A Leter From DreamTo the BDSM Forum:Goodbye

Re: Goodbye

~Dream~ said:

I am tired of acting like I am the center of the damn universe and noone's feelings matter but mine ,please forgive me for that also .

Asking forgiveness is insincere unless you stop the offending behavior.

If you want to stop acting like a selfish child...show some class and shut up about you and Art.

We're all sorry you are hurt, but like you said, you are not the center of the universe.
If you're leaving just leave and cut the theatrics. You'll be back in 2 days again anyway...we all know that. You included.
my letter cont'd

.fuck off lance
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Re: Re: Goodbye

Lancecastor said:
... you are not the center of the universe.

That's right. I am the center of the universe, and the sooner all of you people recognize that the better.


Goodbye Dream. I hope you find peace and happiness soon.
Re: Re: Re: Goodbye

Rubyfruit said:
That's right. I am the center of the universe, and the sooner all of you people recognize that the better.


Goodbye Dream. I hope you find peace and happiness soon.

Wait a minute Ruby, I though we agreed that you had Monday, Wednesdays and Friday; and I have Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

We left Sunday for Lance.

Well I don't give a crap what the lit fools think of me anymore. So, Lance and Cirrus, you are 2 very ignorant fools who need to learn some tact, empathy, and consideration. Noone made you read Dream's posts, hell you could have put her on ignore. However, you chose to read it, and you chose to prove what inconsiderate little boys you are. My recommendation would be for you both to get a life, find something better to do then shoot your mouths off at someone who is pouring her heart out. I pity your r/l partners.

Dream honey, you have to ignore them. You also have to stop blaming yourself so much. You know he's not going to publicly take any responsibility, but I think he tried to in the pm. Of course, he didn't do a good job of it, but hey, he's a guy. It's NOT all your fault, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll heal. Considering this is YOUR thread, yes, you most certainly are the center of the universe. I'm grateful that I met you when I did. I'm hoping that we can help each other with healing and understanding. I'll always be here for you sweetie. And as far as the fools who choose to prove their idiocy, just ignore them. You are far better then them, and you don't need to stoop to their level. Their just the vultures who thrive on other's pains and problems.
:rose: :kiss: :heart:
MsTerious said:
Well I don't give a crap what the lit fools think of me anymore. So, Lance and Cirrus, you are 2 very ignorant fools who need to learn some tact, empathy, and consideration. Noone made you read Dream's posts, hell you could have put her on ignore. However, you chose to read it, and you chose to prove what inconsiderate little boys you are. My recommendation would be for you both to get a life, find something better to do then shoot your mouths off at someone who is pouring her heart out. I pity your r/l partners.

Dream honey, you have to ignore them. You also have to stop blaming yourself so much. You know he's not going to publicly take any responsibility, but I think he tried to in the pm. Of course, he didn't do a good job of it, but hey, he's a guy. It's NOT all your fault, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll heal. Considering this is YOUR thread, yes, you most certainly are the center of the universe. I'm grateful that I met you when I did. I'm hoping that we can help each other with healing and understanding. I'll always be here for you sweetie. And as far as the fools who choose to prove their idiocy, just ignore them. You are far better then them, and you don't need to stoop to their level. Their just the vultures who thrive on other's pains and problems.
:rose: :kiss: :heart:

Welcome to the BDSM forum. Feel free to post about BDSM. but park your judgement at the door. Dream brought her downfall on herself, if you would spend three weeks reading the posts.

How do you know Dream is much better than all of the people in this forum? If you are so easily hoodwinked, I think you need to take your simple self back to the Personal Forum. We have known Dream much longer than you have.

BTW, if you care about her so much, why don't you hop a Greyhound bus and go see her? While you are there, take ther to the hospital that she has been threatening to go to for the last three days, but has not seen fit to make it there yet. I guess she hasn't had the time cause she has been too busy carrying on her online character assassination of everyone who has ever disagreed with her. if not for that, she should have bene in treatment by now.

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MsTerious said:
Well I don't give a crap what the lit fools think of me anymore. So, Lance and Cirrus, you are 2 very ignorant fools who need to learn some tact, empathy, and consideration. Noone made you read Dream's posts, hell you could have put her on ignore. However, you chose to read it, and you chose to prove what inconsiderate little boys you are. My recommendation would be for you both to get a life, find something better to do then shoot your mouths off at someone who is pouring her heart out. I pity your r/l partners.

Dream honey, you have to ignore them. You also have to stop blaming yourself so much. You know he's not going to publicly take any responsibility, but I think he tried to in the pm. Of course, he didn't do a good job of it, but hey, he's a guy. It's NOT all your fault, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll heal. Considering this is YOUR thread, yes, you most certainly are the center of the universe. I'm grateful that I met you when I did. I'm hoping that we can help each other with healing and understanding. I'll always be here for you sweetie. And as far as the fools who choose to prove their idiocy, just ignore them. You are far better then them, and you don't need to stoop to their level. Their just the vultures who thrive on other's pains and problems.
:rose: :kiss: :heart:

I know a lot of you don't go over to the GB often so you probably don't some of the people from over there have come here to post recently. Fortunately I do go over there so I am acquainted with some of these people, one of whom is MsTerious.

Dream pales in comparison to the MsTerious who is without a doubt the queen of all Lit drama queens. She has a sordid history here on the GB, and she tries to make friends by exploiting them during times of need. I just thought a little context about her would be helpful before anyone gets too upset about her. Sad to say that she wasn't intelligent enough to use the thread that Rose provided for this kind of crap.

