as his eyes slid about the crowd of other travelers. He loved coming to the airport, loved to watch all of the people, watching them scurry about as they made their way through the lines and counters. The airport was always full of activity. Just then he noticed the brunette in front if him curse as she dropped her purse.

Being a kind sumaritan, he bent down to pick it up for her, but if course she had turned and bent to so the same, with a painful thump he felt he heads connect with his

"I'm sorry!" He apologized, his eyes meeting hers briefly, but just then she was called finished checking in and she turned and left. His eyes slid over the blue slacks she wore, watching the way her plump ass shifted as her hips swayed, tha was a delightful figure to watch!

Soon he was up, he checked in an got his tickets, then wandered down towards his gate, seein he had some time to burn he found a bar. He walked in and took a seat at the bar. He glanced about and saw the gorgeous brunette a couple seats down. Then the bartender came up to him, taking his order and telling him someone ha paid for it. He smiled, there were so few people in here that he figured it had to he her. He stretched in his three piece business suit, ran his hands through his dark hair, then slid down the bar with his drink to sit beside her

"Hi I'm Lance Morgan. I think we had a little collision earlier" he said as he stretched out his hand to her. "Thanks for the drink"
“You’re very welcome,” I said smiling brightly, my voice softly sensual. I took a longer look of him from head to toe. Bashful, I was not.

He was very good looking and had sexy eyes along with a sly yet sexy smile. I had a lot of thoughts and questions race thru my head like a train wreck trying to sort it all out and really all he had said was his name.

“I’m Jenny Worthington and it’s very nice to meet you, Lance,” his very name seemed to linger on my lips as I spoke. To say this never happened to me, but that would be a lie and I had a bad habit of teasing and flirting with men whether married or single. In fact, I rarely asked that question unless things got a bit serious; it was always more fun not to know if one was just playing, especially with a man that seemed to be a bit of a player himself. I couldn’t tell at this point though.

“So I see that we will be traveling together for awhile. I’m going all the way to San Diego, some business there. Would you be going all the way or are you getting off in Dallas?”

I took a sip of my drink as I watched his eyes, wondering his thoughts with my little play on words.
He smiled as her bright emerald eyes took him in boldly. Her eyes slid down over his taylored black suit from head to toe, he took the same time to admire the snug fit of her own, snug and well taylored it clung to the full swell of a more than ample chest that matched the plump ass he had oggled earlier when she walked away from the check in counter

"Well with the long layover in Texas I do plan to get off, at least for a little while" he said, playfully matching her play on words,"but I'm on my way to California too. I've got some business that will see me there for the week" he told her before taking a sip of the scotch she had do kindly payed for

"I just hope I can have a seat mate half as engaging as you for the flight. Such long flights can be horrible of your stuck next to the wrong person. Luckily my company has me up in first class, so I'll only have to worry about one person. There is nothing worse then being stuck between a pair of incompatible fliers" he said as he set his glass down

"What about you? What's out in San Diego for you?" He asked with a smile as his cool blue eyes met her shimmering emerald orbs.
It was extremely hard to keep a straight face when he mention the long lay over and getting off in Dallas. I smiled though giving him a rather sly look in my eyes. So, he was somewhat of a player, that delighted me, excited that the trip now was proving to be much more enjoyable than I could have hoped for.

“I hadn’t realized we were going to have such a long layover, my secretary had made the reservations and I do agree getting off in Dallas sounds like a good plan.”

This time I winked at him, not really letting him know if I was joking or actually making an honest pass at him. I took a few more short swallows of my drink, already beginning to enjoy the warmth I was feeling in the pit of my abdomen. Naturally it was from the liquor hitting my empty stomach but I’m sure some of it came from talking with my new found friend.

“I have business in San Diego also, although I’m not really sure how long I’ll be. It could be just a few days, or…” I smiled at him, my eyes glistening as I looked him over again, “it might take quite a while to get the job done.”

I immediately saw his smile and the way he was trying to hold in his reaction from my words. Damn he had a great sexy smile, I thought to myself.

