A little bit more respect for catholicism maybe?


Spitting Game Theory
Mar 27, 2001
Not the Catholic Church or the Archdiocese of Boston maybe but I would like to take one issue up here, mainly that religious tenets of Catholicism are paid way too little respect, mainly by the left.

I was raised Catholic, and as such, I have a healthy distaste for Catholicism. But I can't stand people who take on the church on things like letting Priests marry or female Priests.

I don't agree with the Church's position on abortion, homosexuality or pretty much anything but at least I respect the idea that they are religious beliefs and important to real catholics.

So, for my sake, when you hear someone say "Why won't they just let priests marry" or "Why can't a Woman be a priest" please file it away with "Take off that dopey Turban"
yes, cling to those sexist, homophobic tenants for the sake of preserving the purity of your religion. right on!
seXieleXie said:
yes, cling to those sexist, homophobic tenants for the sake of preserving the purity of your religion. right on!

Again, not my religion.

But I think a lot of things about a lot of religions are crazy. I usually like to keep that to myself out of respect for the beliefs of others. I think all religions, big and small, deserve that respect.
edited to say - it may just be too late for me to have this discussion right now
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Weevil said:
Again, not my religion.

But I think a lot of things about a lot of religions are crazy. I usually like to keep that to myself out of respect for the beliefs of others. I think all religions, big and small, deserve that respect.

i didn't say it was crazy, i said it was sexist and homophobic. as a queer woman i am not respected by the church, and while i respect everyone's right to believe whatever they want, i have no responsability to shelter them from the consequences of those beliefs.
seXieleXie said:
i didn't say it was crazy, i said it was sexist and homophobic. as a queer woman i am not respected by the church, and while i respect everyone's right to believe whatever they want, i have no responsability to shelter them from the consequences of those beliefs.

I don't think the current turmoil the Church is in has to do with a lack of Women Priests.

So you agree then, that it's stupid that people think that the Church should change it's doctrine to "keep up with the times"

Diablogrl said:
you know those are among the two biggest problems I have with the Catholic church...and I really don't think they are analogous to wearing a turban. My SO believes that there is such history to those beliefs they should be afforded deference...I suppose its a matter of opinion. Really, I don't care what others believe and think others have the right to believe whatever they want so long as they aren't injuring others.

The second part of your post is your business.

How does the analogy not make sense? It's something that doesn't make sense to anyone who believes in the religion but should be left to those who believe in the religion.
Weevil said:
Not the Catholic Church or the Archdiocese of Boston maybe but I would like to take one issue up here, mainly that religious tenets of Catholicism are paid way too little respect, mainly by the left.

I was raised Catholic, and as such, I have a healthy distaste for Catholicism. But I can't stand people who take on the church on things like letting Priests marry or female Priests.

I don't agree with the Church's position on abortion, homosexuality or pretty much anything but at least I respect the idea that they are religious beliefs and important to real catholics.

So, for my sake, when you hear someone say "Why won't they just let priests marry" or "Why can't a Woman be a priest" please file it away with "Take off that dopey Turban"
Worth quoting.

I owe ya a beer, Weevil.

Re: Re: A little bit more respect for catholicism maybe?

teddybear4play said:
Worth quoting.

I owe ya a beer, Weevil.

You and the rest of the world.
Weevil said:
I don't think the current turmoil the Church is in has to do with a lack of Women Priests.

i agree, however that doesn't mean that i don't think women should be allowed to be priests.

