Beautiful Storm
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This story is CLOSED for BehaviorMod and myself.
Please Enjoy
Please Enjoy
The music in the club thrummed, the base vibrating against the walls, even the lights and glasses on the bars and tables were shaking with the rhythmic beat that pounded out the song being played.
A deep frown bowed the lips of the Lady, sometimes that damned music was just too much, to fucking loud, too much god damned base. The walls were rattling, it was fucking distracting.
Apparently it was not distracting the man she had, currently trussed up, against that rattling, base vibrating wall. She stood back for a moment to... observe... appraise... enjoy.... what she had before her. He was at least 6'2" tall, probably weighed in at 230 maybe 240 pounds. Not all muscle, but he was far from doughy and fat. Married for sure, even tho he had taken the ring off the finger, the shadow if it remained, the indentation, the slightly whiter skin. Mattered not to Lady Scarlett. She was not here to break up a marriage, hell, maybe this would strengthen it, who knows...
She didn't even know his name. Again, mattered not to her. She called him anything she wanted, from Little Bastard, to Pet, to Slave, to Mutt, whatever tickled her fancy at that particular moment...
"ahhh, does it still sting... my little mutt, my sweet little pet?" she croons in his ear, the whisper of her breath warm, tickling, soothing. The crop she had been using on him trailing down his shivering spine, over the curve of his reddened backside. He was secured tightly facing the wall. Arms chained over his head, feet chained apart, allowing her access to his balls, and of course his cock, from behind. Needless to say, he was naked.
"yes Mistress" he groaned, taking a deep, husky breath. Mistress, Lady, Miss S, she allowed him to call her any of those. But never her name. Never Scarlett. That was off limits as soon as she had him chained and in place. And Scarlett, was not even her real name. But that mattered not, now.
Sweat dampened his skin. He had been bound there for the better part of a hour, under the supervision of Lady Scarlett. She, herself, was adorned in black leather boots, a black mini skirt, a red tank top. Nothing fancy. She liked to keep it simple. That was one of the reasons why, not a month ago, she had cut her firey crimson red mane of hair from down her back, to her shoulders. It was just much easier to take care of, to deal with. And truth be told, it got her many many compliments, from clients and friends alike.

At his answer, she let a smile creep across her lips. It was always so much fun to hear these men submit, to hear them moan, whisper, beg, "yes Mistress". Sure, she knew there were others that played in this same club that were much more, harsh, than she was. The one that popped into Elle's mind, yes, that was Lady Scarlett's real name, Elle Seren... Lady Scarlett was simply her working name when she was "topping" at the club. But, again, the one Mistress that popped into Elle's mind when thinking of the various Top's, Dom's, and Submissives that the club employed, was Miss Jasmine. Such a demur, delicate name for such a harsh Mistress. The woman herself was just as demure and delicate, or so she looked.
But that was neither here nor there, Lady Scarlett, Elle, was not Miss Jasmine. Miss Jasmine catered to pain sluts, both make and female. Elle enjoyed with only male clients, and not exclusively clients devoted to pain. Her clients were simply seeking the submissive experience they craved, sometimes it involved pain, alot of times, not.
<SLAP> <SMACK> the crop hits home again and again, reddening the cheeks of his ass. For his back, she decided on a cat o'nine tails. That always left such pretty marks on one's back.
Now, do not be thinking that any of this involved sex. Some of the Tops, Doms, yes. But not Lady Scarlett. She enjoyed the aspect of seeing a man begging for her to touch him, begging her to caress him with whatever toy she deemed fit. But these men were nothing to her. And she was not about to sleep with them. Hell, most of them were married, and just looking to satisfy their submissive tendencies. Others liked the pain. That was all fine with her. Just no sex. It was that simple, in her own little world here.
2am, very early Saturday morning ... Elle sat down and took a deep breath. It had been a good night, her tips added up into over a thousand dollars. Her clients had gone away happy, well except for Mr. Penson. He had left crying, but hell, that was what he wanted... So all in all, it was a very good night.
She slips on her jeans, sneakers, leaving the red tank top on. It was a warm night, she didn't need her sweater. After cleaning up her "play area" she is finally heading home at 2:45AM, waving bye to Bruce, the big bouncer at the front door.
Of course, once home, she was much to wound up to sleep. This was the way it was for her.
After making herself a cup of tea, and changing into her comfortable sweat pants and plain white tee, she settles in front of the PC to do some web surfing, and maybe even some chatting. This was how she unwound, this was how she relaxed. Tho, truth be told, even tho Lady Scarlett, Elle, topped at "The Club of Masks" downtown, it was the submissive side of things that she sought out when online. Having discovered a new website, devoted to the writing and reading of sexual themed stories, chatting, and even some RPing, it was there, she again found herself this night. The Screen Name she had chosen for herself was a combination of her Club persona and herself, Lady L ...
She signed on.. taking a look for any of the familiar names that she had come to know...