“I’m also in first class, I’m like you, I don’t particularly care to be suffocated by all the people and their scents, if you know what I mean. Although what I have my secretary do is pay for two seats together, then I have room to work if I choose, or invite someone to sit with me, talk, share, enjoy the trip.”

I laughed softly, still smiling at him I glanced at the clock.

“My how time flies, we only have another 10 minutes to boarding time,” I said, honestly surprised at how fast time had gone by. For no other reason than just having the need to touch him, making sure he was real, I gently ran my hand over his briefly. It was soft, warm and large compared to my hand, in other words he felt wonderful even just by the slight touch.

“I sure hope we get to eat something on the way to Dallas. I’m famished,” I then finished my drink setting it down and stood up. “Were you ready to get on… with this trip?”
He smiled at her little quips. He couldn't have imagined finding such a compatible companion for such a long flight

Her small delicate hand slid over his as she rose, and he let his eyes slid over that filled blouse if hers as she did. He couldn't help but wonder what she would look like with that suit jacket peeled off. It wasn't that unusual for some of those jackets to leave a false impression about the size of what was underneath

"Of course I am. How could I not be, now that I know I might just enjoy this flight with such an appealing individual as your self" he told her with a smile as he stood up and grabbed his small carry on brief case. He gestured for her to lead the way, but really he wanted another glimpse of that ass of hers. And he got it

Her plump ass was firmly wrapped in her slacks, bulging with every stride, and that lovely little dip as her hips swayed

This was going to be a fantastic flight, he thought to himself as he nodded to te bartender, then joined her

20 minutes later they found themselves sitting across the aisle from each other. There were a few other people in first class, but for the most part it was wide open

"Well I guess we will have some time to get to know each other better" he said to Jenny as he took his suit jacke off, revealing his pristine white shirt, snug over his broad muscular chest, the fabric stretching over hi muscular arms as he settled the coat into the seat beside him

"It looks like there is plenty of room if you wanted to come sit by me" he said after the last of the other passengers had files through, but before the captain began his usual shpeel about their flight
She had smiled brightly with his compliments as they made their way back to the terminal. She also had a pretty good idea of why he let her lead the way, it was something she was use to but very much enjoyed those men who enjoyed looking at her.

When she noticed how few people were in first class and that they were sitting across from each other, she was delighted. Then when she watched him take off his jacket she was in awe. She could almost imagine wrapping both her arms around his muscular arms, feeling his taut chest crushing her breasts. A sudden vision popped in her head watching herself ripping off his white shirt and….

Lance asked her about sitting by him which startled her thoughts and she had a good idea that he knew she had been ogling him. That smile on his face and those dark sexy eyes pretty much let her know she had been caught watching and enjoying.

Jenny then turned around and reached up to open the luggage carrier above her seat. She placed her small bag inside and then took her jacket off, not facing him. She was still trying to get herself calmed so she took her time sliding out of her jacket and laying on top of her bag, then closing the carrier.

“I have a haunch it’s definitely going to be fun getting to know each other a little better,” she said as she turned around and took one step towards where he sat. Suddenly there was a pop and a button on her blouse popped right off. Not only did this expose him to a much better view of her voluptuous breasts which were practically in his face, but she had no idea if the button hit him or where it went.

“Wow! I hadn’t realized how dangerous these things could be. I shouldn’t have ever buttoned it all the way up, normally I don’t…but…” then she was laughing cause she actually had found the situation quite funny and it wasn’t like he could see her entire chest or anything. “I don’t suppose you saw where the button went?” she asked trying to stifle her laugh.

Just then the captain came on the mic announcing them to fasten their seat belts…etc etc

“Since you’re asking I would enjoy sitting next to you and learn a little more about you. I’m not promising more buttons won’t pop off though, so beware.” she giggled as he moved his jacket to let her sit down.
He smiled as she went to stow her bag. Her pert round ass was right there and he took his time to admire the curvaceous attribute as she seemed to take her time taking off the suit jacket. He had enjoyed the innuendo laden banter at the bar and he was thoroughly enjoying the minx's teasing.

She turned around and leaned toward him, stopping a bit to clear the over head storage when he felt something pop him in the chest. He wasn't paying any attention to where at landed, all he saw was the full cleavage suddenly revealed as the pair of full melons fought fiercely to escape the blouse she wore. The suit jacket hadnt falsified the fullness of her breasts at all!