A simple search and reading a few of her posts, especially from the Prettygreeneyes Playroom thread will give you a good idea of what kind of person she is if you want a good laugh.

The bottom line is she is not even worth responding to. I actually see more value in the trolls we have here than I do in her.
zipman7 said:
I know a lot of you don't go over to the GB often so you probably don't some of the people from over there have come here to post recently. Fortunately I do go over there so I am acquainted with some of these people, one of whom is MsTerious.

Dream pales in comparison to the MsTerious who is without a doubt the queen of all Lit drama queens. She has a sordid history here on the GB, and she tries to make friends by exploiting them during times of need. I just thought a little context about her would be helpful before anyone gets too upset about her. Sad to say that she wasn't intelligent enough to use the thread that Rose provided for this kind of crap.

A simple search and reading a few of her posts, especially from the Prettygreeneyes Playroom thread will give you a good idea of what kind of person she is if you want a good laugh.

The bottom line is she is not even worth responding to. I actually see more value in the trolls we have here than I do in her.

Whoops, too late. Maybe she will hop a Greyhound bus, and visit Dream. They can compare notes.

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Like Zip

I frequent the GB enough to know some of these people. I do not however go to the Playground, where I assume a lot of these people also come from.

You strangers really do all look foolish.... and need to mind your own business. This issue is not a one sided thing. And if you are going to only take into account one side, then you need to keep your hands off the keyboard and your opinions to yourself.

MsTerious said:
However, you chose to read it, and you chose to prove what inconsiderate little boys you are.

Just goes to show who's got all the information here...I'm a girl. At least last time I checked.
Cirrus said:
Just goes to show who's got all the information here...I'm a girl. At least last time I checked.

Perhaps you would like a second opinion? ;)
Like I care what you say about me.
You say that this situation has more then one side to it.
Well so does my situation.
And how silly of me, Cirrus, that must be why you're such a bitch!
Keep my opinions to myself? What fun would that be? And isn't this website for voicing opinions? Yes, I think it says something about free speech.
You all go about your lives, please do read my posts, won't bother me in the slightest. Even though you won't even see the other side while you're reading it.
And no, I don't exploit anyone. However, by telling Dream off like that, and putting in your 2 cents about the hospital, you're exploiting her. Hmm you probably won't even realize that, will u?
Oh well, have fun!! You deserve each other!!
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MsTerious said:
Like I care what you say about me.
You say that this situation has more then one side to it.
Well so does my situation.
And how silly of me, Cirrus, that must be why you're such a bitch!
Keep my opinions to myself? What fun would that be? And isn't this website for voicing opinions? Yes, I think it says something about free speech.
You all go about your lives, please do read my posts, won't bother me in the slightest. Even though you won't even see the other side while you're reading it.
And no, I don't exploit anyone. However, by telling Dream off like that, and putting in your 2 cents about the hospital, you're exploiting her. Hmm you probably won't even realize that, will u?
Oh well, have fun!! You deserve each other!!

Oh, I'm sure I speak for the whole forum when I say we're all just dying to hear your side :rolleyes:
You do realize that for every post you do,she will answer,right?

Unless you stop first,she wont.

Trust me on this,as not only do I go to all the other boards,I do occasionally post on them as well.
Oh good, that must mean that after this post the thread will die. I'm sure that you wouldn't do something that you're accusing the next person of doing, right? I mean, if I have to get the last word in, you won't respond now. Although, there are several times when you folks accused me of the same thing, and it was untrue then. Hmm it'll be interesting to see what happens now. I'm not posting here again, so if you do, don't go pointing fingers at the next person for doing something that you yourself do.

buh bye now
zipman7 said:
I know a lot of you don't go over to the GB often so you probably don't some of the people from over there have come here to post recently. Fortunately I do go over there so I am acquainted with some of these people, one of whom is MsTerious.

Dream pales in comparison to the MsTerious who is without a doubt the queen of all Lit drama queens. She has a sordid history here on the GB, and she tries to make friends by exploiting them during times of need. I just thought a little context about her would be helpful before anyone gets too upset about her. Sad to say that she wasn't intelligent enough to use the thread that Rose provided for this kind of crap.

A simple search and reading a few of her posts, especially from the Prettygreeneyes Playroom thread will give you a good idea of what kind of person she is if you want a good laugh.

The bottom line is she is not even worth responding to. I actually see more value in the trolls we have here than I do in her.

Hey dude you forgot Naughty N Nice ... I mean if they really want the whole picture, they'll need that ID too.

dixicritter said:
Hey dude you forgot Naughty N Nice ... I mean if they really want the whole picture, they'll need that ID too.


You're right dixi. I just figured I would save people the trouble of even getting upset by her nonsense.

We've had enough drama here over the last week.
zipman7 said:
You're right dixi. I just figured I would save people the trouble of even getting upset by her nonsense.

We've had enough drama here over the last week.

Enough is correct.... she can take it to the drama thread where she will be ignored or know she will be ignored here. ~smiling~

Hi ya Zip!
MsTerious said:
Oh good, that must mean that after this post the thread will die. I'm sure that you wouldn't do something that you're accusing the next person of doing, right? I mean, if I have to get the last word in, you won't respond now. Although, there are several times when you folks accused me of the same thing, and it was untrue then. Hmm it'll be interesting to see what happens now. I'm not posting here again, so if you do, don't go pointing fingers at the next person for doing something that you yourself do.

buh bye now

So why are you here now?.............................
Lancecastor said:
Perhaps MsTerious & UCE can start their own forum.....


Yeah, they can call it the "Chronic Pain" in the Ass forum