So you agree then, that it's stupid that people think that the Church should change it's doctrine to "keep up with the times"


that is part of what sets the catholic church apart from other churches, aside from transubstantiation and the whole mary thing. there are plenty of other christian religions that have "changed the doctrine to keep up with the times" so i don't think people are lacking for options. again, this doesn't mean i support the catholic church's point of view, but if that's what they think will get them into heaven then they can go right on being rightously homophobic and sexist :)
I think Catholicism should change. I think Islam should change. Too many religeous founders go out to the desert, and come back to tell everyone that the trappings are all bullshit just to have a new religeon with different trappings spring up. Sigh.
seXieleXie said:
i agree, however that doesn't mean that i don't think women should be allowed to be priests.

that is part of what sets the catholic church apart from other churches, aside from transubstantiation and the whole mary thing. there are plenty of other christian religions that have "changed the doctrine to keep up with the times" so i don't think people are lacking for options. again, this doesn't mean i support the catholic church's point of view, but if that's what they think will get them into heaven then they can go right on being rightously homophobic and sexist :)

Spoken like someone who has no respect at all for faith.

Weevil said:
Spoken like someone who has no respect at all for faith.


i have a lot of respect for faith, what i don't have respect for is those who use religion as an excuse to hate.
seXieleXie said:
i have a lot of respect for faith, what i don't have respect for is those who use religion as an excuse to hate.

I don't really think of someones deeply held religious beliefs as an "option" as you seem to.

And good catholics know that love is outdated, God is equally suspicious of all of us.
Weevil said:
I don't agree with the Church's position on abortion, homosexuality or pretty much anything but at least I respect the idea that they are religious beliefs and important to real catholics.

I think therein lies the the problem. To many people the Catholic Church no longer represents a religious body. That it is one is quite often forgotten in the general run of things.

I know when I think of the Catholic Church I think of the Vatican, the Holy see, those guards with the weird uniforms, money, power, corruption...

Everything that a sovereign country is. And if I think of its connection to God in any way at all I think of it as using God to gain more recruits.

I hardly ever remember that it's meant to be giving spiritual support and furthering the aims of God...

Weevil said:
I don't really think of someones deeply held religious beliefs as an "option" as you seem to.

And good catholics know that love is outdated, God is equally suspicious of all of us.

well i was always a bad catholic, and i suppose i still am since the pope says once you're baptisted you're a catholic for life, so maybe that's why we don't agree.

i think everyone has the ability to closely examine their deeply held religious convictions. i think that doing so would reveal "options" that do not require oppression and hatred in order to live a life that will get them into heaven/serve god/etc.
seXieleXie said:
well i was always a bad catholic, and i suppose i still am since the pope says once you're baptisted you're a catholic for life, so maybe that's why we don't agree.

i think everyone has the ability to closely examine their deeply held religious convictions. i think that doing so would reveal "options" that do not require oppression and hatred in order to live a life that will get them into heaven/serve god/etc.

Again, if you were a bad catholic who did well in religion class you'd know that these beliefs are based on love.
Weevil said:
Again, if you were a bad catholic who did well in religion class you'd know that these beliefs are based on love.

i am a bad catholic who did well in religion classes. that's why i know that jesus showed love and compassion to prostitutes and tax collectors, ate with the poor and didn't oppress anyone.
seXieleXie said:
i am a bad catholic who did well in religion classes. that's why i know that jesus showed love and compassion to prostitutes and tax collectors, ate with the poor and didn't oppress anyone.

and that Catholics love everyone else.
I was raised catholic, and have that same distaste for it (and all organized religion, actually), but I think priests marrying would be fine. I also think that female priests would be fine. So what if Jesus was a guy, it says in the Bible that God is neither male nor female, God is God (Jesus called him father as a way for other people to understand in a patriarchal society).

And besides.. where is the Church going to find Priests today, if not by letting them marry? Far too few people want to give up the chance for a wife and children to be a servant of God. Who says you can't serve God when you're married? And then there's the argument 'but you can't give God your all when you've got other things to worry about'. That's all well and good, but how can priests give advice to married couples? How can priests give proper comment to parents worried about children if they have no understanding of what having children is like? I believe letting priests marry would allow for a richer priesthood, one that is more connected to the people of the congregation, and one who not only spreads the word of god, but also understands the plight of men (and women).