"Oh I didn't see where it went. I'm sorry but I wasn't paying attention" he said with a playful smile as his eyes returned to her breasts playfully

"Well you'll just have to be careful. Maybe you'll have to let a few buttons loose to keep them from shooting off and putting my eyes out" he said with a playful smile at her comment about more coming undone

"You do t have to worry about me though. I'm a gentleman through and through" then she sidled past him and took the seat next to him. Just then the stewardess went through the usual display of buckling and air masks. As Lance went to buckle his seat belt he saw the large button sitting on his lap. He smiled as he glanced over at her

"It seems your button landed in my lap. I'll get it for you in a second" he told her as he went about trying to fish the seatbelt from underneath of him. He lifted his hips up as he wrestled with the seatbelt beneath him, noting her eyes going to the button in his lap. Would she be so bold as to retrieve it?
She spotted the button in his lap the second he raised his hips and without giving it a thought she took the button so she could sew it on later. But that was when she looked harder at his lap, having felt the slight bulge in his pants.

This time she blushed, as she really had just meant to get the button, not molest him. Although she really had just barely touched him even though it was enough to know he was turned on.

“I think you’re right, I should unbutton one or two more, I really hate to sew as it is.” she said with a smile, trying to make light of the entire situation.

Slowly she undid two more buttons and she actually felt it a relief, she could finally breath. Her eyes quickly met his as he now had a very clear view down her shirt.

“You know, it wouldn’t hurt you to open a button or two. It’s not like we have to be so formal here.”

Without waiting, she put her hand up to the button on his collar and slowly undid that one and a couple more buttons. She let her fingers linger over his taut chest, lightly touching him as she made her way to each button.

Damn girl, if we both keep at this we just might be shirtless by the time we get to Dallas. And what kind of image was she giving him when every turn she was touching him in some way.

She was unaware of his thoughts or looks, too engrossed in enjoying him when again she heard the words ‘fasten your seat belts’.

“I better get my seat belt fastened before….” her words trailed off as she turned reaching for the belt and getting it connected. “I really hate wearing these things, its just like in a car. Even though I know they are for one’s safety, just kind of makes me feel like a prisoner.”

She looked back at him now, unable to really turn to face him with the seat belt on.

“So, do you live in New York City, or were you doing business there? I happen to live there. It’s where my business plant is.”
He was fishing for his seat belt when she reached over and plucked the button from his lap. The view he had gotten of her plump ass and her billowing cleavage had been quite arousing. He couldn't help but notice that her hand had moved quickly, but her eyes had lingered at his crotch in the snug suit pants

Then she took his advice and his eyes watched hungrily as her delicate hands worked the next two buttons of her blouse free, exposing the tops of her full breasts. He took the opportunity to drink in the sight

"Yeah I can't see for a damn myself" he said as his eyes turned up to meet hers. Her comment about him doing the same did make him realize how hot he had gotten since getting on the plane, but she beat him to it

Once again she showed a great deal of dexterity as she worked several buttons of his own free in moments, he hands sliding over his chest with casual, yet lingering grace

"Thanks. That feels much better" he said as he managed to work his seatbelt and clasp it. She began to do the same, and from his vantage he could see one full breast swelling down into her shirt, and the hint of a lacy bra beneath. This was going to be a fun flight, he thought to himself as she buckled in

"Yeah but at least it's only for the take off and landing. Soon we can get out of them and lounge more comfortably, unlike a car

Soon though they were taking to the air, the plane quickly climbing up into the sky they made casual conversation about New York, he explained hat he two loved in the city, and they talked about the boroughs and the hellacious traffic and how it always took a little time to get used to the city whenever they came back from traveling

Soon though they seatbelt sign blinked off and he undid his, turning to face Jenny, he took te chance to drink in the delicious expanse of cleavage she had on display. The soft round orbs spilling out of the now quite low neckline. She looked delicious. Her skin was a soft bronze that made her brown hair shimmer and accentuate her eyes

"So what shall we do to entertain ourselves?" He asked as he looked around, realizing tha there were only a few other passengers in first class with them. And he found his eyes kept slipping down to her delicious rack

"Perhaps we could get a sewing kit and fix that button of yours? Or maybe play a game of cards?" He suggested idly as the stewardess came around getting drinks. He ordered a whiskey.
“I think I’ll just change my blouse before I go to my meeting and let my maid take care of the sewing. I never did get the hang of that, I usually pricked my fingers more than I did the material. I think we get to have a sandwich or salad or something to eat on this flight, they should be bringing out the menu’s and asking about drinks I would imagine.”
Jenny was very away of his hungry looks, just as she felt hungry looking at him. She would have like to suggest the mile high club for a game, but she had never been THAT forward, at least not with a perfect stranger. Of course, it didn’t stop her from thinking about the idea and knew the bathrooms in first class had much more room than in coach.

Before she had an answer as the playing some cards, the stewardess was there handing them menu’s and asking for their drink order. It didn’t take either one of them long to order, obviously both were hungry and thirsty.

Soon they were sitting back relaxing as the ate and sipped their drinks.

“You know, we could play a game of truth or dare…Since neither one of us knows that much about each other it might prove to be very interesting. Of course, we would have to be careful of the dares, we don’t want to get thrown off the plane in mid flight.” She laughed softly as she was finishing her salad.

“I could go first if you want, I’d start with truth first, so you can ask me anything you want, anything.” She smiled sweetly at him, but her eyes held a devilish look.
He smiled at the image of her trying to sew, sucking on her delicate fingers

They chatted as they ate, he stole glances at her ample chest now and again, loving the sensual tone of her voice, and the playful glint of her eyes

"Truth or Dare. That does sound fun. Luckily they are a little more lenient with first class" he told her with a wink, his mind instantly trying to figure out how he could get a peak at those big tits of hers. But her admission to starting with truth made him think. He didn't want to ask anything to personal at first. Or did he want to cut to the chase to see how much of her was tease and how much was please

"Truth? Hmmm let's see" he said as he openly stared at her

"When you retrieved your button from my lap did you think about letting your hand wander?" He asked with a coy smile on his lips
She could feel herself blushing as the question came from his sexy lips. It made her wonder if she had been so obvious about her thoughts that he could have read them so well. What’s more, after he was through asking the question, her eyes immediately darted to his crotch.

“Okay, you got me,” she said resigned to let him know just how much.

“The thought did cross my mind and I think I did let my finger linger a bit longer than I should have. But actually my first thoughts were of joining the mile high club.” She winked at him.

“Now it’s your turn, whether you want truth or dare, and don’t worry, I won’t be asking your first thought when my button came off.” she laughed lightly and a sly smile creased her lips as she moistened her bottom lip with her tongue.
He chuckled at her response

The mile high club was something he was dying to join

"Well I guess my eyes may have lingered a bit there" he said with a grin as his eyes slid lasciviously to her open top and revealed cleavage. It looked delicious.

"I guess it was obvious then? And I think I'll take a dare" he told her with a grin, very curious to see just where her head was. She knew where his was, and he was more than sure where hers was. But he wanted to see just what she wanted
There was no doubting where each of the others minds were, it was just a matter of how far they would go or how they would get before Dallas. She had noticed his eyebrow raise a bit when she mentioned the mile high club and wondered if he had ever done that. She had never done that but had thought about it a lot, probably more than most women her age, 24, did.

Now he wanted a dare, a bold gesture she thought and appreciated. What should she dare him to do, she thought to herself. Then a wicked little grin came across her lips as she crossed her legs. The sexual tension building up was felt by both of them. Jenny looked around seeing that the stewardess had already picked up all the plates, leaving them with refreshed drinks and was now back at her station.

“Okay, I dare you to unzip your pants, not uhhh take anything out, just unzip them. If you do, then you can give me a dare when it’s my turn.”

She wondered if he would do it or end the game at this point. She was sure hoping he wouldn’t, besides he did have his jacket right there.
He smiled at her dare, he had watche her look around and was finding it quite cute that she didn't want him to take anything out.

He smiled at her, and he let his fingers tug the button if his trousers free, stepping it up a little, then slid the zipper down. He smiled a the way er eyes were fixed on his loins. An he wondered what she would think of his thick 10 inch cock when she felt it

"So then yours is a dare? I dare you to reach in there and tell me how long you think I am" he told her with a grin as her eyes glinted at the dare. Her chest was heaving with exitement, her full breasts heaving in her already well exposed chest. He though he might see nipples pressing on the fabric as she turned to face him a little better, the act parting her blouse a little further to expose more of one full breast, the soft inner curve swelling as her shoulders squeezed together

"Go on. Don't tell me your shy. Of you are I could always use my jacket as a blanket" he said with a wink. Just in case she needed some time to size him up. He himself was trying to decide if she was a D cup or DD
“Hmmm, I never really took much stock in size, but let me see,” she smiled excitedly.

Jenny turned so that she was facing his side, giving him a clear shot down her blouse as she leaned towards him. Her nipples were already beginning to thicken and tingle pushing her bra harder against her shirt.

She already was prepared to do something like this, just not sure what it would be. At any rate, she was starting to feel a bit feverish as she slowly moved her petite hand thru the opening of his pants.

“Oh my,” she whispered as soon as her finger slowly went down the length of his cock, her voice very low and sensual. “This might take a little bit of time, I never have been good with numbers.”

She took her time, slowly stroking him with just one finger. As she felt him grow thicker she wrapped her fingers around the head of his dick and stroked several more times. Her heart was racing now and she was really getting to feel hot. Lance was not only long, but extremely thick as well. She didn’t think she ever had something this size and with that thought she took a deep breath not realizing she had been holding her breath.

“You are huge, both long and thick, the women must love you a lot,” she whispered, but her eyes were focusing on his crotch, wondering what his dick looked like. By the feel of it, it had to be amazing. She then rolled her thumb around the head and felt him twitch in her hand.

“Well are you maybe 12 inches? It sure feels like it, feels real good.” she finally said.

She played with him for several minutes it seemed before she finally took her hand away. Her heart was still pounding and she knew her panties were damp.

“Okay, it’s your turn. I didn’t want to get you too worked up right yet.”
He was shocked honestly, but more thrilled than shocked, when er delicate hand deftly slid into his pants. His cock began to throb and swell instantly as she slid her hand over his cock. Her fingers training up and down his length along his thigh. Her fingers deftly toying with his sensitive head

"Take all the time you need" he told he with a grin as continued to you with him, her comments abou his size made him smile

"I'm glad you like. And i haven't had any complaints from the ladies, but I can't say they have ever flicked about me" he told her with a smile

He smiled at her guess as she slowly withdrew her had, his groin an obvious swollen tube along his thigh now

"Close. It's actually a little over ten when its fully roused" he told her with a smile as his heart continued to thunder in his ears

His eyes dipped down to her chest when she asked him what her dare was

"I dare you to take off your bra and leave it off for the rest of the day. But you have to take it off here. You can't get up to use the bathroom" he said with a smile as he openly oggled the swells of her breasts revealed by the severely undone blouse
“Wow, that’s not such an easy stunt, getting my bra off without taking my shirt off.” she said, although her voice was teasing.

First she looked to make sure the few people on the plane were still in their seats and the stewardess was still at her station. Once she felt more comfortable with that, she looked directly at him, his eyes seemed to glisten waiting for her to do the task. Jenny also realized that with her white blouse on, her dark nipples would probably be seen thru the shirt along with how erect they were.

She slipped one arm out of her blouse to let the strap of her bra down, then put her arm back in the sleeve. She had to admit her body was tingling with excitement at all they had been doing so far. Next she did the same with her other arm until both straps were off. Then she was able to reach around and unclasp her bra, pulling it out for under her shirt. She didn’t have to unbutton any more buttons, although there were only a couple left any way, she thought.

“Well, how about a dare from you, I dare you to tell me what size they are, you can use your hands if you need to, but you have to leave them covered.” she sighed pretending innocence while her eyes twinkled, her smile widened.
He watched as she twisted around, pulling her arms into her shirt one at a time. Then her chest heaved forward, her breasts swelling against her blouse. Then she pulled her lacy bra free, he smiled at how little the swell of her chest had diminished. No padded bra, and they seemed as firm without a bra as with

Her dare made him smile

"With my hands or without? " he questioned with a devious smile. Glancing around seeing that they were not going to be bothered he slid his hand up over I e full breast. He squeezed the delicious swell of flesh through her shirt, Noti g how his fingers didn't touch her chest. Her breast more than filled his hand, and he could feel her nipple pressing against his palm, her excitement palpable

"I'd say 36 DD" he said with a grin, letting his hand slowly slide free, his fingers trailing over her nipple as it withdrew.

"How'd I do? And are you going truth or dare?"
As soon as I felt my breast in his hand, my panties were more wet than damp. I had to remember we were on a plane and in public, less I get to comfortable with such pleasure and cry out. That would be so embarrassing. Of course when his fingers grazed my very erect nipple my body shivered from head to tall, the feeling so overwhelming hot.

It took me a moment to realize what he had said, but finally my ears were back to hearing again.

“You’re really good, you guessed right and on the first time. Guess you played with enough of them to get a feel for this type of measuring,” she teased.

“Let’s see, should I pick truth or dare?” I stated more than asked, lingering a bit, still feeling both nipples hard and tingly. “I’ll take dare, truth can always come some other time. So what will it be?”
He smiled at her compliment

"I have had my hands on a pair or two. But I must say, yours are delightful" he told her with a wink, his eyes slipping to the cleavage exposed by her blouse. The thin material showed her hard nipples plainly and he could see their dark color through the light shirt

He smiled when she spoke of truth

"Oh dear. Well that's simple. I dare you to unbutton your blouse and show me that pretty pair. You only have to flash me for a count of twenty, but you have to leave your blouse unbuttoned for twenty minutes" he told her with a smile, just waiting to see how she would respond

"After all, I've not fixed my pants" he said as he gestured down to the rising tent in his lap, his swelling member pushing his pants open so that the print of his boxers was plain to see
Jenny looked immediately to his pants and now noticed the very nice bulge he had along with the color of his boxers. Of course, she thought to herself that was a little different, the stewardess or customers could turn around or walk past any time with her flashing him and leaving her blouse open. There was no way she could keep her shirt closed enough to cover up once she unbuttoned the rest of the buttons.

She had sat, smiling at him with these thoughts, looking into his gleaming eyes and back down to that nice size bulge.

“Oh hell, I might as well, at least the seat will cover me a little bit.” she remarked with a grin. She slowly worked the buttons on her blouse until they were all open.

She then held her shirt wide open for him to view while she counted slowly to twenty. She loved the look on his face as he took in the view and when the count to twenty was over, she held up both her breasts, once in each hand and ran her fingernail lightly over each nipple adding to it’s hardness and hoping she had really turned him on. Just knowing that she did was a high in itself.

“So, like what you see?” she laughed in her sexy soft voice, now letting her shirt close on its own, although it still stayed open enough for him to get a good view. “Okay, you keep track of the 20 minutes. Now it’s your turn, truth or dare?”

Jenny might had looked a bit flushed, but not from embarrassment. She was really starting feel very hot and excited and wondered how this was going to end, her getting herself off later was a definite though, unless of course…. She let her thoughts stop there as she waited for Lance’s answer.
He watched her delicate fingers slowly working each button, then her hands pulled her short wife open. He gazed hungril at a beautiful pair of full perky DD's. her dark brown nipples where hard, capping the peaks of her tremendous rack. There was a pale triangle of flesh around each nipple. Soft fuzzy lines where the pale flesh turned to a light bronze

He licked his lips hungrily as he admired her chest with list in his eyes. Then she scooped each hefty tit in her small hands, making them seem even bigger, and ran her fingertips over her rigid nipples. He groaned softly as she let her shirt fall back into place, but it showed an amazing amount of cleavage before it came back together over her flat stomach

"I've had some experience with DDs but that is one gorgeous pair you have there" he told her as he finally pulled his eyes back up to hers, shifting where he sat to alleviate the strain in his pants, the bulge having grown significantly as he had watche her

"Oh I'm up for a dare" he told her with a devious smile, curious to see if she was half as turned on as he was